- Purpose and device
- Material of the washing machine tank: which is better?
- Features of the drum
The drum of the washing machine is one of the main components of the device of such household appliances. It is this part that is subject to constant loads and temperature changes. Therefore, when choosing a suitable model, special attention should be paid to its strength and reliability of this part of the styralka. Which material is better and what else you need to consider in the process of buying, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Purpose and device
The drum and drum of the washing machine is a sort of "abdominal cavity" of automatic equipment:
- , laundry is loaded into the drum;
- , water is supplied to the tank with a detergent dissolved, and penetrates through the perforations to the laundry.
The drum of household appliances is always made of stainless steel, and the entire side surface, and in some models and the rear wall, this part is perforated. But the tank of the unit can be made of different materials.
Until recently, washing machines were produced with enameled tanks. However, the life of this technique was short-lived, because it was worthwhile to appear on the enamel at least a small crack and the metal beneath it began to rust. For this reason, many manufacturers of household appliances abandoned such an unreliable material, and began to make tanks made of stainless steel and plastic. Let's try to figure out the material for the tank in the washing machine - which is better, and how it affects the characteristics of household appliances.
Washing machine tank material: which is better?
Consider the main types of materials that are used to produce a very important part of the machine. Knowing all the pros and cons, decide which tank is better in the washing machine, it will be easy.
Enamelled metal
Metal tanks coated with enamel have recently been discontinued, although this type of product is very reliable in the course of washing, and the protective layer of enamel protects the metal from corrosion rather well.
In addition, a sturdy metal part does not crack during transport or during the washing process, due to sudden temperature changes, as is sometimes the case with plastic parts. But despite all the advantages, a washing machine with a metal enamel tank has a number of drawbacks, in particular:
- Huge weight.
- Not protected from impact and chips.
Important! With a long operation on the tank may appear chipped from the impacts of foreign objects. Enamel in damaged areas will begin to crumble, and without a protective layer, the metal rusts and collapses. After some time, the tank will start leaking, and the owners of the equipment will be faced with the question of replacing the part or buying a new machine, as metal tanks coated with enamel are no longer produced.
Every home appliance manufacturer has its own special polymer material, from which plastic tanks for washing machines are made. The characteristics of all types of plastic are also different. For example, the carborane in terms of durability, reliability and strength is not inferior to stainless steel, and in terms of thermal insulation and vibration damping even surpasses it.
The main polymeric materials are:
- Carborane.
- Silicatek.
- Carbotech.
- Polynox.
- Carferon.
- Polyplex.
Important! At the heart of all polymer materials is polypropylene with calcium carbide, which increases the strength and durability of the part to the chemical elements contained in detergents. The fewer different additives that contain plastic, the more fragile it is.
So, the plastic drum in the washing machine is good or bad?
Plastic products have several advantages:
- Do not corrode.
- Have a relative strength.
- Light enough.
- Do not allow water to pass through.
- Helps reduce noise when the drum is scrolling.
- Save energy consumption.
- Resistant to chemically active aggressive substances.
Important! Despite all the advantages, models with plastic tanks, when compared with analogs that have stainless steel parts, look more fragile and prone to mechanical stress. However, the composition of polymers is constantly improved, each manufacturer introduces something new, which means that the plastic parts are becoming stronger and more reliable. Therefore, the answer to the question, the plastic drum in the washing machine - is good or bad it is rather positive. In addition, the plastic itself is inexpensive. Hence - manufacturers always have the opportunity to reduce the price of equipment with polymer tanks.
No matter how manufacturers tried to improve and improve the composition of the polymer material, however, fragility and predisposition to splits is still the main, and perhaps the only, drawback of plastic.
Any incorrect transport or removal of the shipping bolts before use may damage the integrity of the tank and lead to breakage. After that, there will be no talk about the operation of household appliances, it is necessary to change the part or buy a new unit.
Important! The service life of high-quality, good plastic is 20-25 years, approximately the same as the period of operation of the household appliance.
Stainless steel
Tanks made of stainless steel can rightfully be called a "classic of the genre", as this material has been used for the manufacture of parts of washing machines for a long time.
To decide for yourself which tank is better in the washing machine, it is enough to take into account the following features of the stainless steel parts:
- It is the best contact with water.
- It is strong enough.
- Long service life - a quality stainless steel part can last up to a hundred years.
- Resistance to chemical elements - a piece of stainless steel will not deteriorate either from the action of various detergents, or from the effects of drugs from scale.
However, when compared with plastic products:
- stainless steel tanks are noisier, since the metal is not capable of dampening vibration;
- are heavier;
- because the metal does not have thermal insulation, the consumption of electricity models of washing machines with a stainless steel tank will be much higher than that of a technician with a polymer component;
- quality stainless steel tanks are quite expensive, and if you like an inexpensive model of such equipment, do not rush to buy it, as the quality of steel, welding and assembling units in cheap technology leaves much to be desired.
Important! Despite all this, the reliability of stainless steel covers all the shortcomings, which makes these models the most popular. Therefore, if financial possibilities permit, the positive answer to the question, which drum in the washing machine is better - plastic or stainless, will still be in favor of the second. However, if you are not going to often move household appliances from place to place, then give preference to the model with a plastic tank. And when choosing a washing machine, pay special attention to the technical characteristics, in particular, energy consumption and water consumption.
to the contents ↑Features of the
honeycomb The honeycomb is a unique patented invention from Miele, and you will not find it in the models of other brands of washing machines. According to the manufacturer:
- Drum of this type allows you to reduce the cost of electricity, which is important.
- The machine is more careful about linen.
- The absence of welded parts inside the part, thereby prolonging the service life.
Important! The peculiarity of the honeycomb drum in its device: on the inner surface of the detail are hexagonal openings, in appearance, similar to bee honeycombs. Due to the concave design of the holes, a thin film forms between the fabric and the drum during the washing process, which protects the material.
Of course, high-quality stainless steel is much better and more reliable than plastic, but you do not really need a hundred-year service life of a washing machine tank, and this is what is called "excess quality".Choose an automatic machine according to technical characteristics, functionality, according to your needs, and only then pay attention to the material from which its parts are made.