Microwave appeared in the kitchen. Now for breakfast hot sandwiches and ready meals are heated for a few minutes. It is not necessary to lay out the meat from the freezer in the morning to the evening, she melted. To obtain the benefits necessary to correctly choose the dishes for the microwave. In addition to the material, it should look and on labeling.
The basic rule: the lack of material and finishing metal. Plates, pans, containers for baking and saucers should be free to pass through it waves and bask. When the window glass passes through the light, it is cold, and the window sill and the other items in the house are heated by sunlight.
Before using the swipe test, and verify appropriate utensils for your microwave oven:
- Pour the water into a thick walled glass beaker.
- Put it into the test dishes.
- Turn on maximum power for 1 minute.
- Check the temperature of the water and utensils.
The water should be hot. Glass can heat up from it and be warm. The test container should remain cold. If it is hot, for the microwave will not do.
Refractory glassware can be used in any microwave. Furthermore it in the microwave oven can be heated:
- faience,
- china,
- ceramics,
- bamboo,
- parchment.

Heat the muffin and a sandwich fit linen napkin. Bamboo and paper used for the small dishes with a short cooking cycle.
Porcelain good waves passes through itself and can be used in all ovens. The basic material for the manufacture of pottery and ceramics - clay. Upon annealing, it gains strength and thermal resistance.
Dishes from what materials it is better not to use
Inside the microwave is emitted short electromagnetic waves: they penetrate the entire thickness of the product, they quickly warm up and prepare. The heating rate depends on the conductivity of the material. Metal conducts wave and instantly heated to temperatures of several hundred degrees, can break the equipment. If the camera works microwave stick in hand with a wedding ring, a burn will appear underneath.
Dishes of the following materials can not be used:
- copper;
- aluminum;
- iron coated with enamel;
- stainless steel;
- ordinary plastic;
- Cobalt Porcelain;
- crystal;
- painted colors.
Do not use in the microwave oven baking foil - is thin sheets of aluminum alloys. If you really want to bake it in something, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions in the oven and apply special foil for microwave ovens, exposing the recommended mode and leaving the technical documentation holes.

Plastic ware is allowed to use only one in which there is a special marking.
You can not put the usual single plate of:
- PVC,
- polyamide,
- polypropylene.
The microwave with grill function can not be used silicone molds or use polypropylene and polyamide plastic. Not suitable such utensils for cooking, containing a lot of fat and sugar.
Even a thin golden stripe on the ceramic plate will pop and sparkle when the dishes will be cold. Cobalt plates and cups made of clay with a high content of metals, porcelain group "Cobalt" is not suitable for the microwave oven. Usually it is expensive thin-walled sets.
Crystal gets its quality by adding to the lead glass, zinc and silver. Its surface is dissected whole picture. It can split into many small fragments under the influence of high-frequency waves.
Not only it contains the gilding metal, but also different colors of paint in the structure have additives. Red shade dyes attaches iron oxide, chromium yellowness. Put the dishes in the oven can not be decorated with drawings.
Requirements to the pan when using different modes
For microwave ovens have a lot of glassware of the refractory and heat-resistant. Suitable for microwave with thick smooth walls. At the bottom of the outside of the manufacturer next to the brand name refers to the ability to use utensils in the microwave and oven with grill. The pans preparing various dishes and used as cover plates for cooking with a minimum amount of liquid.
For baking grilling sell special form of glass-ceramics: coating at the bottom reflects heat, warming the chicken and the meat underneath.
Molds of cheap plastic releases toxic substances when strong heating. It can only warm food in the wave mode. You can not use the grill.
In any plastic dishes can not cook liquid food. Labeled by all signs the container begins to melt, if inserted into the oven and grill, or pour liquid. With sugar plastic components react. Material decomposes food fall chlorine, ammonia, diksogen and other toxic substances.
Ceramic glazed ware put in the oven can be, after checking its integrity. Continuous wave action promotes the formation of microcracks. She, along with porcelain suitable for all cooking modes.
Not worth saving, buying Chinese ware - it is poor quality. A similar problem occurs with cheap plastic.
silicone form for baking cookies, cakes and other fine confections in a wave mode.
Deciphering the signs on the dishes
At the bottom of manufacturers utensils for the microwave put different icons:
- Rectangle with rounded edges, the front panel inside the microwave image. It means that you can use pots and salad bowls for reheating and defrosting foods.
- Such a rectangle with the door open stove and waves in place of glass; hand putting a cup in the oven. Dishes can be used for cooking.
- The rectangle wave or flames and Micro inscription. Mean that the capacity suitable for the microwave.
- On multifunctional utensils are further letters gr - grill. Suitable for all cooking modes and baking products.

A similar labeling is available in plastic trays and containers. You can use reusable dishes in the wave mode, the use of grill is excluded.
On a single container costs other markings:
- Color triangle formed inside the arrows with the number - type of material underneath letters indicate the degree of safety. A food material is used with two markings.
- The triangle at the bottom of the container and 5 inside and below the letters PP is food packaging. One-time capacity can be used to warm food packed into it. If a strong prolonged heating treatment and re-waves may release formaldehyde.
- A similar sign with figure 6 and PS letters is placed on a disposable plastic container with products. It can not reheat food in the microwave. One-time use and disposed of. When decomposition releases styrene.

The presence of signs does not guarantee quality. Choose utensils should be of known and trusted manufacturers, test before use.
Recommendations when choosing dishes
Dishes for microwave ovens must be higher than for conventional ovens and furnaces. It can not be tightly covered. Cooking food should be liquid under a special cap with a valve or refilled by a third the height of the container and leave open.
Baking is best to use the round and oval shapes. In rectangular vessels unevenly warmed dough dries the corners. The size of plates and salad bowls for cooking vegetables must correspond to the volume of products. For baking necessary high side, it rises in the manufacturing process.
Pots is sized. Low plates and molds for baking should not be large. Glass and porcelain will pass through itself rays intended for products.
Material should be selected refractory. It is suitable for all cooking modes, including a grill and combined. Preference is given to glass, ceramics, porcelain.
Cookware for microwave ovens should not have cracks, chips and other defects. Buy the best quality, dear, trusted manufacturers. Costs justify themselves in service.