Shoes - footwear is worn everywhere - on the run, during outdoor activities. As a result, running shoes gathering dust, polluted and begin to smell bad. Not everyone knows how to properly care for them. In order not to waste my time, many people wash sports shoes once in a washing machine. But is it possible to wash sneakers in the machine, what is the probability that they are not pasted, and the car will not break - it is important to know if you want to extend the life of things.
- Manually or in the car
- washing rules
- drying shoes
Manually or in the car
Experts do not recommend washing leather products, because they can not argue that after washing shoes remain intact. While most owners of leather shoes claim that after washing their shoes remained in the original form or even deformed. They also note that the washing machine from these actions will not hurt.
Now stores offer shoes made of a combination of different materials. For example: a mixture of foam, rubber sole, leather and leather expensive. This type of sports shoes washed in a machine is prohibited, otherwise it threatens the loss of appearance. But it also refers to cheap shoe manufacturer dubious, to models that have reflectors, and a damaged toe. on sneakers decor elements may also fall off, or come unstuck. When washing shoes in the washing machine thing - do not forget to put shoes in a special bag that did not occur deformation and appearance has changed.
Experts say that some models are best washed by hand, for example:
- made of leather or leatherette. Such material may be pasted or crack under the influence of hot water.
- If the shoe has reflectors. They just come off of your shoes.
- If the shoes are made of cheap or low-quality material.
The shoes can be iron and other metal insertsAfter washing they formed rust, which spoil the look of the shoe.
- old shoes, Which is significantly worn. It can be torn off some of the details or look through the foam. Therefore, the shoes fall apart, and the foam can fall into the machine's parts and damage them.
- Expensive articles having a layer coating that repels water from the surface. After washing, this coating is washed away. To restore, you can buy in the store spray for shoes with water-repellent effect and apply a protective layer on a clean shoes.
Machine washable Recommend tested for quality shoes. Therefore, if there are doubts about the durability of shoes, it is best to do cleaning by hand.
The main reason for prohibiting sports shoes washed in a washing machine - is the glue in the product. Machine wash - it is a heavy process for footwear: exposure to high temperatures, fast rotation - all this can cause a lot of damage. The result can be this: soles and putting parts, the formation of rust on the metal elements, the loss of decorative parts polomkasamoy washing machine. But shoes are allowed in the car wash and, most importantly, observe the correct sequence. The main advantages in the washing machine - it saves free time and their strength.
Laundry shoes will need the following things:
- Special shoes bagAnd can be purchased at a hardware store.
- A detergent in liquid form or gel capsules. The liquid agent sneakers to wash better and are not formed divorces.
- Bleach or agent that retains color. The main thing that was missing in their composition chlorine.
washing rules
To properly wash sneakers in a washing machine, you need to prepare themselves sneakers. First remove all additions to the shoes: laces, removable insole. Laces and insole is better to wash your hands as laces can enter the machine drain hose and insole - deformed. Insoles can be washed in water by means of brushes, and the laces - conventional soap. Insoles need to wet, clean with a brush using a detergent and send out to dry. After washing the insoles is not necessary to dry on the battery, as they may crack.
Next you need to clean the shoes of fine dust from the street: sand, stones, sticks or even chewing gum. This will help straw, borehole or unnecessary toothbrush. From chewing gum can be removed by placing the shoes in the freezer for a while.
Before the procedure should be washing dunk shoes at some time in the water to get rid of excess dirt. These actions are very important, so as not to clog the filter of the washing machine, and keep it good performance.
Shoes should be washed in a special bagIntended for washing. It is desirable that the color of the bag was white, if there is only a color, it is necessary to find out if he does not fade. If this was not at hand, then you can put them in an old white pillowcase or add to a drum which some unnecessary things - cloths, towels. For best results, the machine must be added the economic powder and bleach, if shoes are white.
It can not be washed in the washing machine more than one pair of shoes at the same time. In addition, they will be much noise, they can break the door of the machine.
At what time to wash sneakers:
- When you select need to take advantage of the laundry for shoes, if such a function is available on the machine. If it is not, you should use delicate wash or washing gently.
Temperature is put not higher than 40 degrees. If the temperature is high, running under the action of hot water pasted.
- You should not include a spin cycle. Since the shoes will change your appearance for the worse, and the machine and its components significantly damaged.
- Shoes should not be dried in the machine drying mode to high temperatures, which is also bad for the sneakers.
drying shoes
After washing the shoes should be thoroughly dried. To do this, you need to stuff more into napkins or paper. The paper should be pure white or office. You can not use the newspaper as the ink from the ink can remain on the inside of the fabric. In this manipulation of the shoe to an end, now they should put out to dry in some place, putting them under a cloth to drain excess water. Should not put shoes in direct sunlight or on the battery. The sole can unstuck under the action of hot air. For their drying will be enough room temperature.
And also can dry shoes with a special device for drying. It is called the UV dryer, as the impact on the shoes with the help of ultraviolet rays. This device dry shoes for 3-4 hours. Dryer well dries shoes, disinfects against various fungal diseases and refreshes the internal tissue.
If the shoes are relatively expensive, it is worth finding the time to be cleaned regularly and clean them from dust, then no washing machine is not required.