Laundry for your own washing machine for washing machine out of the available ingredients

Today, the use of various water softeners and rinsers for washing has become commonplace. But very few people know that it is possible to make a conditioner for linen by oneself, which is much more profitable than to constantly buy such funds. And the quality of the result own mixtures are not inferior to industrial ones.

What is required?

If you read the composition of air conditioners that are presented in stores, the list will be impressive. And not all ingredients are good for health, especially for a child's body. Of course, there are on sale good rinsing agents - on a natural basis, hypoallergenic. But their price will be high.

So, and a good conditioner for own production, that all the components in it are always at hand, are inexpensive and do not cause harm to health. Of course, we should not exclude allergic reactions to these ingredients, but they happen much less often than in the case of industrial air conditioners. Yes, and preparing such a composition in just a few minutes. But for how long it will last, it depends on you. You can immediately prepare a rinse aid with a stock, it is stored well.

In order to manufacture the air conditioner at home, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • vinegar;
  • baking soda( can be replaced with calcined);
  • English salt - sold in a pharmacy, the usual here will not work;
  • warm water;
  • essential oil( lavender, orange, lemon or any other with a pleasant smell);
  • conditioner for hair( not balm and not conditioner);
  • capacity in which the air conditioner will be stored( you can even take a bottle from the purchased product).

As you can see, no complex and rare ingredients are required. All this for sure you have at home. If not, a visit to the pharmacy or to the store will help to fill the missing one.

The process of manufacturing

If you decide to make a laundry conditioner at home, then you can do it both in advance and immediately before the actual use - it is prepared quickly.

  1. If you really do not have time or just do not want to bother with the manufacture of air conditioning, you can use to soften laundry ordinary table vinegar. Simply pour it to the laundry before you start rinsing. For flavor, you can drip drops of five essential oils. In addition to softening the water, vinegar still has an antibacterial property and rinses off laundry detergent, which could stay there.
  2. The second version of the conditioner requires slightly more ingredients and a couple of minutes more time. But the effect of its application is much higher. To begin with, pour into a prepared container one liter of warm water and 140 ml of 9% vinegar, mix. Now in this mixture you need to pour in soda( about half a glass).Drink a little, because soda and vinegar come into the reaction and the conditioner begins to hiss and foam. Once all three ingredients are mixed, it remains to add a few drops of any essential oil, finally mix - and you can use. As well as a more familiar remedy, add homemade to the corresponding compartment of the washing machine for about half a glass. Or two covers if you used a container from a previous conditioner.
  3. The last option is considered the best among those rinsers that can be made at home, and has already collected a lot of enthusiastic reviews of housewives. For its production you will need water, vinegar and hair conditioner in a ratio of 6: 3: 2.Again, you can add a little essential oil to give a pleasant fragrance washed laundry. Mix all these ingredients and use the product as usual when washing. After using such a rinse aid, the laundry becomes very soft, perfectly ironed and does not become electrified. If you also take as an ingredient the most inexpensive hair conditioner( it will cope with the task), then the final result will cost you a fairly small amount.
  4. If you managed to buy English salt( magnesia and magnesium sulfate in it), then on its basis you can make an excellent conditioner for linen. It will not only make things softer, but will restore the colors. All you need to do is take a glass of salt and add to it about 10 drops of essential oil. Immediately pour all this into a jar with a sealed lid, close, shake well. When washing, add a couple of spoons to the air conditioner compartment.
  5. Based on the previous recipe, you can prepare another rinse aid. Take half the glass of the mixture and stir with a glass of warm water until the salt completely dissolves. In a separate spacious container, put a glass of soda and start adding table vinegar - 6 glasses. As soon as everything is mixed and the reaction stops, pour in water-salt solution and mix well. When washing, add about half the glass of the product to the washing machine.

Now you only need to choose a conditioner, based on the ingredients that are at home, and you can start making. Trying to do once such a tool, you are hardly likely to return to industrial options. Homemade compounds are cheaper, safer, and soften the laundry no worse than those that were bought in the store.