How do I clean the Velcro on my clothes?

  • Simple measures for light cases
  • We clean the Velcro with sharp objects
  • We clean the Velcro with a toothbrush
  • We clean the Velcro comb
  • With the
  • wash With the Lipco tape
  • With the Lintscoop
  • Other methods
  • Prevention measures

Recently, the fastener in the formVelcro becomes more and more popular. It is used on children's and adult clothing, bags, shoes. Thanks to the large number of small hooks that enter the eyelets, it is easily fastened and unfastened, which is especially convenient for children. But over time it becomes soiled and stops working. How to fix velcro on clothes, shoes or any other thing?

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Simple measures for easy cases

If the fastener is often unbuttoned, then it's clogged and it's time to clean it. To begin with, just pull it all out on it, in the same way as you brush the comb. Such an easy way will prevent heavy dirt and help to keep the functionality of your fastener, besides, it is the least traumatic for the design.

But if after such cleaning the clasp still works poorly and is often undone, then it can be cleaned in other ways.

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We clean the Velcro with sharp objects

With any sharp object you can gently pull dirt from the hooks. Here, a toothpick, a spoke or a hook fits:

  1. We take a toothpick or a spoke and gently pull garbage between the hooks. Clean the rows need to consistently.
  2. The garbage, which we managed to get out, is pinched by tweezers and pulled out.

This method takes a lot of time from you, especially if the clasp surface is large. But if you properly clean all the rows, then you will not need to clean it again soon.

Important! Try to clean it neatly, as sharp objects can damage the hooks.

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We clean the Velcro with a toothbrush

There is another simple way how to clean the Velcro on clothes. This can be done with an old toothbrush.

Important! Instead of a toothbrush, you can take a brush for the eyebrows or, if you have a pet at home, you can borrow from it.

In Action:

  1. First, remove the large debris by hand.
  2. Use a Velcro brush in one direction, for example, from top to bottom, until you remove all dirt.
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Clean the Velcro comb

A good way to clean the Velcro on your clothes is to use a conventional comb. With the help of the comb, you can successfully remove dirt from the Velcro.

Important! The hairbrush should be thick - in this case it has more chances to cope with this task.

The buckle needs to be combed until all visible dirt is gone. If you can not remove the quality of garbage, then you can put the fragment on which the fastener is fastened in soapy water and try combing it. Water will help remove stubborn dirt.

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Using the

wash How to fix the Velcro on the shoes? If you planned to wash your shoes, you can take advantage of the situation and "kill two birds with one stone" - wash your shoes and clean the clasp with soapy water. To do this:

  1. Make a soapy solution. Wipe the laundry soap on a grater and dissolve it in water or use liquid soap for this.
  2. Soak the Velcro in a soapy solution and brush along the hooks with a brush.
  3. The softer side with the loops can be cleaned simply with your fingers.

Important! This method allows you to get rid of not only dirt, but also particles of fat.

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We clean the Velcro tape with adhesive tape

If the Velcro is clogged, but you do not have the ability to wash it in soapy water, then what can you do to fix the Velcro on your shoes? A very effective way is scotch. Many have a house, and if not, then it will not be difficult to acquire it in any office store:

  1. Stir all the large garbage with improvised sharp objects.
  2. Cut a piece of tape, equal in size to the fastener.
  3. Stick it tightly to the surface of the fastener.
  4. Tear off with a sharp movement - all the garbage should remain on the scotch tape.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

This method is fast and simple, even a child can cope with this.

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With Lintscoop

This device is a plastic toothbrush for removing debris from fasteners or other things. It does not damage velcro hooks. In the departments of household chemistry, you are unlikely to find it. But you can write it out to order in specialized catalogs or on the websites of online stores.

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methods There are other ways to clean the Velcro on clothes, shoes or a bag:

  • Run a roller to clean clothes on the contaminated area.
  • You can use a brush for clothes.
  • In the extreme case, always come to the rescue dry cleaning.
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Prevention measures

Velcro fasteners are popular, but they need to be protected for long, they need protection:

  • If you do not use the thing for a long time, fasten the Velcro. So it will accumulate less dirt, and it will be easier for you to clean it.
  • When washing, whether hand or machine, put things buttoned. Threads or spools, detached from the products, can stick to the hooks and spoil the clasp.

It's so simple and fast you can clean the Velcro on any items of your wardrobe. Choose any of the proposed options, and the product will again work as it should, and it will look much better, because a clean shoe and a thing is always much more interesting and pleasant.