How to choose a curling iron?

  • What are the ploys?
  • Diameter of the fusion pin
  • Type of material and cover of the fuse
  • How to choose a fuse: additional parameters
  • Puff, hair curlers or ironing: what to choose?
  • TOP-5 of the best plows

As the folk wisdom says, all girls with straight hair want to have curls, and curly - perfectly even hair. Naturally, if there is demand, then manufacturers are in a hurry to help and satisfy the desires of customers. And they do it so actively that sometimes it is difficult for the customers themselves to understand what they really need to buy. Let's get to know all the latest trends together in order to understand how to choose a curl - the one that will create perfect curls and not damage your hair.

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What are the ploys?

Our grandmothers and mothers used to have an opportunity to buy a curling plate of only one type - classical with a clamp. Modern beauties can have in their "combat set" several plaques of different shapes.

Kinds of Pluses:

  1. Cylindrical with a clamp is a classic art of curls. It consists of a metal rod and a clamp that allows you to fix the tip of the strand to quickly wind the curl and it does not untwist in the process. It's convenient and simple to use such a curling iron. However, the curls turn out to be the same, which looks unnatural, and also the clasps from the clamp can form at the tips of the hair.
  2. Cone - natural curls are obtained, which are larger at the roots and smaller at the tips. Such curls do not have a clamp, and fix the curl only by hands. The tip of the cone does not heat up at all, so if you have a certain skill, you are not afraid to get burned. For beginners in the kit often go thermal gloves that will protect your hands.
  3. Triangular - designed to create creative curls with a clear crease line. It also has no clamping, just like a cone.
  4. Spiral are an analog of spiral curlers, but elastic identical curls can be created in a few minutes. The diameter of such plates is different, and the size of the curl depends on it directly.

Important! Spiral curls strongly visually reduce the length of the hair. Therefore, in this way it is recommended to curl or long hair, or those that at least go over the shoulders. On short hair you will get African curls.

Also, if you want to have spiral curls coming from the very roots, you should make sure in the store that you have enough for this length of the spiral on the curling iron.

  1. Double-barrel - such a popular name received a plate with two heating elements. There may also be three bars. If you are looking for a curling iron, which is better for making zigzag locks, then this is your option.
  2. Gofre - creates small waves on a separate area of ​​hair. This is an option for those who do not like classic curls, but want a variety on smooth hair.
  3. Plaice-forceps for the radical volume - helps to create visibility of thick hair. Principle of use:
    1. It is necessary to divide the hair into horizontal layers from the parting.
    2. Each strand is seized separately, creating a wave on it.
    3. Due to the mismatch of the points of the crease, a volume is created.
  4. With a rotating surface - one of the latest know-how of hairdressing art. Before choosing a cooler, pay attention to this option. She winds her hair by herself, while at the same time she smoothes them and does not confuse them.

Important! In the presence of certain skill, depending on the model of the device, one curl can be made in 5-8 seconds. The wound strand itself slides off the rod - it is not necessary to unwind it.

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Diameter of the fusion pin

When choosing a fuse, attention should also be paid to the diameter of the fuse. The smaller the size of the rod, the shallower the curl. If you want to get the effect of a natural wave on your hair, you should purchase a device with the maximum diameter.

Important! Choosing the diameter of the rod for long hair, please note that curls under their own weight will be untwisted. Therefore, you should buy a cooler of a smaller size than you want to get curls.

Depending on the diameter of the fuse, you get the following result:

  • 1-1,5 cm - small and tight locks. Obtained curls should not be combed, otherwise - you will get a furry spaniel.
  • 1,6-1,9 cm - vintage strands for evening hairstyles. Such ringlets are not recommended to comb strongly, but to give a tidy you can slightly walk the comb.
  • 2-2,5 cm - classic curls of medium size. It is with such strands that often make wedding and evening hairstyles.
  • 3,2-4 cm - large curls for everyday free hairstyle. If you want to correct such strands to maintain their elasticity, it is better to make it with your fingers.
  • 4,5-5 cm - creates a large wave and twists the ends of the hair. Such ployka also suitable for stowage cascade or square.

Important! If you do not know which fin is better in diameter, buy with a rod size of 1.9-2.5 cm - get a beautiful curl of medium size on the hair of any length.

