What class of spin is better in washing machines: modern indicators and their characteristics

In the process of choosing a washing machine, an ignorant person is confronted with a number of questions related to the technical characteristics of the device that affect its functionality. On one of them - what is the best class of spinning in washing machines - you can only answer independently, evaluating their capabilities and requirements for the final result. On the one hand, everything is simple - the higher the class, the drier the clothes on the output and the fewer problems with ironing. But you should not forget about other, no less important factors.

You can set the spinning class yourself, if for some reason you can not find the corresponding characteristic on the unit. The same approach can be used if you want to check the claimed data. It is necessary to weigh the linen after pressing, wait for it to dry and weigh again. After receiving the basic figures, subtract the weight of dry laundry from wet indicators, divide the result by the weight of dry laundry and multiply by 100%.

Spin-off classes in washing machines and their characteristics

Manufacturers actively use not all spin classes. Despite the fact that there are a total of seven, in modern machines only four are used.

A - the highest quality of pressing, ensuring that after removing things from the machine they will not be more than 45% moisture.

B - humidity level is from 45 to 54%.

C - the indicator corresponds to 54-63% of humidity.

D - in things remains from 63 to 72% of moisture.

E - the data range from 72 to 81%.

F - the humidity of the laundry reaches 81-90%.

G - things are practically wet, water is stored in them more than 90%.

This indicator affects the speed of the drum rotation in the characteristics of washing machines, but do not rely solely on this data. For example, 1200 rpm can represent both A and B class. Low speed is often used in small cars, with a small capacity.

What class to choose - the features of the various indicators

When thinking about which device to wash clothes to buy, do not immediately rush to the most expensive specimen with the highest characteristics, even if the financial position allows it.

First you need to consider the following points.

  • In practice it is rather difficult to distinguish adjacent spin classes. The difference will be evident only at a jump of 400-500 units.
  • The higher the drum rotation speed, the stronger the laundry is pressed against the walls of the washing machine. It is good for drying, but it negatively affects the texture of expensive fabrics. An additional disadvantage of this approach is the strong crumpling of things. The fabric will be almost dry, but it will be very difficult to pat.
  • The indicator of 1200 rpm and above is best used when the machine is fully loaded with a large capacity of the tank. In other cases, you can manage the indicator to 1000 units.
  • If you take the device class for the departure point, then you should pay attention to representatives of the C-group. They allow you to get a level of humidity, positively affecting the state of the environment, which is also quite good.
  • For spinning bed linen, products made of cotton and everyday things enough 800 revolutions. Delicate materials will be enough 400 revolutions, otherwise the product can tear, become tightened.
  • The maximum class of pressing is justified when washing dense things. It can be denim, burlap, towels.
  • When planning a purchase, it is impossible to sweep away such a moment as the power consumption of the device. Frequent washing will significantly affect the utility bill. And the engines of such machines with a high load will rapidly deteriorate.

Numerous studies on this issue have shown that the most cost-effective, convenient and optimal in terms of functionality is the B-class. These are not the most expensive, but reliable machines that can last for many years without adversely affecting the condition of washed laundry.


When choosing the best specimen among the variety of washing machines, it is worth paying attention to models with the function of pressing without ironing. In them, the drum rotates on a certain system, periodically changing the speed of work. As a result, the linen is not only better pressed, but practically does not crumple. It can simply be hung up to dry without the subsequent application of iron.

It is worth noting that a high class of pressing is often just a marketing move by the manufacturer and even a purposeful bluff. Less advanced instruments perform better, but they do not have to lay out a fortune for them. The indicator of the quality of spinning, of course you need to consider, choosing the right one among washing machines, but they should not be guided as the main characteristic.