- Why do I need vegetable oil for a newborn?
- Which oil should I choose?
- Which oil should I choose?
- Should I boil the oil?
- How to boil the oil?
It is impossible to provide full-fledged care for a newborn child and its proper development, if you do not have all the necessary means in your arsenal. One such is vegetable oil. Some moms prefer to spend less time preparing their own funds and buy ready-made children's cosmetics, while others, on the contrary, tend to do everything personally and therefore, in the absence of preliminary experience, the question arises how to boil the oil for a newborn. It is this topic that we will disclose in this article.
to the contents ↑Why do I need vegetable oil for a newborn?
If you are a happy mother of the second, third or fifth baby, then you are unlikely to have a question, why do you need vegetable oil for babies. But how to boil oil for newborns - it is likely, because the experience of upbringing of each child is always somewhat different from the previous one.
If you do not rejoice in your first-born, information about the use of such a cosmetic for your child will be welcome. So, oil for newborns is used to organize proper daily care of the child. Here everything is simple:
- Initially, it is not always possible to guess correctly what to wear to a baby. As a result, he sweats and the tender skin becomes covered with a puff.
- When the child begins to actively move the legs and handles, the skin strongly rubs, and if it is hot - this provokes accelerated damage, because the epidermis of the newborns is very thin.
- Babies have less body proportions than adults. Therefore, they form a lot of wrinkles, in which again, there may appear diaper rash, dermatitis and other unpleasant for the baby, and for his parents phenomenon.
- Many newborns have yellow crusts on their heads. They can pass by themselves, but it is better to speed up this process so that the hair can grow normally, and the skin of the child does not itch.
In all these cases, vegetable oil is used, which is smeared with scales on the head, creases on the elbows, near the palms, under the knees, near the soles, under the armpits, behind the ears, and also over dried skin if the baby was borne.
Important! Take into account that it is impossible to cover your child with vegetable oil completely and very abundantly. And the point here is not that a naked child will slip away like a hack from your hands. Oil clogs the pores of the skin, and the oxygenation of the body in infants is largely due to this cover.
to the contents ↑Which oil to choose?
In any children's store today you can buy suitable cosmetics, so as not to boil the oil for the newborn. As a rule, such care products undergo a thorough quality and safety control, which is the key to their hypoallergenicity. But 100% can not be sure of the composition of any such products. Therefore, if you are wary of modern chemistry and cosmetics, it is better to spend your time and boil the oil for the newborn.
Important! Additional advantages of the solution include the use of sterilized natural vegetable oil:
- significant cost savings;
- absolute hypoallergenicity with the right choice of oil;
- there is no harmful effect on the baby's body of fragrance and other chemical compounds.
Which oil to choose?
More people of ancient civilizations knew that every vegetable oil has its beneficial effect on the human body. For a baby, these kinds of this medicinal product can be used:
- olive - suitable for moisturizing and saturating the baby's skin with nutrients, gives an easy antiseptic effect;
- sunflower - promotes regeneration and well restores the dried skin;
- apricot - an excellent tool for treating dermatitis, removing inflammation, regenerating cells;
- peach - moisturizes, nourishes, gives anti-inflammatory effect with dermatitis;
- is an antiseptic, which is also used for wound healing.
Which oil is better for a newborn - decide for yourself, based on what is more worried about your baby and what you expect the effect.
Useful advices for
If you decide not to boil the oil for the newborn yourself, and buy children's cosmetics, be sure to pay attention to:
- composition - ideally only oil( one or a combination of several options) should be indicated, if there are additional substances, be sure tomust be labeled "hypoallergenic," "certified";
- fragrances, preservatives should be absent;
- storage period should not exceed 12 months.
Is it worth it to boil the oil?
Boiling or not boiling oil for a newborn is a private matter for everyone. But here it is necessary to consider the following factors:
- to put the child initially in a completely sterile environment is not worth it, and still will not work, and after boiling the oil is exactly sterilized;
- after heat treatment of oil are suitable for use only a few hours, so it is not advisable to prepare it in large portions.
How to boil the oil?
The concept of boiling oil is not entirely correct, here the method of sterilization in a water bath is applied. If it tends to gurgle, boil, or for too long under the influence of open fire, the whole remedy can catch fire and cause you irreparable harm.
What is needed:
- Large saucepan.
- Glass jar.
- The oil itself.
- Fabric cotton.
Boiling oil:
- Pour cold or warm water into the pan from the tap.
- Put cotton cloth on the bottom to prevent cracking of the jar.
- Put a jar of oil inside the pot with water.
- Place all this structure on the stove.
- Bring water to a boil and immediately reduce the heat.
- Leave on a small fire a pan with a jar of oil for 10-30 minutes, not allowing boiling oil.
- Remove the jar and allow it to cool.
- Tighten the lid and put it in a cool dark place.
Important! If you did not keep track of and the oil still boiled, then it caught fire, in no case do not put out your hands or water. Simply cover the jar with a lid from the pan, blocking the access of oxygen inside. Burning will cease.
We hope, from this article you have learned a lot of useful information on the use of vegetable oil during the care of an infant. Do for him everything carefully, neatly, create comfortable living conditions and you will get many pleasant moments of communication with the most dear and beloved person, will discover a lot of new things with him, rejoice and enjoy every moment.