- Why do things shine?
- How to remove shine from clothes from iron?- Versatile ways of
- The best ways to restore the shaded pants
Blurred seats on trousers are most often formed as a result of long socks and improper care. The most rubbing appear on the knees and buttocks, these places are most prone to abrasion. To get rid of an unpleasant shine in some cases is difficult, but perhaps, knowing some rules and secrets of care. Before you understand how to remove shine from trousers from socks, you need to understand in detail the causes of education. It is from this that we will begin by examining the problem in this article.
to the contents ↑Why do things shine?
There are several reasons for the formation of a greasy shine on things:
- Wrong ironing.
- Incorrect use of funds when washing.
- Long sock without proper care.
Wrong ironing
What could be wrong with ironing? This issue arises immediately from those who did not think about the proper conduct of this procedure. In fact, the main problem with ironing is the use of too high a temperature in unprepared conditions.
Any structure of the material has its own specific temperature limitations, therefore:
- Before you iron a thing, you need to know what it is made from and what temperature is permissible.
- In addition, to the maximum allowed temperature should gradually move.
- Once the material is adapted to heat, the temperature can be gradually increased.
In order not to then have to look for an answer to the question how to remove shine from trousers from socks, there are several more rules:
- Before ironing, you need to check for clean clothes. If you iron the soiled cloth, then this is a direct road to the brilliant stripes. Under the influence of temperature, the mud is baked and turns into greasy areas.
- To iron, turn the pants on the wrong side, so as not to damage the front.
- The trousers must be stroked along the arrows with continuous, smooth movements.
Incorrect detergent
The second reason why, probably, you are now solving the problem of "shine on trousers from iron - how to get rid" - the use of unacceptable means for washing. Not all means give the same effect after washing. After a single wash, the thing is unlikely to change the appearance, but if you regularly wash it with tools that are not suitable for a certain type of fabric, then it will deform with time.
Important! For example, for soft tissues, you can not use granules, only those that are suitable for delicate washing. Before washing, you need to find out the type of fabric and the means suitable for it.
Absence of care
The third reason, raises the question, how to remove the shaded places on the trousers from the socks. You can not wear things for a long time and do not wash them, otherwise - brilliant spots can not be avoided.
Important! Long term socks are considered two to three days. The deadline of the socks should be two days, after that you need to clean or wash things, only in this case you can avoid stains from socks.
to the contents ↑How to remove the gloss from clothes from iron?- Universal methods
Most often, the shine on clothes is caused precisely after the application of the iron, but you can remove stains after ironing in several ways. Traditional, and at the same time, modern method of removing stains - these are different chemical compounds. But not all spots are amenable to chemical agents. That is why even in the modern world the most effective means are the people's means.
Good salt and onion help to remove gloss from iron. The minus of these means is that their effectiveness is justified only for fresh spots, that is, while the dirt is not outdated:
- Salt should be rubbed on a dirty surface, after a few minutes, soak it in warm water and iron well. If one application does not help, then you need to repeat the procedure, each time the contamination area becomes more faded and eventually should disappear.
- Glitter on trousers from iron - how to clean with a bow? It must be thinned and applied to the wiped out area, after that the thing needs to be soaked in cool water.
Important! These are the methods that are most often used for several reasons:
- With these ingredients, you can achieve a fast
- effect. The components are always at hand at home.
- Methods are very effective.
The best ways to restore the shaded pants of
There are a lot of ways to remove the shaded places on the trousers, but the most popular, regardless of the aging of the spots, is citric acid and alcohol:
- Citric acid is added to water when washing spots with glitter,in it the soiling is soaked.
- A similar pattern of application and alcohol, only when applied to contaminated tissue is left for a few minutes to absorb, then the trousers are sent to wash.
Each of the methods is effective and is used in most cases of stain fighting. In addition, both methods are universal, substances are able to fight with old spots.
Important! A minimum of side effects is another plus for the use of alcohol and citric acid. Color after application is not lost, and the fabric is not deformed.
With the weapons we offer, you can correct the situation even if all the pants are completely covered with shiny stripes. But still, it's better to be vigilant and properly take care of the items of your wardrobe, so you do not have to waste time on this job.