- Than to wash the blood off the carpet?
- How to remove blood from the carpet?
- How to wash the dried blood from the carpet?
- How to remove blood stains?
- Useful tips
Anything happens in life: unexpected cuts, childish abrasions, broken noses, so knowing how to wash the blood off the carpet will be very useful. It's good, if the spot is seen on time and correctly eliminated, but what if the traces of blood a few days, and maybe weeks? There are several ways to remove blood from the carpet, which are described in detail below.
to the contents ↑Than to wash the blood off the carpet?
It's very important to notice the spot in time when it's still fresh - it's much easier to remove it. In order to quickly and qualitatively get rid of fresh blood marks on the carpet you will need:
- vacuum cleaner;
- ammonia;
- water;
- detergent;
- vinegar;
- dry wipes or towels;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- starch;
- aspirin tablet;
- soda.
How to remove blood from the carpet?
Have you chosen the right tool? Now proceed directly to washing the dirt with the cleaning cloth that is at your fingertips, and as soon as possible.
Method 1
First, try to wash the blood from the carpet with ammonia. To do this, follow a few steps following this step-by-step instruction:
- Take a dry napkin.
- Blot the desired area.
- Take 0.5 liter of cold water.
- Add 1 tbsp.l.ammonia.
- Blot the sponge in the solution.
- With light movements, wipe the stained area.
- Remove any residual ammonia with a damp cloth.
- Treat the area with a soapy solution.
- Vacuum cleaner.
Note: In this case, if there is no ammonia, it can be replaced with vinegar. The principle of application will be similar.
Method 2
Try to wash the blood with hydrogen peroxide. To do this:
- Blot the stain with a dry cloth.
- Take hydrogen peroxide.
- Fill with dirt.
- Leave for 1 hour.
- Soak residues with a damp cloth.
Note: Please note that this option is suitable only for of blood washing with on light carpet tracks. Dark can change the shade, and with the color washed pattern, if the stain is large.
Method 3
Another effective tool is conventional corn starch:
- Take the powder.
- Add a fresh stain.
- Wait until the starch absorbs blood and dries.
- Vacuum or sweep with a broom.
Method 4
The following method is not quite normal, but also effective:
- Take an aspirin tablet.
- Dissolve it in a glass of soda.
- Pour directly onto the desired spot on the cover.
- Leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Wipe with a brush.
- Remove residues of contamination with a damp sponge.
Method 5
It is impossible not to use an excellent cleaning and disinfectant - baking soda. She perfectly copes with all kinds of pollution, blood is also included in this list. To wash it off the carpet with this tool, do the following:
- Take 2 tbsp.l.soda.
- Fill with 1 tbsp.l.water.
- Place the resulting mush on the soiled area.
- Rub.
- Remove residues with a damp cloth.
Method 6
If you do not have any of the above listed at your fingertips, try cleaning the decorative covering with simple soap:
- Blot the stain with a dry cloth.
- Soak up the contamination with water.
- Wipe the brush with soap.
- Wipe this place.
- Remove soap residues with a damp sponge.
How to wash the dried blood from the carpet?
With fresh, timely identified blood stains on the carpet, it's easy to manage, but what about the dried blood? This seems like an impossible task, but it is still possible. Use one of the methods, based on the funds that will be at hand.
You may need:
- rigid brush;
- detergent;
- ammonia;
- rags and sponges;
- water;
- laundry soap based on bile.
Option 1
If you have a cleanser for floors, carpets or even dishes, you can use it as follows:
- Use a stiff brush to rub the stain.
- Vacuum the place.
- Take a glass of cool water.
- Add detergent.
- Flash.
- Blot the stain with a solution.
- Wipe with a brush.
- Remove any remaining dirt with a damp sponge.
Note: The spot may not disappear the first time. Retry the required number of times.
Option 2
If the result of the detergent did not suit you, try removing blood from the carpet with ammonia. Follow the next step-by-step instructions:
- Rub the dried stain with a brush.
- Vacuum cleaner.
- Prepare a solution of 150 g of water and 1 tbsp.l.ammonia.
- Moisten the area with plenty of water.
- Put a rag on top.
- Press down any weight.
- Leave for 1 hour.
- Remove the structure from the stain.
- Wait until it is completely dry.
- Vacuum cleaner.
Option 3
Another simple way to remove the old stain. To do this, you will need a special laundry soap based on bile - it perfectly corrodes any type of dirt, including blood. The use of this remedy is in simple instructions:
- Wet the stain.
- Well soap with soap.
- Leave for 1 hour.
- Wipe well with a brush.
- Use a damp sponge to remove the remnants of the product.
- Wipe with a dry cloth.
- Vacuum clean.
How to remove blood stains?
There are annoying cases when the main stain was washed, but there were unattractive divorces. This often occurs after the removal of blood on white or light carpets. Of these situations, too, there is a way out.
You will be useful:
- vinegar solution or lemon juice;
- soda;
- hydrogen peroxide.
Method 1
To maximize the use of vinegar or lemon when removing stains on the carpet, follow these steps:
- Take a glass of water.
- Add 0.5 cup of vinegar.
- Wet a light rag.
- Cover the stains.
- Press on the load.
- Leave for 1 hour.
- Rinse with cool water.
- Dry it.
Method 2
If you have a lot of soda, use it:
- Take 2 tbsp.soda.
- Add 1 tbsp.l.water.
- Apply to the stain.
- Leave for 30 minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
Method 3
To remove the stains with hydrogen peroxide, proceed as follows:
- Fill the stains with hydrogen peroxide.
- Wait for 20 minutes.
- The spot should disappear.
Useful advices
- Always use cold water, because when applied warm or hot, blood curdles.
- Never use bleach when cleaning the carpet, as this can damage the color of the carpet.
- Try to use neutral detergents first - liquid or household soap.
- When using a special detergent for carpets, carefully read the instructions for use and adhere strictly to it.
Clearly follow the cleaning rules and you will be able to return the appeal to the decorative coating on the floor. If suddenly, for some reason, our advice did not help, do not neglect dry cleaners - professionals will be able to cope with the problem literally in 2 days.