- Do you need to bake at home?
- Why bake bread?
- How does the bread maker work?
- Home bakery - economy is obvious
- How to choose a bakery for home?- Criteria for choosing
- Basic programs for bakery
- Additional programs for
- Additional options for bakery
- Which bread maker should I choose?- Review of popular brands
Today, one of the most popular devices of household kitchen appliances is the bread maker. How to choose such an assembly to completely be satisfied with its work? The choice must be made consciously and with knowledge, so that the beliefs of those interested in selling sales consultants and feedback from people are not knocked over from the correct definition of the model. How to choose a bread maker, what parameters to pay attention to when buying and what features can be useful to you in the kitchen, and our article is devoted.
to the contents ↑Do you need to bake at home?
Some people are ardent opponents of hammering free space in the kitchen with various appliances, thinking that bakery is absolutely useless and unnecessary thing. Bakery products are now sold at every step, why waste effort and bake at home?
These people probably never tried freshly baked bread, which was prepared by this device. Otherwise - they would not say so, because cooking flour products at home, you are confident in the quality of the products and know what they put inside.
Important! Unfortunately, some bread producers bake it from the lowest quality flour or from ready-made mixtures, the origin of which is in doubt. To improve the taste of the product in baking, synthetic additives of a cheap sample are often added, which have an adverse effect on our body.
And the price of bread does not say anything at all, because even in the most expensive and elite buns can be harmful additives. All this is one of the important reasons why it is worth buying a bakery.
Why bake bread?
This device will be truly indispensable and the most commonly used unit in the kitchen in the following cases:
- If your family lives in an area where the store is far away, or there are problems with the delivery of bread to it. If for the summer you are leaving to live in a dacha in a village, then baking is the first thing that you have to pack with you.
- If you watch for proper nutrition and eat only natural products.
- If you are an ardent supporter of eating only homemade food. Perhaps you still remember the smell and taste of homemade bread baked in the oven. In this case, you need this device.
- If your family likes delicious bread, because modern breadmakers have a lot of functions that allow you to cook different breads.
- If you do not have time to mix the dough, but the flour products are loved by all members of your family. Many units have such a function that greatly facilitates the work of the hostess.
How does the bread maker work?
The first such unit was developed in 1987.Since then, it has been greatly improved. The operating principle of the breadmaker is almost the same. The device has in its design an engine, one or two heating elements and a container for ingredients, in which there are blades for mixing the dough.
Important! The container is usually coated with a non-stick or ceramic coating.
From you you only need to put all the ingredients in the required proportions in the capacity and select the program. The rest will all make the bakery itself:
- mix components;
- will heat up the sponge;
- will allow the dough to steep for a while;
- kneads the dough;
- will bake;
- will keep the baked goods warm for a few more hours.
As soon as the bread is ready, the unit will sound a beep, announcing that its work is finished.
to content ↑Home bakery - economy is obvious
This unit is not worth a penny, but if your family consists of 4-5 people, then its cost will be repaid in a year. About 1 kg of flour produces about 4 loaves of bread, weighing 400-450 grams.
The rest of the ingredients that are required for making a delicious bread are not expensive. Therefore, you can safely say that choosing a bread maker( expert advice in this will help) and purchase it is very profitable, both for the family budget, and for the health of all your household members.
to the contents ↑How to choose a bread maker for the house?- Criteria for choosing
To determine which bread maker is best among a large range of models offered in the store, it is necessary first of all to pay attention not to the appearance of the unit, but to its characteristics. So, what parameters are important in this device, how to choose the bread maker correctly?
Volume of baked bread
This parameter is one of the most important criteria for choosing a bread maker. Before buying, be sure to determine the amount of bread that is necessary for your family per day.
Proceeding from this, it is worth choosing a bakery:
- Models can bake 450, 680, 900 grams of bread at a time.
- Some devices are designed to produce all three volumes of baking.
- Recently appeared models that allow you to immediately bake 1500 grams of bread at a time. For a large family this is an excellent option.
Body material
The body of the bread maker can be made of metal or plastic. Which baker is better?- The choice is based on these recommendations:
- The metal case is more durable and resistant to temperature changes. It is guaranteed to last you longer.
- Breadmakers with a plastic casing are cheaper. They are easy to use, because the stains from the water do not remain on the plastic, and it just cleans. But with the impact this material easily crack.
Important! A poor-quality plastic can give off harmful substances when it is heated.
This parameter of the device directly affects the time of cooking bread and the amount of electricity consumed. The breadmaker capacity can vary from 450 to 1650 watts.
Important! If you want to choose a bread maker for the house, then the optimal number of this indicator will be 550-900 watts.
Number of blades
The device can have one or two blades for mixing the dough. If you think that the number of oars is responsible for the quality of the knead, then this is not entirely true. The power of the unit in this process is also very important.
Practice shows that if the baker has sufficient power, the number of blades does not play an important role. But the number of rubber gaskets, which isolate the bottom of the tank from leaks in the places where the blades are installed, is best minimized. From frequent and prolonged contact with liquids and greasy components, the gaskets are spoiled.
As a rule, the bread maker takes up a lot of space. Therefore, before buying immediately determine where it will stand at you and how much space you can afford to allocate under it.
Important! The weight of the device can vary from 4 to 10 kg.
Inspection window
This design element not only decorates the bread maker, but also allows you to observe the process of baking bread.
Important! A large viewing window due to the fact that it contributes to some heat losses from the bread maker, often causes the absence of a beautiful ruddy top of the bread.
to the contents ↑The basic programs of the bakery
Any bread maker model has a set of basic programs.
Represents the main and basic program that implements all processes for bread preparation. In time, it usually takes about 3.5 hours.
