- The most common faults
- We disassemble the unit with our own hands
- Repair the drum yourself
- How to contact the service center correctly?
The breakdown of any technology upsets its owners, and if it's a washing machine - even leads to confusion, because this is the main assistant for the au pair. Washing machine is an integral attribute of any apartment, and life without it is simply impossible. Almost every day the device copes with heavy loads, putting our things in order. We'll figure out what to do if the washing machine breaks, how to proceed correctly.
to the contents ↑The most common failures of
Some failures are minor and can be easily eliminated on their own. For this, it is enough to look at the operating instructions of the device. But it also happens that self-repair is not only useless, but also greatly exacerbates the situation. Incorrect actions when trying to repair the unit also lead to a rise in the cost of the services of the service center, which can not be dispensed with.
Consider the common faults and their causes.
The machine does not drain the water
This is the # 1 breakdown among others, as its main reason is the careless operation of the device.
Important! In 90% of cases the washing machine breaks down due to incorrect installation and violation of the rules for its further use. And only for the remaining 10% is the factory marriage and wear of the parts of the unit.
For sure, you will remember not one case, when you forgot to check the pockets of clothes before washing. The drainage system just clogs up due to the ingress of small items such as coins, buttons, invisible objects, etc. during the washing.
The reason for this may be a malfunction of the drain pump.
What should I do?
In both cases, the housing must be disassembled to clean the hose or replace the pump. If you are not sure of your abilities, we recommend that you immediately contact a specialist.
The appliance is shocked by the
. If the washing machine shoots an electric current, it is probably incorrectly installed. Probably, the reason is incorrect organization of grounding.
What should I do?
This problem is dangerous, so you should not risk - just call the wizard.
Do not rotate the drum of the washing machine
If you loaded a lot of laundry into the drum and your washing machine broke, the drive belts most likely broke.
Also, the drum can stand still because of the weak tension of the belts.
If the latter are all right, it is probably a problem with the engine of the unit or because of the small objects inside the housing, as in the situation with the clogging of the discharge system.
What should I do?
The decision should be made, depending on the source of the fault. Whether it is worth calling a master or trying to repair yourself - it's up to you. To avoid additional malfunctions in the device, we recommend that you bring in a specialist.
"Stiralka" does not turn on
Was the washing machine broken and does not "want" to turn on? There may be several reasons:
- Power button failure;
- No electricity;
- Network Filter Violations;
- Breakdown of the device that blocks the hatch door;
- Socket fault;
- Control panel failure.
What should I do?
You need to act, depending on the source of the failure. But in any case, we advise you to contact the master better if it is not about the elementary lack of current in the power circuit.
Important! The most difficult of the above faults is the last one - the failure of the control panel. The module may burn partially or fail completely. In both cases, call the repair shop.
High vibration during washing
Excessive noise and vibrations often occur due to installation of the unit on an uneven surface or when the laundry is not correctly distributed in the drum. Vibrating, "Stiralka" tries to spread it evenly.
If the vibration is accompanied by a grating - your washing machine is broken. And the cause of the malfunction lies in the bearing.
What should I do?
The bearing must be replaced in this situation. You can do it yourself or with the help of a service center.
Rust on the drum walls
The rusty stains on the tank indicate a malfunction of the drum shaft.
What should I do?
In case of damage to the shaft, it is necessary to entrust the work to professionals.
Water under the washing machine
Your washing machine has broken down, if you see water under it. The reasons for its appearance are many:
- Hose damage;
- Jam in the dispenser for detergents;
- Malfunction of the nozzles for recruiting water;
- Damage to the door hatch cuff;
- Drum leakage;
- Oil seal fault.
What should I do?
After finding out the source of the fault, repair or replace the defective part yourself or with the help of specialists.
Important! If the dispenser does not pass water, it should be cleaned or the water pressure decreases.
The appliance does not heat the water
In this case, pay attention to the heating element. Problems with TEN are among the most common breakdowns of washing machines. The failure of the heating element is due to the formation of a scale and soap film from detergents.
Important! To avoid the appearance of a plaque on the TEN, it is recommended to choose the right detergent, avoiding the options with increased foam formation, and to comply with the recommendations of the detergent dosage.
When the heater is OK and the water is still cold, the washing machine has broken down due to the temperature sensor. In the event of a malfunction in the thermostat, the control panel locks the water heating signal. So the system of the washing machine competently prevents the next breakdown.
What should I do?
The heating element and thermostat must be replaced in case of failure. Contact a professional or try a repair yourself. Special skills and great experience are not required here.
Washing machine does not wring
If your assistant after "rinsing" refuses to squeeze, this does not always mean that the washing machine has broken down.
Perhaps you just forgot that the spin function is disabled or not provided by the program.
