- Than to clean shoes?
- Shoe polish
- Fabric for polishing
- Cloth
- Great shoe brush
- Small brush with handle
- Water
- How to clean shoes properly?
- Useful advices:
Shoe cleaning is one of the most regular and mandatory processes. Indeed, her state can tell a lot about the owner. Therefore, the proper care of this part of the wardrobe is taught from an early age. How to properly clean shoes? What tools will help you maintain its appearance? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.
to the contents ↑Than to clean shoes?
Nowadays there are a lot of tools for quality, easy and affordable shoe care. We invite you to get acquainted with them and evaluate their advantages.
If you choose, be guided by such factors as:
- cost of the facility - buy one that will be available to you for permanent use;
- its purpose - today manufacturers specify recommendations for the use of a particular cream or tool, for example, for smooth skin, for nubuck, for suede, for cleaning, for polishing, for removing odor, etc.;
- reputation of the manufacturer - substandard products can cause significant damage to the appearance of your products.
Shoe Cream
There are two types of creams: wax and cream. Features of each:
- Cream moisturizes the surface of the material and updates its color, with the shine will be average. An important nuance that will affect the quality of the shoe cleaning is the right choice of shade. If it is darker or lighter than the main tone, it can not only affect the attractiveness of the material, but even spoil it.
- Wax perfectly rubs fine lesions on the skin, leaving a pronounced shine. It is produced in only one shade - beige, which makes it unsuitable for updating products made of dark-colored material.
Important! When deciding what and how to properly clean shoes, keep in mind that the cream protects better against moisture.
to the table of contents ↑Polishing cloth
When deciding how and how to clean leather shoes, it is important what tool to choose for its processing. For this purpose, a special fabric is very suitable. Its features:
- polishes the surface of leather shoes;
- can be purchased at a special store;
- replace the professional polishing cloth with a piece of cotton.
A rag is needed for wiping off excess cream and removing light dirt such as dust. The main condition when choosing the right one for cleaning leather shoes was the right one - it should be soft.
to content ↑Great shoe brush
Such a device as a brush should be in every house. It is not difficult to choose it right - give preference to brushes with natural nap.
Important! Synthetic hard fibers damage the leather coating.
to content ↑Small brush with handle
This brush is used to remove dirt in hard-to-reach areas. You can use both a special brush and an old toothbrush.
to Contents ↑Water
The liquid is needed to remove dried mud and final polish.
to the contents ↑How to clean shoes?
Suitable shoe cleaning from leather depends on how contaminated the product is. If you need to remove dust or minor stains, you can simply wipe with a dry, clean rag. If necessary, moisten it with a little water.
If you do not clean shoes or boots very often or you seriously blot them - they require additional care with the use of all necessary means.
All the work takes place in several stages, which are detailed below.
Shoe preparation
This procedure is as follows:
- Remove the shoelaces, if any.
- Create an elastic surface for easy cleaning - put a wooden spacer in the shoes or just put crumpled paper in it.
Removing dirt and dust
Before cleaning, you need to cope with the task of how to wash leather shoes. At this stage of work, use a rag, water and a small brush:
- Use a cloth to wipe the entire surface of the shoes or shoes.
- Brush in hard-to-reach places.
- If necessary, moisten the cloth with water and wipe again.
- Allow the shoe to dry and proceed to the next step.
Application of the cream
The rules for the application of the cream must be observed in order to avoid damage to the surface and at the same time to ensure its renewal, to give an attractive appearance and gloss. They do not differ in complexity, if you act like this:
- In the right amount, apply the cream on the surface of the material.
- Rub it in a circular motion.
- Use a small brush to handle hard-to-reach places.
- Make sure the entire surface of the material is covered with cream.
- Leave to fully absorb for 20 minutes.
To shine as a new shoe, it needs to be polished. For quality work, follow this step-by-step instruction:
- Take a special horsehair brush.
- With sharp movements from side to side, treat the material.
- Dampen the cloth slightly for polishing.
- Polish to shine, rubbing the entire surface in a circular motion.
Lacing is the final step in shoe cleaning. The rules are as follows:
- Pull out the paper or spacer from the inside.
- Lace up.
- Leave to dry completely.
Useful advices:
- Wiping after drying can qualitatively remove the air conditioner.
- Store shoes between seasons using wooden spacers in boxes in a dry and clean state - this will help keep the shape of your shoes and shoes.
- Always use a spoon when putting on to prevent creasing.
- If the new pair creaks, oil it overnight with vegetable oil.
- Wet the shoes on all sides with a mixture of wax and lamb fat.
- Try to wear neatly - to put on and take off carefully and slowly.
We hope this article helped you understand how to clean shoes properly. Observing such simple rules, it will serve you for a long time, while maintaining a well-groomed and dignified appearance.