What things need a newborn

  • Signs. Should they pay attention to them?
  • What does a newborn need?
  • List of necessary things for the maternity home
  • Things you will need when you are discharging the baby from the maternity hospital:
  • What will the baby need at home?
  • Proper care of the baby. What is needed for this?
  • Pediatric First Aid
  • Dishes for a child

Pregnancy is always a very exciting period in a woman's life, especially when it comes to an end. In recent months, future moms and dads are already thinking about what things need a newborn, which should be taken care of first and which items can be bought later. It is worthwhile at this time to make a list of the necessary things and do shopping, so that later, when the baby is already in your hands, do not run rushing headlong into the shops.

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Signs. Should they pay attention to them?

There is an opinion that you can not buy any things for the baby until it comes to light. For modern women, this belief seems ridiculous, because we plan a lot of things in advance and everything happens in most cases according to plan. Why can not you think in advance about the comfort of your most dear little man? Why can not you, without fuss, enjoy the choice of things for the baby?

Doctors claim that this sign was relevant many years ago, when there was no modern medical equipment. Now things are very different, and there is no sense in believing the various signs, because:

  • The youngest babies are nursed without much difficulty.
  • 99% of pathologies are easily determined even before the birth of the child during examination by an ultrasound machine.
  • Modern mothers are more consciously approaching pregnancy, doing everything possible and impossible, so that the baby is born healthy.

Important! Nobody, except native moms and dads, will be able to create more comfortable living conditions for their baby. The children's room must be fully prepared for the reception of the new tenant. Trust in common sense and prepare all necessary things yourself for the birth of a little son or daughter.

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What does a newborn need?

Among the many products for infants pregnant women, and even more so for future fathers, it is very difficult to determine what things a newborn needs from a first experience. Everything is so beautiful and it seems so necessary that you want to buy most of the goods offered by the seller. That's it in such cases and you need a cold calculation, so as not to make unnecessary waste of money and your time. A list of goods really necessary for the child is needed.

Important! The development of a newborn baby is so fast that most of the purchased items can remain unpacked. Shop with care!

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List of necessary things for the

maternity hospital After the birth, the babies are immediately dressed in their first clothes, but this does not mean that you can do without diapers. There are other nuances, so you need to more or less clearly understand what things are needed for a newborn.

In the maternity hospital for the baby you will need the following things:

  • Undershaws in an amount of at least 2 pieces. Babies after feeding often regurgitate, so it is better to stock up on the baby's undershirts so that the baby is always clean and tidy. Most modern raspashonok have sleeves with tucked elements, which are worn on the toes of the kid, in order to avoid accidental injuries with nails. If you buy pajamas with the sleeves familiar to all, then it is worth buying a pair of mitten-not-frills.
  • 5 or 6 pieces of sliders. Children's feces can be quite liquid and in the first days often flows out of the diaper. In order not to create problems with a much needed hourly washing and accelerated drying of panties, take them for future use. But keep in mind that even from things you need a newborn, in addition to the sliders and again, adhere to rationality.
  • Socks in the amount of 2 pairs. Thermoregulation in infants is not yet fully developed, so babies often freeze. Or vice versa, in the hospital often it is very hot, so the kids completely undress, leaving only socks. In any case, socks are useful to you.
  • Cheps. This garment is quite controversial in our time, so every mother decides in advance whether she will put a cap on her head or not. But one thing to buy and take with them to the hospital costs.

Important! If the birth of the baby falls in the cold season, then get the clothes thinner and warmer.

  • Diapers. It is worth buying two or three flannel and calico diapers. They will be needed for the changing table, to cover the baby or for more comfortable holding on the handles. Such things are necessary for the newborn. Many babies up to 2 years of intense sweat - and with heat and cold. To ensure that the process of feeding does not cause unpleasant sensations due to literally adhering to your skin moist sweating baby, diapers will be useful.
  • Diapers of the smallest size. For starters, you will have enough small packs, and then you can always ask your father or grandmother to bring you more. The smallest pack should be taken, based on the fact that for the skin of the baby, and for you, the products of one brand will seem very comfortable and comfortable, and the other - absolutely not.
  • Feeding bottle. There are cases when breastfeeding for some reason is impossible in the first days after birth. Take the bottle with you to the hospital, just in case. She does not take much space.

Important! All things a newborn should be as sterile as possible. Clothes and films should be washed and ironed after buying on both sides, and the bottle should be sterilized.

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Things you'll need when you are discharged from the hospital:

  • Depending on the time of year, you need to think ahead of time about a suit and outer clothing, if necessary.

Important! Choosing which items a newborn needs, buy a special order for an extract, because on this day of the baby can come to meet many relatives. And photos from the significant day of your child even in 30 years will look with pleasure.

  • Car seat. If your family has a car, buying a car seat will be a very useful and convenient purchase. There are special models from 0.
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What will the baby need at home?

Upon arrival of the baby home, you should take care of his comfortable stay. To do this, you should buy a number of items in advance. That is, knowing what things a newborn needs, will allow you to organize everything in the room in advance and make it easier for yourself to care for your child.


This is the place where the baby in the first months of his life will spend the most time. Therefore, the cot should be primarily convenient and safe.

