- Correct cabinet
- If there is no cabinet
- Where do unnecessary things come from?
- Get rid of unnecessary things
- Sort
- How to put things in a closet?
Things that surround themselves with people, have the property of accumulating over time. Whatever the size of the house or apartment, many housewives begin to notice that nothing can fit anywhere. Therefore, the task of how to make order in the closet and arrange things so that it is convenient to use them, is an important issue in many homes. But with the help of our tips from this article, you can easily cope with it.
to the contents ↑Correct cabinet
An excellent solution to this problem is the cabinet, but only if it is correctly designed and installed - only then it will enable you to place a lot of things. And although, at first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in this matter - I bought a cabinet and put things in it, nevertheless there are a couple of rules and recommendations, thanks to which you can use the closet space most conveniently.
Rule 1
It is necessary to make, and also to establish such a cabinet, which will be ideally suited to the existing conditions in the room. Today, individual order of furniture is a fairly common type of activity that is in demand by many consumers. Therefore, to ensure that the cabinet can satisfy all your needs, it is better to think of it yourself with the help of a master.
Rule 2
You do not need to accumulate things in the closet that have not been used for a long time. This, perhaps, is one of the most important rules. Even in the largest closet or apartment there will not be enough room for the necessary things, if everywhere and everywhere there are bundles, packages, hangers and boxes with what might be useful someday.
Important! Clothes, hanging and waiting for better times, it is better to distribute to those who really need it. All that, perhaps, will come in handy someday, but in fact, not used the last few years, should free up space for the right things.
to the contents ↑If there is no
cabinet If there is no room for a full cabinet in the room, you can try to allocate some part of the room for shelves and shelving. Often, such a space is in the bedroom, because there are rarely guests and you can take a corner to arrange an improvised cupboard.
It's not an easy thing to put things in a closet:
- Frequently used accessories can be placed on shelves that are at eye level.
- What you get and wear less often, you can send to the top shelves, and packages and boxes with things that are used very rarely, for example, seasonally, it is better to arrange on the lower racks.
- Often in a closet or on a separate shelf there are a lot of boxes with seasonal shoes, but it is not always easy to find in them exactly the pair that you need at the moment. In order not to be confused and not to lose time because of useless searches, each box can be signed.
Important! Some mistresses take a photo of each pair and just stick them to the boxes in which the pair is located. Although it looks funny, but it's much easier to look for shoes.
- To store socks and underwear is most convenient in the drawers of the chest. If there is no such piece of furniture in the room, the drawers can be arranged in a closet.
Important! It can be shallow and narrow boxes, but each family member must have at least two. Then all the things can be decomposed according to their intended purpose, they will not get dusty and catch your eye as soon as you open the cupboard.
In the process of designing an individual cabinet, you must try to maximize the use of all available space inside. Even small corner shelves and hooks on the inside of the door can be useful for convenient placement of necessary things.
to the contents ↑Where do unnecessary things come from?
To make order in the closet, you need to understand where the things come from, which are then in the closet for years and are not used by anyone. It is necessary to understand this, if only in order to avoid such acquisitions in the future. There are several situations where people can buy something just like this:
- Sales and promotions are the strongest trick of marketers and sellers who try to impose their product, and they get it, because few can safely pass by the "discount" sign.
- Another situation when a person buys something is entertainment to walk around shopping centers and shops instead of, for example, walking in the park."Just a walk and see" certainly ends with the purchase of something new and not always necessary.
- Sometimes we buy things very beautiful and quality, but when we get home, we understand that they do not fit in our other things at all, and then they have to hang in the closet without need.
- In many cabinets, especially women's, you can find a lot of things that remind you of something: a prom dress, the first boats on the hairpin, which are very tight, a scarf from a former young man, and much more. This is an absolutely irrational use of useful space.
Get rid of unnecessary things
According to statistics, only 20% of all your things a person wears 80% of his time. The rest is on the shelves, making it difficult to find the right things, taking up space and free energy in the house.
Important! You do not need to store things that you have not used in the last couple of years. Most likely, they will not be used further. Therefore, you need to select things carefully in the closet.
Changes in the shape of the
On the shelves of the women's ward you can often find things that are not suitable for her size. They can be divided into two types:
- "It's still a little too small for me, but by the summer I'll lose weight and will wear it."
- "I managed to lose weight, and now things are too big, but suddenly I will recover again."
It is undesirable to leave neither those nor other things that are inappropriate for you in size. It is not known whether it will be possible to lose weight by the summer or not. Or maybe it will not happen to this summer, but to the next, when the fashion is already changing, and with it the mood.
Important! As experience and practice show, only one of a hundred such things await their case. In other situations, such things are still sent to the trash, but after several years of absolutely useless finding in the wardrobe.
Beautiful accessories
To maintain order in the closet with your own hands and it was nicer and easier, there should also be created not only a comfortable, but also an attractive environment. Shoe boxes are desirable to leave only a pleasant appearance, and not crumpled or torn. If there is a desire and time, you can glue them with gift paper or old wallpaper.
Important! Try not to use plastic disposable hangers, they not only look ugly, but because of poor quality can make clothes tight. It is better to buy the same wooden hangers, which already with their neat appearance will please the landlady.
