- Who are bed bugs?
- Signs and symptoms of bites
- Folk remedies against bug bites
- Medications for bug bites
- Prevention of bug infestation
Bug bites, photos of which can be found in medical manuals and on the Internet, are characterized by a slight reddening with a brightly prominent center point. There are such skin irritations peculiar paths, along which you can trace the path of the parasite. In this article we will tell you what to do if you are bitten by bed bugs and how to avoid unpleasant consequences.
to the contents ↑Who are bed bugs?
Having noticed the bites of bedbugs, first of all it is necessary to understand what are these parasites and what are the features of their life activity. There is a common misconception that insects are caused by unsanitary conditions. However, in reality, arthropods do not care if there are debris deposits and unwashed dishes in your house. The main thing is to have access to food, that is, to a person.
Important! In nature there are about 50,000 species of bedbugs, but not all of them are found in our climatic conditions.
How do they look?
Parasitic creatures of this type have a flattened body, the length of which varies within 3-8.5 mm - depends on the saturation with blood. The body color of the bug can also be quite varied from dark brown to light yellow. On the head of the parasite there is a small proboscis with which the bug is bitten by piercing the skin surface. A full picture of the appearance of a bloodsucker can be obtained by viewing his photo.
Features of life
The most serious problem for a person is not so much the partition of living space with insects as their way of life. To maintain their own vital activity, bugs are forced to constantly bite a person and feed on his blood. The bites of bed bugs themselves are quite painless, and often even not palpable. But after a while the person feels the strongest itch, from which, it seems, it is impossible to get rid of.
Thanks to the peculiarities of the structure of the body, parasites move easily along vertical surfaces. Special activity of insects is observed at night, when a person sleeps and bloodsuckers do not feel the danger of being noticed.
Important! Among the bedbugs, you can distinguish between males and females, which are slightly larger. The eggs and larvae laid last are also parasitic.
During the day, bed bugs are hidden in hard-to-reach places, where it is almost impossible to detect them. Such shelters can serve as books, crevices between wallpaper and plinths, electrical outlets, crevices of the sofa or folds of bed cloth, as well as hard-to-reach areas of heating batteries.
to content ↑Signs and symptoms of bites
Although bug bites and similar to lesions from other insects, knowing certain symptoms and features, diagnosing them is easy enough:
- First of all, you should pay attention to the size and color of the irritation that appeared in the morning. If you really became a victim of bedbugs, the affected area will have a reddish tint and a slight swelling.
Important! On the body of each person bites of bugs can manifest themselves completely differently: some - already in the morning will notice elastic cones of bright red color, and others - will feel an itch several days after the attack of the parasitic creature.
- Often the affected areas of the body have an oblong form of swelling with several points.
- In fresh places of the bite, it is also often possible to observe a slightly adherent blood drop.
- However, the most important of the signs of bug attack is the strongest itching of the damaged skin area, which does not give a person peace, day or night.
Important! It is this itch that often provokes a complete disruption of the human nervous system. He has a psychological trauma, followed by a full-fledged disorder. As a result - a person is afraid of panic bites of bedbugs and sleep, very irritated, depressed.
Most often parasites bite for open and least protected body parts:
- legs.
- feet.
- abdomen.
- neck.
- hands.
- back.
Important! Before you start to treat bites bugs, you need to acquire patience, so as not to comb the affected areas, and also engage in the removal of parasites from his home. Until you get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood, all medical actions will be ineffective and practically meaningless.
to content ↑Folk remedies against bites of bugs
In addition to severe itching, such skin lesions can cause a fairly strong allergic reaction. If you notice a swelling in the place of a bite, suddenly there was a runny nose, sneezing and fever, then first of all you should take something from an allergy, for example "Diazolin" or "Suprastin".After getting rid of allergies, you can begin to directly use the remedy for bug bites.
Still our grandmothers and grandfathers successfully struggled with the consequences of these parasites, and in fact modern medications were not there then. When choosing how to get rid of bites from bugs on the body, use one of the following folk medicine:
- Using a soapy solution carefully, but at the same time, gently, wash the affected area, then add an ice cube for a few minutes. This method will help to get rid of itching.
- Burn the formed wounds with a wool soaked in alcohol. This procedure should be repeated several times throughout the day.
- An effective remedy, according to the old people, is the decoction of St. John's wort. For its preparation, it will be enough to brew 1 tablespoon of herb in a glass of boiled water. With the help of soaked swabs in the decoction, treat the bites.
- Grease irritation spots with aloe juice or plantain. These medicinal plants will decontaminate the wound and contribute to their faster healing.
- To get rid of itching, and also to speed up the tightening of wounds, wipe the affected areas with a concentrated solution of soda.
- Gently rub the essential oil of mint into the affected area, which should remove all unpleasant symptoms.
Important! If with the help of folk remedies bites of bugs failed, and from the wounds began to emit an unpleasantly yellow liquid, then without delay, you should consult a dermatologist for professional advice.
to the table of contents ↑Medications from bites of bugs
In addition to the traditional methods of treatment passed from generation to generation, effective and proven modern drugs can be used.
The most popular solutions to get rid of bug bites are the following:
- Treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide, after which - any ointment with hydrocortisone, for example "Oftoderm".
- Use "Tsindol" - a soluble powder that perfectly removes unpleasant itching and promotes rapid healing of affected areas.
- Apply "Akriderm" - an antibiotic in the form of an external ointment, which removes inflammatory irritation well.
- Enter "Tivergil" - this remedy for bug bites is used as intramuscular injections, the symptoms will pass after the first application.
Important! When choosing one of the medicamental methods of treatment, you should consult a professional dermatologist in advance. This especially applies to substances that contain antibiotics.
to content ↑Preventing the appearance of bedbugs
Instead of searching for body protection against bug bites, it is best to take care of preventing the appearance of parasites in your home. To do this, you can use barrier methods, which are best suited for natural and harmless herbs. Only the smell of wormwood will scare off insects and prevent them from developing their population with you in the neighborhood.
Important! The grass can be spread under the carpets, as well as behind the walls of the furniture.
Also parasitic insects are afraid of exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to wash things in the water warmer than 40 degrees and necessarily iron it after drying, paying special attention to the seams area.
These simple, but at the same time, effective precautions protect your house from the appearance of parasites. We hope that with the help of the advice provided, you will be able to minimize the consequences of the occurrence of insects, and also you will quickly orient yourself how to get rid of the itch after a bug bite.