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Type of material and coating of the fuse

On the type of coating of the fuse pin depends:

  • convenience of its use;
  • will hair traumatize.

Metal surface

Such ploys have a low price - this is their main advantage.

However, they have several drawbacks:

  1. Strongly overload the hair, since all moisture evaporates from the surface of the hair.
  2. Such curls warm up unevenly, which affects the quality of the curl.

Teflon coating

Everyone has heard about non-stick pans with Teflon. Plaiters with the same coating have a similar property.

Advantage of teflon plaques:

  1. The hair does not adhere to them, they slip, so the curls do not overdry significantly.
  2. Heat evenly.

Important! Such devices have only one drawback - a short lifespan. With daily use, the coating of such a fuse will come in a year later as unusable.

Ceramic fuse

Many professional fuses are made of ceramics.

Important! Before choosing a ceramic fuse, note that it is completely made of ceramic. The heating rod can be metallic with a ceramic coating. In this case, it will quickly fail, like Teflon.

Advantages of ceramic fusion:

  1. Create a beautiful curl, as the rod warms evenly.
  2. Do not overdry the hair.
  3. Long service life.

Tourmaline cover

This coating is considered one of the best for today, but there are a lot of tourmaline fuses. Advantages of such devices for curling:

  1. Safe for hair.
  2. Tourmaline releases negative ions. Due to this hair is not electrified.
  3. During the creation of the curls, the hair does not lose moisture.

Titanium coating

Thinking about which fuse is better, professionals often prefer titanium fuses.

Advantages of such devices:

  1. Rapidly warm up and reach the right temperature.
  2. Evenly distributed heat.
  3. Do not electrify hair.
  4. Durable.
  5. Resistant to mechanical and chemical damage.
  6. You can create curls on thin and delicate hair.

Titanium-ceramic coating

This coating combines the advantages of titanium and ceramics. Advantages of titanium-ceramic plates:

  1. Very durable and durable.
  2. Safe for hair.
  3. Heat evenly.

Important! Disadvantages:

  • It's hard to find on sale.
  • Dear.

Glass ceramics

Another version of the modern mixed coating for professional use.


  1. Curls easily slip.
  2. Do not hurt your hair.
  3. Long service life.

Coating with silver nanoparticles

If you think which foyka is better and look for innovative options, then pay attention to the devices with such coating. Such ploits not that do not damage the hair, and even vice versa - heals them, as silver ions have antibacterial properties.

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How to choose a fuse: additional parameters

When choosing a fuse, you should also pay attention to additional parameters.


Having the ability to adjust the temperature does not damage the structure of the hair and create perfect curls. In most of the fuses, the adjustable heating range is 60-200 ° C.

Important! The optimum temperature regime, which allows to achieve a good result and minimize trauma to the hair, is 100-200 ° C.Holders of tough hair will have to use a minimum of 150 ° C.But if you have damaged and thin hair, then it is advisable not to exceed the figure of 80 ° C.

Number of nozzles

If you are a fan of experiments and frequent changes of hairstyles, there is no need to buy a whole arsenal of plaques of various types - it is enough to buy one or two curling rods with different nozzles. The set includes removable rods of various shapes. And also often the complete set is supplemented with a nozzle-brush, which can become a kind of substitute for a hair dryer.

Important! Before choosing a ploy with replaceable rods, pay attention to the quality of attachment of such attachments to the base - often there is a breakdown.

Remember that only semi-professional fuses are available with interchangeable attachments, professional tools for frequent use are only integral.

Power cord

Before answering the question of which plug is better and more durable, comparing several similar models in the store, pay attention to the power cord. Namely on such two factors:

  1. The way of fastening the electrical wire to the base. It will be very good if the power cord can rotate around its axis - it will not quickly fray, and the plate will last for a long time.
  2. The very length of the electrical wire should be such that you can freely wind curls.


This parameter directly determines the heating rate of the fuse to the desired temperature. In the market now in most models are represented with a power of 25 to 90 watts.

Important! For household use, enough fuses with a power of 50 watts are enough.

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Puff, hair curlers or ironing: what to choose?

Naturally, the curling iron is not a single tool in the arsenal of modern beauties for creativity with hair.


Curls can also be created with the help of hair curlers. The only advantage of this method is a longer lasting effect, provided that the hair was wound wet.