Important! In some washing machines, this function is not available for special programs. Basically it concerns washing of delicate fabrics and footwear for sports. It does not hurt to look again at the operating instructions of your unit.
Very often the washing machine does not squeeze the laundry due to its uneven distribution into the drum
What should I do?
In the second case, we recommend an experiment. Activate the spin program with an empty drum. If the process starts - the machine is working.
The water started to recruit, but in the tank it does not get any more
If the washing machine broke down this way, the cause is in the litter of the drainage path, or in the malfunction of the drain pump. All the fault - the wrong connection of the drainage path, as a result of which the water is drained.
What should I do?
- Try adjusting the drain connection - the free hose should not touch the water.
- If the path is blocked, it is necessary to separate the hose from the pump and eliminate the cause of the clogging.
- Well, a faulty drain pump must always be replaced with a new one.
Set of water does not stop, accompanied by inclusions of the drain pump
In this "behavior" of the device is to blame the level switch. Despite the fact that it has adjusting screws, it is only set once - in the manufacture of a washing machine.
What should I do?
To avoid a flood, we recommend that you contact the service center.
to the contents ↑We disassemble the unit with our own hands
If you are confident in your abilities, have a clear idea of the device of the washing machine and know where to get the necessary components - the repair will not seem particularly difficult for you.
In most cases, if the washing machine has broken down, you will need to disassemble it. Depending on the fault, the instrument must be disassembled either completely or partially:
- To reach the solenoid valves, the pressure switch, the heating element, the counterweights and the engine, remove the top and rear covers of the washing machine with a screwdriver.
Important! The heater can be located either in the front or in the back of the washing machine. It depends on the manufacturer.
- To remove the heater, it must be disconnected from the wires. After that, unscrew the nut, push out the screw, located in the center and get the part.
- The control board will open when the detergent drawer is removed and the front panel is removed.
- If the washing machine is broken due to the bearing, you will have to reach the drum.
The strap from the drum can be removed easily:
- Unscrew the bolt.
- Remove the bushing with the pulley.
- Unscrew the bolts at the center of the crosspiece.
- Hit several times with a wooden hammer along the axis of the tank.
Important! We recommend removing the bearing using a special puller. If you do not have it at hand, you will also have to use a hammer.
The serviceable bearing is put in place of the old one again with a wooden hammer.
to the contents ↑Drum repair by yourself
The tank may be damaged due to foreign objects entering it during washing. The presence of foreign bodies in it is usually notified by the characteristic noise during the operation of the washing machine.
Important! The cause of noise can also be damages of shock absorbers or dampers. If the whole matter lies in them, with a strong push on the drum and a sharp pulling of the hand, the tank will continue to oscillate. When the suspension is in order, the drum stops immediately.
What to do:
- The holes in the enameled tanks are eliminated by the "cold welding" budget method.
- Cracks in plastic drums are usually sealed with a thermal foam, which has the ability to heat up to a temperature of more than 300 ° C.
- Payments for the drum should be selected in accordance with the material from which it is made.
- If the washing machine has broken down, since the metal drum has failed, solve the problem with welding.
Important! Welding a drum of metal can not do cheaply. In some cases, instead of repairing it will be more reasonable to replace a faulty tank.
to the contents ↑How to contact the service center correctly?
If you do not understand the technology at all or the breakdown is so serious that even with experience in repair there are fears to damage the device - the only way will be to attract specialists.
Determine how much you are willing to invest in repairing the
The service center will offer you original components, the price of which is significantly higher than that of parts from other manufacturers.
If you want to save money, call a private workshop or a specialist who works alone. In the latter case, the recommendations of friends or acquaintances will not interfere.
Important! The price will also directly depend on the degree of complexity of the breakdown. If the cost seems too high for you, consider whether it is worth starting repairs. Maybe it would be wiser to get a new "helper"?
Preliminary read the serial numbers
If the washing machine has broken down and the source of the fault is approximately understood, before fixing the specialist, fix the model data on paper.
It is necessary to rewrite:
- Full name of the brand from letters and numbers( for example, Samsung WF8590NLW9DYLP);
- Serial number;
- The product number( if specified separately);
Important! The data for most models can often be found not in the operating manual, but on the body of the unit itself. The paper with the desired digits and barcode of the washing machine is glued to the cover of the drain filter or from behind, behind the door of the hatch.
Find out the approximate cost of parts
What spare part is to be replaced in each particular case, I hope, this article prompted you. Before contacting the service center it will be useful to know in advance the approximate cost of the item that failed.
Important! The real professionals of their business work with quality details, which they order themselves, from reliable suppliers. It is unlikely that they will use the components you bought in the market or through an online store.
If the washing machine has broken down, saving on the details is unreasonable: you will spend money for nothing, since after installing cheap spare parts the device is unlikely to work properly and long. Remember: quality repairs are the basis of the long service of your washing machine!