TV - it's practically the center of attraction of the whole family. Thinking interior room with flat-panel must be considered as one of the key elements. Therefore, many people are interested in, at what height to hang the TV on the wall. It's a bit more complicated than it seems - is not enough just to find a free wall.
- 1 Selecting a location
- 2 Methods for calculating the position
- 2.1 Practical
- 2.2 Mathematical
- 3 The height of the board positioning
- 3.1 In the living room
- 3.2 In the kitchen
- 3.3 In the bedroom
- 3.4 In the children's
- 4 recommendations
Selecting a location
A properly installed television will be comfortable for the eyes, and all the wires will be announced rationally. That is why even when the purchase is necessary to consider the size and design of the LCD or plasma. When deciding where to set up the machine, consider the following:
- TV's height from the floor must comply with the growth of the viewer and the height of the sofa;
- necessary to provide clearance for ventilation technology;
- convenient when there is free access to the connectors and buttons on the back surface;
- angle should not exceed the recommended data sheet;
- Just do not screen should not lose the light, as it will worsen the quality of the display image;
- positioning the TV is necessary so that it does not interfere with the movement of the room, otherwise there is a chance to catch him.
Normally the panel is in front of the recreation area, on a pedestal or wall. Previously, this place stood out in the furniture wall. But today, for the replacement of such a decision come wall mounted. It saves space, fits well into the interior and removes the unnecessary wastage for the purchase of furniture for TV.

Methods for calculating the position
There are several ways to determine the optimal placement of the TV in the room. One of them is based on a practical approach, and in other calculations apply distance and height depending on the characteristics of the equipment.
The distance from the viewer to the panel should provide:
- good visibility, in which the eyes do not get tired of the stress;
- a full review without the need for head rotation.
Practical way the easiest way to understand how best to position the TV. To do this, you need to sit comfortably in a chair and look at the wall. The first point, which falls view - the center of the screen. If the seats in the viewing room a few, it is necessary to hold such an experience with each, and the points should be noted. Then identify the place with the highest density of marks - this will be the optimal area for installation of television receiver.
Keep in mind that relaxed look will be slightly lower. In addition, the view should be convenient for children, so it is necessary to align the techniques below. Also pay attention to how the light falls from windows and other light sources, so that the image on the screen was not marred.

To calculate the distance at which to hang the panel, you can use the formula. The distance from the viewing position to the TV is dependent on the device size. And apply different rates for different image clarity:
- 720p resolution for optimal viewing distance from the place to be 2-2.3 display diagonal.
- When picture quality at 1080p distance can be calculated by multiplying the diagonal at 1.5-1.6.
Therefore, when buying appliances should also be guided by the size of the room where it is installed. It makes no sense to buy a 2-foot plasma in a small room, because watching it will still be uncomfortable.

The height from the floor to the lower edge of the television receiver should be 0.7-1.2 m. The center of the screen must be located at a height of approximately half a meter. But this calculation is valid rather for a bedroom or living room, for children's food and these numbers will be different.
The height of the board positioning
Different rooms position of the panel will vary based on a number of function rooms and other features.
In the living room
More often than not put a TV in the living room, because there are hosting, and an evening watching a movie is in the room the whole family. panel mounting height in the room is subject to all the generally accepted principles. Calculate it can be both practical and mathematical methods.
Given the multi-tasking of the room, mount better to make too universal. For this is well suited with a flexible arm. Setting the TV on a stand, too, is possible - in this case it can be rotated to the viewer a comfortable angle at least in the vertical plane.

In the kitchen
TV set in the kitchen usually running in the background. Its basically do not even look, and listen, occasionally glancing at the screen. Here the best option to install a wall at a level of 179 cm from the floor with inclined bracket at a slight angle. This will allow comfortable to watch programs as work standing or sitting down at the dinner table.

In the bedroom
Watching your favorite TV shows in the bedroom passes lying or reclining in bed, so the flat-panel can be hung on the wall opposite. The distance is defined in only one way - practical. This is due to the fact that the height of the beds, mattresses and pillows in the number of all different, it is impossible to line under the default settings. Position yourself comfortably on the bed and find the optimum point for the location of the TV on the wall.
It looks good bar, hovering near the ceiling. Installation is possible in this way to special hangers and hang up the screen at an angle, so that the image could be seen without distortion.

In the children's
In the room where the children sleep and play the basic criterion of selection of the place under the TV set - security. We recommend using a rigid attachment, the child can not independently move anything.
The optimum height - 1.2-1.5 m from the floor to the bottom of the panel. In this case, all mounting brackets and wiring will not be available to children of preschool age. Do not forget that children often play sitting on the floor, so you need to ensure a slight tilt of the screen down to the picture did not look dark.
In addition to all the rules of selection and calculation of space for the installation of the TV, keep in mind a few tips:
- Bracket and fasteners selected on the basis of weight equipment. It would be better to make a small margin of safety.
- If the unit decided to hang on a plaster wall - select a place, where the mounting profiles.
- That image was marred by sunlight is necessary to take care of the presence of heavy curtains or blinds.
- With a lack of experience is better not to install the panel on their own, and call for expert help. The master has all the necessary tools and knowledge to hang a TV technician to quickly, safely and without damage.
TV has long been there in almost every apartment. Therefore, to ensure viewing without adversely affecting the vision and spine, keep in mind all the above rules. Mounted on the optimum height screen will decorate the interior and will be comfortable for the audience.