All models of this instrument have this program. About 2 hours is spent on baking. But the mistresses use it infrequently, as the loaves and bread do not come out so lush and tasty. And this is not surprising, because the kneading test is not carried out so carefully.
Mixing the test
This function works differently for different models. Some devices are able to knead only the dough for yeast, others - to prepare dough for rye bread, the third - are designed for cooking different types of baking and have for this several types of blades. Accordingly, the more functions of kneading the dough, the more expensive the bakery model will cost.
Color of crust
This option allows you to choose what kind of crust you want to have on baking: pale, golden or fried.
to the contents ↑Additional programs of
The availability of additional programs and their number depends on the price of the device. If you want to get more from the unit than delicious "normal" bread, then you can choose a bakery with the presence of other interesting programs.
French bread
The longest program that allows you to cook a special bread - airy and soft.
This program for different models works in its own way. Some devices completely fulfill all the cooking processes, while others only bake cupcakes.
Important! Based on user feedback, this program is often not used, because the process is quite laborious, and the ideal recipe to choose for your device is quite difficult.
The function is not very popular among consumers, as the time goes by quite a lot, and the result is a small jam jar.
Important! Producers also assure that this program saves a lot of vitamins in the finished product, which can not be said about jam cooked in the usual way.
Rye bread
This program is very useful, and you will use it uniquely. Do not always eat only white bread.
Other additional functions
Breadmakers, in addition to the described options, can have the following functions, which you will use or not - it's up to you to decide:
- Baking with additives.
- Pumpkin Pie.
- Baguettes.
- Honey-mustard bread.
- Sour creamy loaf.
Important! If these functions are not present in the bread maker you have chosen, then there is a high probability that with the help of the main program you can sift this and other delicious pastries. The main thing - to choose the right recipe.
to the table of contents ↑Additional options for the
Baker Many machines are not limited to baking delicious bread and other baking. Some models can boast a set of interesting features.
Heat maintenance
This option works like a thermos. Thanks to it, even after two hours after the end of baking, the bread will remain warm and will have a fresh fragrance.
Automatic weight adjustment
This function allows you to change the size of the baked bread. If you needed to bake a smaller loaf, then it will take less time to bake it.
Important! In devices where this option is not available, the cooking time from the number of products loaded does not change.
Very useful and necessary option. With its help, you can put off the start of any program for 6-15 hours. Also, thanks to the timer, you do not need to stand all the time and monitor the operation of the device.
This innovation is a special compartment, from which at the right time, additional ingredients are poured into the dough. In models that do not have a dispenser, you can add the necessary components after the sound signal simply by opening the lid.
Child lock
This protection prevents the cover from opening during operation. This function is not always in demand, because the bread maker can simply be put in a place inaccessible to children.
Memory in the event of a power failure
This function allows the device to dispense without electricity for 5-40 minutes. That is, after connecting to the network, the unit will continue to operate from the point at which it disconnected off-schedule. This option is especially useful when the house often has power interruptions.
Overvoltage protection
This function increases the durability of the unit.
to the contents ↑Which one to choose the bread maker?- Overview of popular brands
When we come to the store and observe a large number of different brands with different prices, we do not know how to choose a bread maker. The expert's advice boils down to simple: choose a proven brand, under which not only devices are produced, but also component parts.
Important: The brands Moulinex, Kenwood, Panasonic, Philips, LG are tested, for which cooking books are written and the Internet communities are dedicated. More loyal in value, but good in quality are Supra, Scarlett, Mistery.
Consider the most popular models of bread makers.
Moulinex OW613:
- Represents the device capacity of 700 Watts.
- Has a metal case.
- The test volume can be up to 1.5 kg.
- 2 kneading paddles perfectly cope with a large volume of dough.
- Allows you to bake a large assortment of products, since it has 19 automatic cooking programs.
- Equipped with a timer that can delay the start of the program for up to 15 hours, and a dispenser.
Panasonic SD-2501WTS:
- The power of the unit is 550 watts.
- The maximum volume of baked bread is 1.25 kg.
- The case of the device is made of plastic.
- Number of blades for kneading - 1.
- Has in its arsenal 12 programs for baking.
- Equipped with a dispenser and timer, designed for 13 hours.
Philips HD9016:
- Device power 500 watts.
- The device has a plastic housing.
- The kneading is carried out with one blade.
- Bakes up to 1 kg of bread.
- Has 12 programs for baking.
- Additional options: 13-hour timer.
Kenwood BM260:
- Power model 455 watts.
- The body of the device is made of plastic.
- The maximum weight of baking is 1 kg.
- Has 11 programs.
- Additional options: 15-hour timer.
Mistery MBM-1201:
- Power of the Baker - 500 W.
- The maximum weight of baking is 750 g.
- The dough is made with one blade.
- Has 12 programs for baking.
- Equipped with a timer, calculated up to 13 hours.
Supra BMS-150:
- The power of the unit is 530 W.
- The bakery case is made of plastic.
- The dough is kneaded using a single blade.
- The maximum weight of the finished baking is 500 g.
- Has 5 programs.
The above rating is just an example of the most popular models among buyers.
If you want to choose a bread maker personally for your needs, then first of all you need to start from them. Think about how often you will use functions such as baking cupcakes and cooking jam. Based on this, you will understand whether you need to overpay for these functions or any other additional options. If this purchase is your first such device of such purpose, then choose a simpler model. The taste of home-made bread often depends not on the bread maker model, but on the quality of the products used for this.
Buck at choosing a bread maker the advice given in this article and your purchase, be sure, will delight you and your family for many years with tasty and flavored bread.