Properly hang things
In addition, it is undesirable to hang on one hanger at once a lot of things - it will significantly complicate the search for necessary clothing. On the shoulders should hang only one thing on the crossbar - a skirt or trousers, and a maximum of two things on the top of the hanger. Better let them be more in the closet than the entire wardrobe will be placed on three shoulders.
Important! The main rule for properly storing any clothes hanging on hangers is to fasten the thing to all buttons. This will keep intact not only the buttons, but the clothes will keep the shape, it will look neater. But sweaters and blouses with wool should not be hung on hangers, as they can stretch out and look ugly.
to the contents ↑Sort
To make order in the closet and disassemble clothes, it should be pulled out and the closet and folded on the floor in one big heap.
Important! Sex, of course, must be pre-washed. Also it can be covered with an old clean blanket or sheet.
Now it is necessary to sort the clothes, dividing it into several groups:
- Adult - for children. The first thing to do is to separate the adult clothes from the nursery, fold it into two heaps. Then the principles of selection should be applied to each of these heaps, which are described below.
- It is necessary - it is not necessary. Taking the next item in hand, answer the question: do you need this thing, or not. Whether it is constantly worn or has long been in the closet without work, because it is out of fashion or has become small( great).All that is worn actively, develops into one heap, that which only takes place - in another.
- The season is not a season. If some thing does not match the season of socks, then it should be sent for storage, having previously estimated the cleanliness and possible damage, which should be removed( sew on the button, change the zipper, sew).As a rule, off-season items are stored on distant racks, shelves or in mezzanines waiting for their turn. So they will not interfere with you when you are looking for a particular thing that is needed right now.
- Clean - dirty. In each of the piles, carry out a revision for purity. Dirty things are sent to the laundry tank, while the clean ones are sorted further.
- Large - small. Organizing the storage of things is necessary relative to their size. Namely: small things, such as belts, T-shirts, stockings, panties, tights, leggings, socks, it is convenient to store in drawers chest, and not on the shelf in the closet.
- Hang - fold. Some garments are very easy to crumple, so they should be placed on hangers, not on shelves. This kind of things include shirts, dresses, skirts, trousers, jackets. And on the shelves you will feel more comfortable knitted pullovers, sweatshirts, sweat shirts, cotton t-shirts, jeans.
How to put things in a closet?
So, after we've sorted things out, and we only have what we need. Now we need to make order in the closet.
Observance of balance - not tightly, but not empty
You need to observe the principle of balance. To begin with, it is best to use all the planes available in the cabinet:
- When sorting clothes, select the ones that are similar in size and purpose, and also put aside what can be placed in the boxes separately.
- Do not forget that in the closet should not be crowded. All shoes and clothing should be placed in such a way that at any time you could get it out of the cabinet in a matter of seconds.
- At the same time, the important point is whether you can get what you need without disturbing other things in the closet. If not, then your order is not optimal, and after a few days in your closet there will be a mess again.
Important! At the door of the wardrobe must be a mirror. If you always run to another room to try on clothes, then if you have not enough time, your things will be scattered all over the house.
Underwear and socks
Cardboard boxes for storing small items can now be bought in many stores. In the closet, these boxes are convenient to use for clothes, socks. Then the shelf can be used entirely, including the vertical space, which is often empty.
Important! Before you put things in such boxes, you should sort them according to purpose, composition and color.
If you have drawers in your closet, you can store underwear and socks in them. In this case, you need to divide the box into several sections using cardboard partitions. In addition, now in many hardware stores you can buy organizers for such things.
shoes It's also quite convenient to store some shoes right in boxes. As mentioned above, in order not to search for the right pair for a long time, you can sign boxes or paste photos of shoes on the ends of boxes.
Important! The boxes themselves can be compactly placed on the bottom of the cabinet or on the mezzanine, taking into account both the size of the boxes, and how often you use one or the other pair.
T-shirts and jumpers
To properly arrange things in the closet, do not forget that the jersey, as a rule, is stored on the shelves. And it will also be more convenient if the standard shelves are replaced with retractable trays with bumpers.
Important! To ensure that the T-shirt or jumper does not crumple, try not to fold them, but gently roll them into the roller.
Bijouterie, ties, belts
Ties, belts and large jewelry are most conveniently placed on the cabinet door. If your wardrobe does not have a special hanger on the door, then you can make it yourself. For example, from a hanger for towels in the form of a crossbar. On this hanger you can hang hooks( from the shower curtain).For this type of construction, all your jewelry, belts and ties will be on display, and you can make your choice quickly and conveniently.
Things on the shoulders
Shoulders should be chosen according to the size of the cabinet, best of all - wooden. For clothes from easily deformable fabric special soft shoulders are needed.
Also use in the cabinet dividers - hanging pants, blouses and skirts separately. Or you can arrange things on another principle - to hang clothes, pre-assembling kits. All this will help save your time later.
The more things you have in your wardrobe, the harder it is to keep them in order and keep track of which things you wear all the time and which ones you wear on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, it is better to leave only the necessary, practical and favorite in your closet. Then the order will be kept by itself, and only a few times a year you will have to conduct an audit to maintain cleanliness. Follow the above tips, and order in the closet with your own hands will be easy to navigate.