- How to remove the smell of plastic from an electric kettle?
- Method 1 - universal lemon
- Method 2 - indispensable vinegar
- Method 3 - modern alternative
- Method 4 - cheap soda
- Useful advices
Quite often we come across a situation where after buying an electric kettle at its use we feel an unpleasant plastic smell. Although the plastic case itself does not seem to have a pronounced plastic odor. This effect is very simple. All these unpleasant smells provoke chemical dyes and plasticizers, abundantly added to plastic. They improve the appearance of the electric kettle and extend the shelf life. The question arises - is it harmful to boil water in such a teapot? In fact, this is not harmful, only one small nuance: do not leave water for long, boil and use in the volume you need. This minimizes unpleasant odors. But we'll tell you how to get rid of the smell of plastic in the electric kettle.
to the contents ↑How to remove the smell of plastic from an electric kettle?
The smell of plastic can be expressed brighter or less, but still if it is, it will start to confuse you with time and even annoy you. As a result, the pleasure of buying will be blurred, and the desire to heat the water in it will disappear. In order not to bring the situation to such a critical situation, it is better to immediately learn how to remove the smell of plastic in the teapot, spend half an hour of your time and forget about it forever. Or at least until the next purchase of the same device.
You can, of course, try different household chemicals, but not the fact that it will not then settle on the walls, will not absorb into the structure of the material, will not contaminate the water, because of which you will then get a severe allergy or other unpleasant sores. Therefore, to begin with, or rather - as the only correct option, we suggest that you take advantage of the best home remedies. All of them perfectly compete with dirt, smells, without causing harmful effects - neither on materials, nor on the human body.
to content ↑Method 1 - universal lemon
In this method of three options, one component is lemon. But you can apply it in different ways. As you will be more convenient, and do, because the main thing is to get the desired result.
Option 1:
- Fill the kettle with water to the maximum level.
- Take 2-3 packets of citric acid and rinse them into water.
- Turn on the kettle and simmer the resulting solution.
- Then leave it for 12 hours.
- Then repeat the procedure and rinse with running water.
Option 2
The procedure is identical to the first, only the difference in the ingredient itself. Instead of lemon acid takes 2-3 lemons, depending on the size, squeeze the juice into an electric kettle and complete the procedure with all the step-by-step steps, how to remove the smell from the teapot using the citric acid described above.
Important! If necessary, the procedure can be repeated until the maximum effect is achieved with no foreign odors from the household appliance.
Option 3
And the smell of plastic can be destroyed with lemon peel. In it, often a large concentration of active substances, so the result can be more rapid. The principle of using this part of the fruit in order to get rid of the smell of plastic in the electric kettle is the same:
- Fill the kettle with half a lemon skin and fill it with water as much as possible.
- After you have boiled the resulting liquid, leave the kettle for 10-12 hours.
- Then repeat the procedure and wash the electric kettle under running water.
Method 2 - indispensable vinegar
If the lemon can be found in the refrigerator mainly by season - in winter it is so nice to drink hot drinks with a shock dose of vitamin C, then vinegar is unlikely to be absent. Even if they are rarely used, still the bottle is "in reserve".
To get rid of the smell of plastic in the electric kettle this tool:
- Take a half cup of 9% vinegar. You can add 2 and a half spoonful of acetic essence( 70%) - the desired effect will be achieved more quickly.
- Fill the kettle with water and add a vinegar cocktail.
- Turn on the kettle and bring to a boil.
- But in any case, do not boil, otherwise - all the liquid will pour out. Just by turning the button off, you control the working temperature of the mixture.
- In the end wash the electric kettle with running water, it is possible several times to remove the specific perfume from the vinegar itself.
Important! Applying this tool, it is better to turn on the hood or open the windows - see the situation and the weather on the street. So the caustic vinegar flavor will not persecute you for another whole day.
to content ↑Method 3 - modern alternative to
Drinks such as Sprite, Cola and the like have a small amount of orthophosphoric acid in their composition. It, according to scientific research, is not hazardous to health, and at the same time, it is this component that allows you to quickly remove the plaque from the teapot or get rid of the smell of plastic.
To apply it, just pour about 1 liter of the drink into the kettle, boil, allow to stand for a while and then rinse thoroughly all the internal walls with running clean water.
to the contents ↑Method 4 - cheap soda
Soda is another miracle remedy that for years has been used by housewives in everyday life, and not just for lavish baking. With its help, you can wash the tile, bath, toilet, clean the plastic, wash any stains on clothes. And it helps to remove the smell from the refrigerator and, of course, with the same ease this penny powder will cope with your new kettle.
The standard process for using soda to get rid of the smell of plastic looks like this:
- Fill the appliance with water and cover 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda.
- Then the procedure is not changeable - boil, drain the solution and rinse under running water.
Useful tips
If, at the conclusion of these manipulations, your new kitchen appliance does not change the smell. He still smells of incomprehensible synthetic, and from your head there is no question how to remove the smell of plastic in the teapot.
Important! Unfair producers use low quality plastic. Therefore, the smell will not disappear. When using high-quality material, electric kettle for the second time boiling water, does not exhibit a negative smell of plastic.
Can I return a poorly manufactured electric kettle back to the store and, without prejudice to my health, return my blood? Can!
To do this, you need to determine some circumstances, what exactly is wrong with this electric kettle: size, style, kettle of inadequate quality or other technical characteristics. Depending on the manufacturer's factory, you will be offered to change it to another model or return money.
Important! Return of the kettle or exchange is governed by the laws on the protection of consumer rights and the return of goods by the consumer.
In order to return the goods, you need to know:
- documents should be with you;
- fiscal receipt( if not, you can refer to the testimony);
- return of goods during the warranty period;
- if the seller does not agree with the poorly purchased goods, then he, at his own expense, analyzes the quality of the goods;
- requirements for the return of funds are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date of its presentation;
- if at the time of presentation of demands for the return of goods it costs more, then you have the right to demand compensation for this difference;
- if the goods are bought on credit, then you are refunded the money paid.
And is it worth "fighting" with the manufacturer for a plastic kettle?
Despite the fact that PVC products surround us today everywhere, plastic electric kettles are not the only kind of these irreplaceable helpers in making tea and coffee. In the abundance of assortment you can choose metal, glass, ceramic. Of course, they will cost you more, but quality is a guarantee of health, but this should not be saved. And to solve a problem how to get rid of a smell of a plastic in such devices, it is not necessary for you.
Although they also have their drawbacks, which you need to know about to determine the ideal model for yourself. For example:
- metal electric kettle has the property of heating;
- glass and ceramics are relatively fragile materials, with one awkward movement can break and cause injury with hot water.
The right of choice is always yours.
We hope that you will take into account all our recommendations, and you will not be mistaken with the model of the best teapot for you. So - your cooked aromatic coffee or tea will never be spoiled and will not spoil your mood.