Air wash - device for home

  • Why do I need to humidify the air?
  • What cleans the air wash?
  • How does the air-cleaning device
  • work? What is the difference between air-washing and a classic humidifier?
  • How to choose a sink for air?

Our well-being depends directly on the climate in the room where we live. The desire for a comfortable life has deprived us of fresh air - plastic windows do not let the air from the street, and central heating in winter heats up and dries air. But intelligent engineers created a device that allows to maintain optimal air parameters not only in houses, but also in offices and industrial premises. This modern and multifunctional device is called air cleaning. It is intended for moistening and cleaning the microclimate.

The novelty was quickly appreciated by consumers and it became popular and popular. It's very difficult for ordinary people to understand all the variety of models, so in this article we will focus on the selection criteria and advise that it is better to choose: air washing or a humidifier.

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Why do I need to humidify the air?

Our body can not feel comfortable if it constantly breathes warm and over-dried air filled with electrified dust. Due to the high dryness of the air, static electricity increases, which is created by a huge amount of household appliances located in the house or office. Dust, getting an electric charge, often rises in the air.

In summer, because of the heat, we are forced to sit behind closed windows with the air-conditioner turned on, but in 80% of cases the air conditioner gives only a cool, but it does not bring fresh air. Any air conditioner not only dries the air, but is often a source of pathogenic bacteria( if you regularly clean the home appliances).

Microscopic specks and villi, which are separated from clothing, as well as systematic cooking at home leads to air filling with greasy soot. Also, the quality of the microclimate and cigarette smoke deteriorates. The most serious damage to our health, in this way of life, is causing dust, bacteria and dry air.

Care for a comfortable, healthy living environment is reflected in the GOST standards. They show the optimal air temperature, humidity, which can ensure a favorable state of at least 80% of people with a long stay in a particular room.

Important! According to the norms, the optimum temperature is from +20 ะก to +22 ะก. The humidity index is from 30% to 45%, in winter when heating the premises - 40-60%.The room requires sufficient ventilation and a degree of air purification from dust and other impurities.

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What cleans the air wash?

The best way to clean the air is to clean the air, as household appliances of this type immediately moisturize and purify the air of mechanical impurities:

  • Dust.
  • Wool of animals.
  • Gary.
  • Fibers of fabrics. Pollen of plants.
  • Bacteria and viruses( if you drip a few drops of oil in the water with a disinfecting effect).

Important! Another undeniable advantage of washers is the lack of replaceable materials, because throughout the life of the device, you do not need filters, cartridges and other consumables that are necessary for other air cleaners and humidifiers.

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The principle of the

air-wash device The operation of the air-wash is based on a simple principle:

  1. The air sucked by the fans enters the plate drums wetted with water.
  2. Impurities contained in the air, upon contact with water, settle on the bottom.
  3. The air coming from the device is saturated with moisture at the molecular level.

Important! The speed of air exchange depends on the power of the fan. In the process of washing the average power the air is run through the filters 2-3 times for an hour.

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What is the difference between an air sink and a classic humidifier?

Both air cleaning and classic humidifier( ultrasonic or steam) solve one task, but the performance of these devices, according to users, is significantly different.

In a room where air washing is installed, it is much easier to breathe, the air does not seem stagnant, besides, there is no feeling of dampness, as is often the case if a conventional humidifier is used. It is these that are found about air-washing reviews.

This high quality of air treatment is possible due to the fact that the manufacturers of this device took care of such important aspects:

  • Air purification, accompanying the process of humidification.
  • The air is saturated with moisture naturally. Thanks to this, the humidity remains at the optimum level without the use of various sensors and automation.
  • Full circulation, allowing the entire volume of room air to pass through the cleaning cartridges several times within an hour.