  • If you do not know what size a baby cot is best to buy, then choose the one that's bigger. The baby there will be more spacious, and he will be able to sleep in it even after a year or two.
  • The cot should be made of environmental material. The best option is a tree.
  • Often, growing up a little, the kids begin to gnaw the septums in the crib. Therefore, it is desirable that its details are not varnished, and if they are varnished, it is completely safe.
  • Buy a bed with a rack bottom. This will allow the mattress to "breathe".And given that the child can write this subject of his bed, this part of the crib is very important.
  • It is desirable that the curbs in the bed are regulated. Thus, as the baby grows, you can lower / raise the sides and provide it with safety, but for yourself - convenience.
  • If the bed has boxes in its construction, then this is a big plus. Soon the child will have so many things that it would be nice if the main ones were always on the hook.
  • The mattress in the crib should be bought orthopedic. It should fit the chosen crib. It is desirable that the mattress has a removable cover.
  • Protection in a crib is one of those things that a newborn needs. Soft edge, which is located throughout the inner perimeter of the crib. He protects the baby from drafts, accidental bumps against the side, prevents jamming of knobs or legs between the twigs of the crib. Even this accessory creates a special comfort in the crib of the baby.
  • Mobile on the bed. Babies immediately after birth are still not very interested in toys, but closer to the month they already respond well to different sounds and are able to focus their eyes on a particular subject. Therefore, a very useful toy for the development of the baby will be a bright mobile with figures of high-quality plastic, which is securely attached to the side of the crib.

Important! The pillow will not need the baby for about a year. This creates the most favorable conditions for the proper development of the spine and the comfortable position of the neck during sleep.

Bed linen:

  • It is worth taking care of buying children's t-shirt and woolen blankets. The latter will be needed if the apartment is cold enough. The most optimal option is a cotton blanket and a sleeping bag for children, which does not allow the child to unwrap at night.

Important! Quilted blanket is absolutely not suitable for newborns. It does not pass air at all and in case of oversight the child may suffocate under it .

  • In the strong heat of the baby you can cover with a thin diaper.
  • When purchasing baby bedding, make sure that it is made of natural materials. Bed sets for the first year of life will be enough for two.

Important! Even a small admixture of synthetics can cause an allergic reaction in the newborn.

  • The sheet must match the size of the mattress. Optimum option is a sheet on the elastic.

Swaddling table

Now you can find a lot of pieces of furniture with a place for swaddling babies. These are chests of drawers, and special swaddling boards. This thing will greatly facilitate your disguise of the baby, will make the procedure of a child's massage as comfortable for you as for the baby.

On the other hand, if there is not enough room in the apartment for this piece of furniture, then it is quite possible to do without it.


In the stores of children's products a large assortment of baby baths is presented. There are with built-in slides that make the baby's position when bathing more comfortable, but there are regular baths that are familiar to us. Which one to choose is a matter of purely personal preference and financial possibilities. But this one is one of those things that a newborn definitely needs.

Water thermometer

This device is necessary for measuring the temperature of water for bathing a newborn. It should not exceed the mark in 37C.Compliance with this regime is extremely important for the baby's health.


Take care not only of the cleanliness of the baby, but also of the furnishings of the apartment and its own convenience. Buy an oilcloth, which will be put under the diaper during dressing or massage. In case of a surprise in the form of urine or feces, you will need to wash only the diaper.

Important! Please note that brown oilcloths, which are sold in pharmacies since the time of the Soviet Union - are cold. It will not be very pleasant for them to be a child for a long time .


This item of the baby's movement is just necessary for the child of the first year of life. If in the first days after the birth of the child you can take out for a walk on your hands, then, to the extent of his growth and growing up, such walks will bring only discomfort to the parents and the baby. The stroller will allow longer walks. The baby in it, as a rule, is very convenient.

When buying a stroller, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • The stroller must be made of quality and environmentally friendly material.
  • The bottom of the cradle should be flat and firm, so that the baby's spine is correctly formed.
  • The design of the stroller should be comfortable and understandable for the mother.
  • Dimensions of the stroller and its weight should be selected correctly. If you live in a multi-storey building, make sure that it freely enters the elevator.
  • Also useful are a raincoat and a mosquito net on the stroller.
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Proper care of the baby. What is needed for this?

There is a whole list of what things a newborn needs to care for.

Baby soap

Choose a soap with a natural composition and a mark on the label "for newborns."Soap should be white or cream colored and not have a sharp and strongly-pronounced smell.

Important! You can wash your child with soap not more than once a week.


You will be surprised how quickly the babies grow their nails. For safety of children, the scissors should have blunt edges.

Important! It is recommended to trim nails in children up to a year when they are sleeping.

Cream against diaper rash

No matter how much you care about the cleanliness and comfort of your baby, diaper rash can still arise. Cure with this unpleasant phenomenon will help you a special cream.

Important! To avoid the appearance of diaper rash, the child should preferably take air baths, that is, leave it naked for a while .

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The first aid kit

The following medicines should always be available in the first-aid kit of the infant:

  • Wadding and cotton wool.
  • Ears for ear cleaning with a stopper.
  • Wet baby wipes.
  • Baby cream with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.
  • Manganese.
  • Green.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide.
  • Electronic thermometer.
  • Aspirator for the nose.
  • Pipette.
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Dishes for the child

Pay special attention to the purchase of baby bottles. Typically, one bottle for feeding young parents can not do, but first you should buy at least 1 piece, focusing on such criteria:

  • Choose a bottle that is safe in composition and ergonomic in design.
  • The nipple is best taken silicone - it is hypoallergenic and does not deform during sucking.
  • Bottles for washing bottles - a necessary item for cleaning children's dishes.
  • Sterilizer for bottles. This item greatly simplifies the process of sterilizing bottles and nipples, but is not a first-use device. So you can buy it later.
  • Spoon for feeding. Closer to half a year you will definitely need a spoonful. Best for these purposes are silver or special thermo tags.

Newborn needs things as much as an adult, but they are all more specific. Using the lists provided in this article, you will buy everything you need for the first time for your baby. Do not rush to buy more. Later, you will orient yourself, what is missing for your child and supplement existing things with necessary items.