- Proper shoe care
- Daily cleaning of suede shoes
- Fight against shoe polished shoes:
- With what help can you remove stains from suede shoes?
- How to remove stains from salt stains and dirt?
- What should I do if the contamination is negligible?
There is hardly a woman or a girl who does not have at least one pair of suede boots, shoes, shoes. It is very difficult to imagine. Suede shoes are amazingly beautiful, comfortable, but incredibly capricious. Proper care for her is a whole art, but in this article we tried to collect all the necessary information that will help you in extending the life of your suede shoes.
to the contents ↑Proper shoe care
All subsequent cleaning of your suede shoes will be much easier if you give it your attention even before you start to go outside your home in it. Manufacturers recommend that at the time of buying products from suede immediately acquire special products that are available in the form of a spray. Using them, immediately process the acquired boots suede or boots, adhering to the recommendations that are available on the enclosed instructions.
Important! Suede - this is a material that does not like to contact with water. After the suede contacts with it, it becomes rough, and also loses its pleasant appearance. Therefore, it is very rare to wash suede shoes with water and only as a last resort.
When you purchase suede shoes, you must know that you will have to leave it at home and dress the other in rain or snow, and if you do not do so, then take protective measures. Before you go outside, each time treat it with a water-repellent spray, and if contamination appears, use a dry method to clean the outer surface of the shoe.
Important! Never try to make courtship for such material using a variety of sprays, as well as creams that are designed for normal skin.
to the table of contents ↑Daily cleaning of suede shoes
Just acquired suede shoes or boots should be treated with a special water-repellent agent. Further, as you wear, you should regularly clean the product from all dirt and dust with a dry soft cloth, and then spray the product over the entire surface of the shoe.
Important! Without fail, dry it for 10-12 hours. Periodically repeat the treatment.
Clean suede shoes every evening after removing it. If the dirt is very strong:
- Remove the bulk of the adhered but already dried ground with a brush and a dry flannel cloth.
- Add a small amount of ammonia to the soap solution.
- Dampen the shoe in the resulting mixture, and then wipe the suede. After you have finished doing this, do not forget to rinse the brush under running, clean water and re-run the entire surface of the material.
- Dry as far away from heating devices as possible.
We fight against shoe polished shoes:
- If your favorite suede shoes, shoes or boots shine in some places, you can clean them with ammonia. To do this, mix ammonia and water in a 1: 2 ratio. Dampen the wadded disk in the prepared solution, wipe the problem areas. Rinse with clean running water, and then walk through the brush, which is soaked in vinegar - 1 tsp. Acetic essence for 1 liter of warm water.
- The shaded area can be held over the steam or rubbed with an ordinary eraser.
- Another effective way is to walk through the sanded places with fine sandpaper. But just do not get carried away so as not to spoil the product.
- If suede shoes or boots with the time began to lose its color, at home it can be updated. Acquire a special paint, which is designed specifically for this delicate material and paint it all the shabby places.
- Brown chamois carefully cleaned with coffee grounds. Apply to the entire surface of the product. When it dries, walk on it, an ordinary dry brush.
With what help can you remove stains from suede shoes?
Let's consider some ways with which help it is possible to clean suede footwear from a different sort of stains in house conditions.
We use talc and gasoline
To clean suede from greasy stains, moisten them with gasoline, and sprinkle with ordinary talc from above.
Leave to react for several hours, so that the fat is dissolved in gasoline, and then absorbed by talc.
At the very end, walk with a stiff shoe brush.
Clean with milk, baking soda and ammonia
To clean the light suede from old dirt, prepare a mixture that will consist of 100 ml of milk, 1 tsp.baking soda, as well as a few drops of ammonia.
Wipe the stain with a prepared solution.
Using ordinary hydrogen peroxide
How to clean shoes that are made of light suede? If the milk-soda solution does not return your gentle pastel shade to your shoes, use hydrogen peroxide:
- Prepare a solution that will consist of peroxide and water.
- The darker your spot, the more hydrogen peroxide added.
- Wipe the suede with a cotton pad that moistens in the liquid you have prepared.
Important! This method can clean suede shoes only 2 times a month.
to the contents ↑How to remove stains from salt stains and dirt?
On the shoes after a pleasant winter walk, there are often whitish stains that appeared due to road salt. How to clean suede boots to eliminate such streaks?
The best fight against stains is to prevent them. A few hours before the exit directly to the street, apply suede shoes with a special water-repellent spray.
Important! Remember that the product must completely dry up, otherwise the snow will stick and stick to the shoes, so that it will get wet.
to the contents ↑What should I do if the pollution is insignificant?
- To begin with, clean the product of ordinary dirt with a brush, and then moisten the brush in the vinegar and remove stains from the salt.
- Wipe all treated areas with a damp, mild soft cloth.
- Dry and then apply to a cleaned, and most importantly - a dry surface remedy, which is intended for suede.
- As soon as it dries, brush one more time.
We hope that you could find in this article all the material that will help you in solving the problem of contamination of suede shoes.