- Why are the champignons so healthy?
- Why cook mushrooms before frying?
- Features of cooking fresh champignons
- And whether it is necessary to cook frozen mushrooms, intended for salad and how?
Mushrooms champignons nowadays are used in their kitchen by experienced housewives and beginners, thanks to their wonderful taste and ease of cooking. They are sold in almost any store, and it does not have to be a huge supermarket. Nowadays they are so popular that they grew not only on specialized farms, but even at home. Many fans of fresh vegetables are interested in whether it is necessary to cook mushrooms before frying, after all, perhaps, so they lose their useful and taste properties? If your health is dear to you, then it is better to treat them before cooking. But first things first.
Important! To eat mushrooms for children under six years old, people with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas are not recommended.
to the contents ↑Why are the champignons so healthy?
This variety of mushrooms is especially rich in ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen immunity. By the way, if at the purchase you find among the mushrooms too dark, then this will indicate that they have lost vitamin C.
Important! Neutralization of ascorbic acid occurs only under alkaline conditions, and to avoid this, the mushrooms are covered tightly with a lid - thus, they preserve all the useful vitamins.
to the contents ↑Why cook mushrooms before frying?
It should be clearly understood that forest mushrooms, like foam rubber sponges, absorb everything from the ground and air, including toxins. Especially dangerous are mushrooms growing near large enterprises, highways and garbage dumps.
So, heat treatment is also needed to clean them of all this dirt. Even those mushrooms that grow in ecologically clean regions should be pre-treated in order to completely and completely protect themselves.
Important! This rule is inviolable for forest mushrooms. But as to whether you need to cook champignons before frying, there are many different opinions. According to many experts, this is not necessary. Moreover - these are the only mushrooms that can be added to snacks and salads in raw form. Poisoning or other unwanted reactions of the body is not fraught.
to the contents ↑Features of cooking fresh champignons
Now we will find out how and how much to cook mushrooms before frying:
- First, like any other mushrooms of them, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse in cool water, and then remove the root system.
- After - always remove all wormholes and blackening.
- Small mushrooms can be cooked whole, but larger ones, of course, better cut into smaller pieces.
Important! Champignons are rich in proteins, fats, cellulose, glucose, digestible proteins and minerals.
So, the process of cooking includes several stages:
- Take a saucepan in which we will cook mushrooms, put them in it and completely fill it with water.
- When put on fire, you can add a taste of the onion, only the whole, so that you can then remove it without problems.
- Do not forget to remove the foam when boiling and cook for twenty minutes on a slow fire
By the way, the duration of the cooking process depends on the variety of mushrooms, because the forest mushrooms need to be thoroughly cleaned and then longer to cook. Oyster mushrooms and champignons cook for a long time not necessary.
Important! Remember, if you have any doubts about freshness or quality of purchased mushrooms, be sure to make an additional treatment - in such a situation, it is necessary to cook champignons before frying.
to the contents ↑Do you need to cook frozen mushrooms for salad and how?
Should I cook mushrooms before frying, which were bought frozen? Of course yes! Only first you need to defrost them, preferably in a natural way, and then rinse and cook for about ten to twenty minutes.
If you decide to make a salad from mushrooms, then it is better to cook them in a marinade with spices, seasonings and salt. Once the cooked marinade boils, you need to throw the mushrooms into it for ten minutes. If they have already been welded, then just fill them with a marinade and put them in the refrigerator. Before cooking, make sure that all the mushrooms, both small and chopped, have approximately the same size, so that they are welded evenly.
Important! If you want the mushrooms to remain the same white after cooking, then add a few spoons of citric acid or lemon juice directly into the boiling water. And be sure to cover the saucepan tightly with a lid.
It is not by chance that the question of whether it is necessary to cook champignons before frying is so relevant and popular today. After all, they are used in modern cooking very widely. And they bring an undeniable advantage, plus they are considered dietary and low-calorie. Even when you eat them in fried form, you can be sure that you do not harm your health.