Multivarka - universal kitchen assistant, the purchase of which reflects many mistresses. What is so attractive about this device and is it worth it to buy a multivark? Let's weigh all the pros and cons.
See also:
- Which multivarche is better than
- Video: how to choose a multivark - control purchase
"Independence" - plus or minus
Self-cooking. It is this moment that turns out to be decisive - hundreds of housewives will breathe freely and stop spending several hours of their time at the stove. We bought products, conducted the preparatory work, loaded everything into the device - and the multivarist herself will figure out what and how to cook it. Cooking becomes a favorite thing - you will only need to serve the already prepared dish.
This device deprives you of the ability to fantasize and "conjure" over culinary masterpieces to impress everyone with their abilities. In many models you will need to strictly adhere to the formula, otherwise you risk getting a completely different dish. A variant is also possible on the contrary - when the recipes created for a particular multivark should be independently adjusted.
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Simplicity - plus and minus
Ease of cooking is another important argument in favor of multivark. Cooking with such a device will be able to everyone - and a man who never cooked borscht, and a teenager, and just lazy. Dishes will also be difficult to spoil, because there is a special book of recipes or beloved by all the Internet.
Do you think if it's simple, it means - perfect? Not at all. Remember the previous point and the imperfection of the recipe. There is a chance in the end to get a dish that will be undercooked or over-salted. And again, such a device will not give you the opportunity to experiment.
Saves time and energy - plus or minus
Prepares itself, switches itself off, warms up itself - the multivariate does everything possible to ensure that you use your time efficiently and do not stand over the stove, afraid to digest or overcook your food. You do not need to follow such an instrument and you do not need to control every cooking process. This feature will be valuable for those who can not cook.
Time to save a multivariate, but your electricity consumes with great force. The more modern and functional the model, the more power it has and, correspondingly, the higher the electricity consumption. If you have to cook several meals a day several times, this assistant will increase your expenses.
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multivark A variety of functions and programs - the merit or disadvantage of the
The multivarker can be equipped with modern technology of 3D heating, heating and heat support functions and almost completely replace several kitchen appliances. You will not need to use a microwave.
You can set the exact time of cooking or heating the dinner, which is very practical if someone is late from work. The device will also be able to prepare dessert, yogurt and ice cream, take care of the baby food in the form of milk porridges. In this respect, the multivar is indeed indispensable.
Like any other device, a multivark is just a technique that can break down and become unusable at any time, the bowl of the device can be scratched or cracked. The repair of the device will cost a lot, so either you have to buy a new one, or purchase additional parts. You can avoid problems if you take care of the multivark, take into account the features of coating the bowl and gently clean the device.
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You have become acquainted with the merits and "pitfalls" of the device and now you can decide whether you need to buy a multivark or you can do without it. One thing is for sure - such an assistant will not only make it easier for you to "kitchen" life, but also replace a few standard household devices. If all the shortcomings do not frighten you, then make your choice in favor of multivarkers can be safely and confidently.