What are the types of multivariate

Multivark is able to eclipse any kitchen utensils by its functions and capabilities. She is able to cook soups, stew meat, fry and cook desserts. Multivarkers come in two varieties and they differ from each other in speed and way of preparation.

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  • Video: how to choose a multivariate - control purchase
  • Which multivarker is better than

Varieties of multivariate

Here everything is very simple - there are only two kinds: a usual multivarker and a multivark-pressure cooker.

Standard multivark

This model will work without pressure, and according to the principle of functioning it is similar to a rice cooker or cook. The food here is cooked evenly, and the lid is easy to open during cooking so you can check the readiness of the dishes.

Multivark pressure cooker

This is a pressurized device. This model is equipped with a special valve, which hermetically closes the cover of the multivark. Due to this, a special microclimate is created in the bowl of the multivarka, allowing the dishes to prepare faster.

More about the differences in the articles:

  • What is the difference between the multivarker and the pressure cooker
  • What is better: a multivarker or multivarker-pressure cooker

Let's look at the merits and minuses of each type of these kitchen helpers.

Read also:

  • Multivarker - pros and cons

Conventional multivarker( without pressure)

Advantages of Disadvantages of Application of
Allows quick and easy heating of food Prepares dishes long enough, some soups and borsch may last more than an hour Suitable for those who do notstrives to surprise with culinary masterpieces or just does not want to cook
Does not require constant presence and stable control of the cooking process Most often it is equipped with Teflon bowl, which is quickly scratchedrequires replacement Convenient if you do not need to urgently prepare food
Does not require a lot of oil There is no function to stir dishes, this will have to be done by yourself
Keeps the taste and aroma of each ingredient After cooking, the lid will not open automatically,
Heats evenly and prepares each dish Cooks one( in rare models - two) dishes
Replace oven, microwave oven and standard Cookie is not smootherThe
Saves the kitchen from the smells of cooking food
Compact and easy to use

This multivarker can be equipped with several cooking programs and additional functions - heating, postponing and maintaining the temperature. Such a device does not take much space in the kitchen, and the quality of the dishes will surprise. Now let's see what a model that works under pressure is noteworthy.

Multi-pressure cooker( pressure)

Advantages of Disadvantages of Application of
Prepares under high pressure and temperature inside the bowl, the temperature can be more than 100 degrees Size larger than the standard model and will take up more space Can cook any meals at high speed
Has more functions,than the standard model During cooking, the lid can not be opened - there is a great risk of burning yourself. The device blocks the cover Suitable for those who want to experiment and create their culinary masterpieces
Low power consumption The products that contain the liquid
are best prepared. Can extinguish dishes without adding oil and water - in their own juice. The device should not be left withoutsupervision
Prepares food faster than a conventional multidrug High cost( compared to conventional multivarkers)
Ideal for types of products that must be prepared for a long timeor be stewed - beans, beef, corn, peas Not all functions may be necessary for you.

Video: automatic multivarker pressure cooker

Such multivarkas are called a real "home cook" who will cope with products of any complexity. Many models are equipped with a steam adjustment function, which will speed up the cooking process in half. In the pressure cooker you can lay unfrozen foods, and some models have in their arsenal the function of "cleaning by steam," which sterilizes the lid and cleans the inner bowl.

See also:

  • Which multivark pressure cooker to choose

As you can see, the types of multivariate may be different, but they perform their basic functions successfully. The difference is only in principle and speed. Choosing your future assistant, pay attention to its equipment.

If you need a model that can quickly cook food and you will not be confused by its high price - stop on a device that works under pressure. If you do not have special requirements for a multivark and you need a simple but reliable model - choose a standard type.