Advantages of washing before the humidifier:

  1. Passing through the air sink, large contaminants( dust, wool) settle on the discs and drain into the water tank, small contaminants( spores of fungi, plant pollen) on the discs do not linger, but pass through moist fog andsettle on the floor. To get rid of them, you just need to do a wet cleaning. In steam and ultrasonic humidifiers, the air purification function is not implemented.
  2. The water vapor produced by the sink is distributed evenly around the room, as the unit is equipped with a fan whose output is selected according to the volume of the room. When the humidifier is in operation, the water vapor is distributed unevenly, so it may be waterlogged and the air will seem musty and bleak.
  3. The operation of air cleaning does not result in the formation of condensation and salt deposits on the walls of the room and furniture.
  4. The design of the air-conditioning evaporator is completely identical to the processes occurring in nature. It implements all the principles based on a number of physical laws and, due to this, the possibility of supersaturation of air with water vapor is excluded, and the humidity level in the room is in the range from 40% to 50%.In air sinks, there is no need to use a variety of control and measuring equipment, as well as automation, in contrast to ultrasonic humidifiers.
  5. Care of the air-cleaning device is quite simple. It is only necessary to clean the container.
  6. Air cleaning consumes a small amount of electricity.
  7. The air-handling unit works almost silently.

Important! The only drawback that spoils a favorable picture is the high cost of the installation itself and the relatively large size. Therefore, for smaller rooms, the purchase of a steam or ultrasonic humidifier is more justified.

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How to choose a sink for air?

For today on sale it is possible to meet an air-cleaning device from different manufacturers, therefore, before to buy this or that model, pay attention to the basic criteria of a choice.

Area and humidity level of the room

If the humidity in the room is too high, the additional humidification function will not be required. Air wash must be selected for a particular room. It can not be put in a corridor for use in 2-3 rooms, since air does not penetrate walls, and openings and open doors are not enough for him.

In addition, you can not transfer air cleaning from one room to another to clean the environment in several rooms at once, because the humidification of the environment during the operation of the device is due to the natural evaporation of water, and as in nature, this does not happen quickly. Therefore, if the source of moisture intake disappears from the room, the air will again become dry. As a result, you will not achieve the necessary comfort humidity anywhere.

Important! You can transfer from room to room only powerful ultrasonic humidifiers. They are able to evaporate water very quickly.

Fan power and functionality

The capacity of the fan depends on the volume of the treated area, and the number of drums affects the quality of the filtration.

Noise level

If there are small children in the house or there are family members with a disturbed sleep function, then select the device with the minimum noise level. Pay attention to models that are equipped with an additional quiet mode of operation at night.

In devices operating with different noise levels, various technologies are used:

  • Hydrofiltration technology is the creation of a multi-tiered water curtain in the center of which there is a water tank with a rotating cone-shaped rod. The technology is noisier.
  • Due to water wheels rotating in water. The discs are covered with droplets of water and, due to their rotation, a "water bath" is created. From above, the discs are blown by a fan, which increases evaporation. With this technology, the noise level directly depends on the fan.

Presence of the function of aromatization, ionization and bacterial treatment

Not all air wash has additional functions. Of course, the ionization of air is necessary in the current conditions, but the device with such a function will serve a little less than the washing of air without ionization. Therefore, perhaps you'd better buy a separate ionizer.

If you want to choose an air sink for decontamination, stress removal and mood improvement, it is enough to drop a few special oils into the water tank.

Important! Some models of the device are not designed for use of essential oils, since plastic discs can absorb odors and deteriorate.

Stability and reliable protection

All washing devices are equipped with protection against switching on without water, and also do not work with the cover removed. This is very convenient, especially if the house has small children.

Tips and Tricks:

  • When buying a device, pay attention to the manufacturer's brand, as well as the warranty period provided. It is advisable to read the certificate. Good manufacturers subject their technology to mandatory additional tests and confirm this in the relevant documents.
  • The quality of the work and the service life of the air-cleaning unit depends on the attitude to it, as well as the observance of the operating rules. Any washing should be washed once a week, so that no microbes form in standing water. Rinse the water tank with a cloth and rinse the discs with a shower. Water should be changed in the device every 3 days.
  • To replace water as little as possible, you can use a sink with a silver rod that comes with some models.
  • Stop the reproduction of microbes and specially designed hygiene additives. These are surface active substances that do not evaporate, but act only in water and destroy microbes that have got into it from the air. Hygienic additive is supplied with some models of sinks, and in the future they can be bought up as they are used up.

We hope that thanks to our advice, you have created comfortable living conditions in your apartment, and also provided comfort to your pets and plants. If you chose the right device, then there is additional benefit - cleaned air has a beneficial effect on the state of furniture, as well as floors made of natural wood. Good health to you!