- Why do they shoe the sneakers?
- What can I do with running shoes if they are small?
- How do I resize a sneaker?
Having decided to go in for sports, or simply for the convenience of walking, you bought your sneakers, but at home, towards evening, it turns out that they are shaking you. What to do? How to carry the sneakers?
The main thing - do not despair, it is possible to stretch such a thing, so do not rush to change it to the one that is bigger. In this article, you can learn how to carry keds.
to the contents ↑Why are the sneakers hanging?
First of all I would like to answer the question: "Why did it happen that I did not notice that they were bothering me?".In fact, everything is simple. In the morning and closer to dinner, when you are not quite tired - you go and buy your sneakers, and by the evening your leg is swelling a little due to the load that she suffered for the day. Therefore, by the evening, the purchase already presses.
Important! From this it is worth to conclude that while preparing to go and buy shoes, plan this event for the evening.
And now we will discuss how to distribute sneakers and whether it is possible to carry sneakers in length.
to the contents ↑What can I do with sneakers, if they are small?
If you bought athletic shoes and it turned out to be small in length - there's nothing you can do now, it's impossible to carry sneakers in length. You can only advise you to sell them to someone or return to the store. But you can carry out narrow sneakers, and there are several ways to do it at home.
to the table of contents ↑How to change the size of sneakers?
If you are already tuned and set a goal by all means to quickly stretch your sneakers or sneakers, it's a little thing. Read the options below, arm yourself with the appropriate means and act.
Method 1
Often during the purchase you are advised to buy crosses a little less in size under the pretext that they will stretch and will almost fall off your feet. And in addition, they offer you a special spray so that you can quickly stretch them for yourself. And in part, these experts are right - some shoe wares actually wear out with time. And the spray will help you pass this process without losing all the charm of the appearance of your sports product.
Important! In order to carry sneakers with this tool, it is enough to spray it from inside each time before putting on shoes, and to wear it for several days for an hour. Soon you will see the result - the thing will become your size and yet it will not lose its attractiveness and form.
Method 2
If you do not have a specialized spray and you are not going to buy it, then proceed as follows:
- Wet the inside of the product with alcohol, which you need to stretch.
- Wear warm tight socks or, if you do not have them, then a few simple.
- Put on sneakers socks.
- Walk in them for 30 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure for at least 7 days.
Important! Places where crosses you press, it is necessary to seal with adhesive tape, so as not to hurt your legs.
Method 3
Do you have an urgent training today or tomorrow, and then you find out that your sports shoes are pressing you, and the previous options are too slow? This method describes how to quickly distribute sneakers.
Do the following:
- Wet tight socks or a few not very dense.
- Put them on their feet.
- Put on your shoes. Under the influence of moisture, they should stretch very quickly.
Important! If you do not want to walk in wet socks because it happens in the winter, or if you're just afraid of getting sick, then hold your sneakers over the steam and then put them on your foot on a tight warm sock. This method will also act very quickly.
Method 4
If you do not want to bother your legs with extra loads and at home you prefer to walk barefoot, then it will be very helpful to remember one of the grandmother's "recipes" how to stretch your shoes. In order to carry out the sneakers:
- Take a polyethylene tight bag and make sure that it does not have holes and damage even small ones.
- Put the bag in your shoes so that you can then put something on it or pour it.
- Pour water into this bag so that it fills your crosses by volume completely and place them in the freezer.
Important! If you recall the laws of physics, then when freezing, water increases in volume, which means that it will stretch your sneakers. This way can stretch your shoes to the full size.
Method 5
You can also stretch the sports shoe with wet paper. To do this, perform the following actions:
- Wet a large amount of paper and cram it into the thing you want to stretch.
- Wait for the paper to dry and try on.
- If the sneakers are still not suitable for you, repeat the procedure until you are satisfied with the result.
Important! To dry shoe products in any case not near the batteries and heaters. Leave them to dry at room temperature, otherwise - do not wait for the desired result.
Method 6
Castor oil can be used to stretch the sneakers. For this:
- 50 g of this oil should be applied to the inside of the shoe and leave them to soak.
- Wash the product in cold water after the time has elapsed.
- Bite and shave a bit.
Method 7
In the case where you are very careful about your legs and do not want to expose them to the above-described "torture", there is another way. Instead of your legs for stretching shoes, you can use special wooden stretches, which are also adjustable as desired.
Important! If you are not helped by our methods, contact the workshop - there you will definitely help and stretch your product in size.
Now you know how to get rid of the problem, if you shake the shoes. Do not blame yourself for this situation, because even the next time you will very painstakingly pick up a new thing, there is no guarantee that in a couple of days or even a month, she suddenly does not begin to rub your feet. Therefore, it is better to save these methods yourself and use them if necessary!