The most profitable and universal type of communication: IP-telephony

The modern world dictates its demands, and the conditions in terms of quality, effective and profitable by material standards establishing a mutual connection anywhere in the world between people in different parts of the world, in particular, between business partners. At the same time, this connection was stable and reliable. Simple telephone systems and networks do not provide such an opportunity.

Currently, there is one of the technologies that provides an opportunity to establish contact with an interlocutor who is outside the visible view, and you can see it. This is IP-telephony, in other words, VoIP-telephony.

IP telephony is a communication technology that is implemented over the Internet or over IP networks and is provided over IP protocols, of which there are a variety. Dissemination of information through the communication channel takes place in a discrete form, that is, in the form of a digit, via the Internet, while the information signal before being sent to the addressee is compressed and broken into packets, and it also decodes the signal. At the moment, the popularity of the implementation of video-voice communication, IP-telephony overlaps the usual telephone networks, as it is presented in the form of "all in one" and is cheaper.

The superiority of IP telephony is that the communication channels are less loaded, with each packet arriving to the destination on its own path through different routes. The architecture of IP-telephony is a telephone network from gateways connected via IP-network, the interaction of which is controlled by the company "Yo-office".

IP-telephony is divided into several types of communication:

Computer - phone

It is carried out when one person or subscriber has a computer, and another - a regular phone. They can be completely in different places of the planet. Be sure to have a gateway to the second, connected with a telephone line with the possibility of establishing communication with any phone in the world. And the second one - a gateway connected to the Internet, which has the ability to communicate with any computer on one of the continents.


This connection is quite feasible, since practically all have a computer. Only it is necessary to have programs installed on the computer, with the help of which such a connection is organized.

Phone - phone

This communication is carried out in the centers of inter-city international negotiations. No computers. The first party has an IP-telephony gateway, through which the ordinary telephone calls to the other party - a subscriber belonging to the usual telephone network.