Advantages of curlers before curlers:

  1. Ability to create curl more quickly.
  2. There is no social restriction - a girl with hair curlers on her head just can not seem so in public, and they need to be worn for at least a few hours.
  3. You can create curls on dry hair.

Important! Previously, many girls, choosing between the curling plate and hair curlers, preferred the first only because the early classical curlers effectively damaged the hair. Now, thanks to modern coatings, this harm is minimized.


Unlike the curling iron, the iron can also straighten the hair, but here the possibility of creating different waves on the hair is less. Here as to what is best, first of all, you need to focus on your own needs. Before choosing a ploy or ironing, just decide what you want - tight structural curls or small waves on your hair.

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TOP-5 best plugs

To choose a cooler of really good quality, which will be both efficient, convenient, durable and safe at the same time, it is not superfluous to give preference to the products of the brand that is in constant demand among consumers. We offer you a rating of popular today, from which you can choose the best ployka for yourself.

Philips Curl Control HP 8605/00

Excellent curler for creating ringlets of medium size - the diameter of the heating rod is 2.5 cm.

Among its advantages:

  1. Presence of a thermostat in the range of 130-200 ºС.
  2. Switching of temperature modes with an interval of 10 ºС.
  3. Ceramic coating.
  4. LED heating indicator.
  5. Auto power off after 60 minutes of continuous operation.
  6. Ready to use - 1 minute after power-up.

Magio MG-178P

A model for creating spiral elastic curls.

Key Features:

  1. Ceramic coating.
  2. The diameter of the forceps is 1.9 cm.
  3. The heating time is 5 minutes.
  4. Operating temperature is 180 ºС.
  5. LED heating indicator.
  6. Auto power off function.
  7. The length of the power cord is 1.7 m.

Important! To the disadvantages of this model, users note only the absence of a thermostat.

Philips ProCare HP8619 / 00

If you are thinking about what kind of fuse is better among conical, be sure to pay attention to this model.

Important! Velor thermal protection protects your handles from accidental burns and allows you not to use thermal gloves. Also thanks to the velor you can comfortably wind even the most disobedient hair. True, many users note that this material has another side of the coin - ready-made locks do not slip off the cone on their own, and they have to be removed.

Specifications Philips ProCare HP8619 / 00:

  1. Heating time - 45 seconds. It's very fast.
  2. The diameter of the cone base of the forceps is 2.5 cm. The narrowest part is 1.3 cm.
  3. Heating in the range of 150-200 ° C.
  4. Thermostat.
  5. Electronic control.
  6. Indicator of ready curl, which allows you not to overheat unnecessarily hair.
  7. Auto shut-off function - designed specifically for forgetful girls.

Important! Of course, such a thoughtful ploy is worth a lot - it's probably its only drawback.

Philips HP8698 / 00

Multifunctional device with interchangeable nozzles:

  • cylindrical forceps with a diameter of 1.6 cm with clamp;
  • comb brush for giving volume;
  • plates for corrugating and straightening.

Key Features Philips HP8698 / 00:

  1. Ready to go in 3 minutes.
  2. Operating temperature is 190 ºС.
  3. Ceramic coating.
  4. LED heating indicator.
  5. Auto power off function.
  6. In addition to the nozzles, 2 hair clips are also included.

Important! It is unfortunate that with such a multifunctionality the manufacturer did not provide for the possibility of temperature adjustment.

Philips ProCare Auto Curler HPS940 / 00

Which ploy is better for busy girls?- It is this car-fitter with a rotating element. All that is required of you, in the process of creating curls with the help of this device is just to select the temperature mode and the time of the wave.


  1. Titanium-ceramic coating with increased wear resistance.
  2. Heating in the range of 170-210 ºС.
  3. The possibility of thermal adjustment - 3 switching modes.
  4. The diameter of the forceps is 1.6 cm.
  5. The heating time is only 30 seconds.
  6. Auto power off function.
  7. The length of the power cord is 2 meters.
  8. LED heating indicator.

Important! Of course, there is such a waxen machine not cheap, but the saved time and nerves are worth it.

We hope that our article has helped you understand how to choose a curtain rod correctly. And your beautiful curls will please you and attract the rapturous glances of men.