- Compatibility of the radiator with the parameters of the heating system
- How to choose the radiators for the apartment, taking into account the technical parameters?
- Cast iron
- Aluminum
- Steel
- Bimetallic products
- Copper
- Make a choice
The heater is an important link in the heating system. From its right choice depends the comfort of living conditions of people in an apartment or a private house. Let's look at this article, which radiator is best to choose for an apartment, to perform its functions "excellent", and the price was not prohibitive. After reading the material, you will learn how to avoid common mistakes when choosing a heater.
to the contents ↑Compatibility of the radiator with the parameters of the heating system
The range of modern batteries is extremely diverse. Steel, copper, cast iron, bimetallic products. It is important only to know which radiator will best fit the characteristics of your heating system. Here it is necessary to be guided by such parameters:
- limiting temperature of the coolant;
- its composition;
- is the pressure value.
All this, along with inertia and heat transfer, must be taken into account when buying.
Important points - the appearance of the radiator, the duration of the working life and, of course, the cost.
Important! There is also a specific specificity of the selection of heating batteries for private houses and apartments. If the radiator does not match the parameters of the heating system, it is fraught with its rapid deterioration.
to the table of contents ↑How to choose radiators for an apartment taking into account technical parameters?
Undoubtedly, design is a good and important thing. However, we should not forget that the technical characteristics are the primary ones. The condition of heating systems in many homes, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. They are characterized by poor quality of the coolant, changes in temperature and water pressure, and many other "joys."And hydraulic shocks after starting the heating system often lead to its failure. And all because the devices from foreign manufacturing companies are not designed for such an "extreme".
In order to minimize the risks, be sure to pay attention to the maximum permissible values for the temperature and pressure of the coolant( these data are available in the technical data sheet of the device).
The most important indicator is the heat output of the heater, depending on the material of its execution. For example, steel is inferior to pig iron in terms of heat transfer, and copper in this respect is "ahead of the whole planet."
Consider in more detail different types of materials for heating devices to understand which heating radiator is best to choose for an apartment.
to Contents ↑Cast Iron
This is the oldest and most tested option."Cast-iron accordion, sung by Bulgakov, do not lose their relevance today:
- With emergency shutdown, the structure of cast iron will store heat long enough.
- Batteries can withstand both poor-quality coolant and water hammers.
- The cost of such devices is relatively small.
The disadvantage of cast iron products is not very aesthetic design, a large mass and considerable inertia. Because of this, it is impossible to use cast-iron batteries in modern heating systems equipped with temperature controllers. Such devices are best suited to the interior, sustained in the classical style.
Important! People with modest financial capabilities do not need to think about how to choose heating batteries in an apartment. For them, cast iron is the best option.
to content ↑Aluminum
A fairly popular material due to its high heat transfer, low weight, modern aesthetic design and ease of installation. These devices are not inertial, which makes it possible to use them in heating systems with temperature controllers.
The disadvantages of the material include the susceptibility of corrosion in the alkaline reaction of heat carriers. The leak between the sections, unfortunately, is not a rare occurrence. There is also such a disadvantage as gas formation inside the heating element.
Important! Aluminum radiators are very sensitive to the quality of the coolant, so they are more suitable for the individual heating system of a private house than for a centralized network in an apartment. They also suffer airstrikes very doubtfully.
to content ↑Steel
This option is often used for heating offices and private houses. The design of such a radiator can be tubular, as well as in the form of solid or composite panels.
Radiators from steel differ:
- relatively low price;
- beautiful appearance;
- slight inertia;
- corrosion resistance.
Important! Do not deprived of steel products and individual deficiencies. They do not withstand hydraulic shocks and increase the pressure in the system, so for apartments in high-rise buildings are almost unusable. In addition, they are sensitive to oxygen present in the central heat supply networks.
The steel radiator combines 2 modes of heat transfer:
- convection.
- radiation.
Important! The permissible temperature of the coolant is about 110 degrees.
to the table of contents ↑Bimetallic products
The radiator is a steel pipe in combination with aluminum fins. This scheme is optimal for a city apartment. The circulation of water takes place along a steel pipeline. The technology of connecting pipes is such that there is no corrosion in the steel part of the battery. Aluminum perfectly gives heat to the room.
Thus, the bimetallic design combines the best properties of aluminum and steel radiators: neutrality to corrosion, unpretentiousness to the quality of the coolant, resistance to pressure drops in the system in combination with excellent heat transfer and beautiful design is the secret of the success of bimetallic structures.
Important! The advantages include a long service life and a large number of color options.
The disadvantages of bimetallic batteries are:
- Sensitivity to oxygen contained in the coolant.
- Accumulation of slag on internal walls.
- High price.
- Resistance arising at the boundary of the alloy of metals. This reduces the efficiency of heat transfer, as well as the heat transfer of the device as a whole.
This is a beautiful design from a one-piece pipe with additional copper fins. The device is supplemented with a wooden decorative cover. The index of thermal conductivity of copper is twice higher than that of aluminum, and 5-6 times - compared with steel and cast iron devices.
Among the important advantages are the following factors:
- devices require a little water;
- heats the room in minutes;
- copper is ductile, corrosion resistant;
- devices are effective even at relatively low water temperatures.
Important! In the process of operation, a layer of oxide is formed, which protects the battery from an insufficiently high-quality coolant.
to the contents ↑Making the choice
Based on the above analysis, let's highlight the main points how to choose radiators:
- For open centralized systems in apartment buildings, cast iron products are best suited. Cast iron is unpretentious to a poor-quality heat carrier, has a long service life. However, in systems with temperature controllers, cast iron products can not be used.
- Bimetallic devices are a worthy alternative to cast iron with its limited scope. The steel is resistant to corrosion and pressure drops in the heating system, while the fins made of copper or aluminum compensate for not outstanding heat transfer parameters of steel. The only limiting factor is the high price.
- For private houses where there are no pressure drops in the heating system, and the quality of the coolant is much better than in centralized systems, aluminum and steel appliances are suitable. Low inertia, corrosion resistance and attractive price make this product unusually popular.
- Judging by the characteristics, the best option for use in an apartment of a multi-storey building is copper. However, the price of copper radiators makes many buyers think.
- Steel tubular heating radiators with a large number of color options allow you to enter the device in any interior.
Now, armed with knowledge of how to choose the radiators for the apartment, you can start shopping!