Bottle of towels with your own hands

  • Basic concepts for the choice of the material
  • Jacket and women's blouse for 10 minutes
  • Hare
  • Bear
  • Cakes made of towels
  • Towel bottle by one's own hands

Origami - the art of making paper figurines, has spread widely from Japan all over the world. And what if you use a towel instead of a paper sheet? Origami of towels is original, interesting and not at all difficult. In addition, the resulting products can be used to decorate the room as self-contained interior items. For example, it can be a bottle of a towel with your own hands or other crafts, figures. About how to make them, we'll tell in this article.

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Basic concepts for the choice of the material

To use for the manufacture of handicrafts can be any cloth, but you need to consider that:

  • for the manufacture of some figures will need square;
  • for others - rectangular products.

There are several useful secrets:

  • To keep figurines better form, you can pre-starch textiles.
  • If you want to make more realistic gizmos, you can choose towels of the appropriate colors. For example, for making a fox, white and orange textiles are suitable, for monkeys or bears - brown. And black and white fabrics will make a charming penguin.

Let's consider in more detail: what can be done from a towel?

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Jacket and women's blouse for 10 minutes

You will need the following materials:

  • Towels:
    • Black - 400x600 mm, 2 pcs.
    • Red - 300x300 mm, 1 pc.
    • Red - 400x600 mm, 1 pc.
    • White - 400x600 mm, 1 pc.
  • Buttons.
  • Double-sided adhesive tape.

You have to spend 5-10 minutes, and the original products are ready completely.

Jacket with a tie:

  1. Put on the table first a black towel, and then, on top of it - white. Make sure that the corners match perfectly.
  2. Take a long ruler, squeeze the center line along the white sheet.
  3. Fold the resulting halves so that their long edges converge on the centerline marked by you.
  4. Fold the resulting rectangle in half.
  5. Unscrew the edges of the towel. You will get a turndown collar. Secure it with a pin.
  6. Form a tie. Put a red towel on the horizontal surface. Using a ruler, press the diagonal. Twice the edges to this line in such a way that one side is wider and the second side is sharper.
  7. Spread the edges of the resulting "jacket", decorate it with a tie.
  8. Wrap the edges back.

Important! You can decorate the composition with a decorative pin.


  1. Fold the red and black cloth, as for the jacket. In this case, the fabric of black color should be at the bottom, and the white - on top. The collar can be made a little wider than for a jacket.
  2. Attach several buttons using adhesive tape to the center of the product.
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A rabbit or a rabbit from a towel is a perfect present for Easter. He can decorate a festive table or an Easter basket.

To make such a figure of a towel with their own hands you will need a towel of a square shape and several pharmacy gum. The nose and eyes can be made of buttons or adhesive tape.


  1. Fold the fabric diagonally and twist it with a dense bundle.
  2. Fold the harness in half. Tie up the workpiece with an elastic band at the base. Get a head with long ears.
  3. Decorate the hare with a colored ribbon, attach the nose and eyes.


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This toy will please your child. And you can draw to this occupation and the baby, because make a charming bear is not difficult.

So, you will need:

  • Towel( white or brown), rectangular.
  • Nose and two eyes.
  • Ribbon.
  • Pharmacy - 3 pcs.

Let's start making toys from towels by our own hands:

  • Put a towel on a horizontal surface.
  • Use the ruler to draw a horizontal line in the middle.
  • Twist the two opposite edges of the fabric to the resulting line. Get a "double roller".
  • Turn the upper end of the resulting roller face down.
  • Fold the resulting workpiece in half so that the bottom part is slightly longer.
  • Push the top of the workpiece toward the sides.
  • To form the head of the bears, pull the upper part of the workpiece with a rubber band. The head is formed.
  • With two more elastics, form the ears.
  • Now it remains to attach the nose and eyes with adhesive tape.

Important! A charming teddy bear will decorate your bathroom, or you can present it as a gift. By the same principle, you can make other figures of a towel with your own hands.

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Cakes made of towels

It turns out that conventional terry towels are perfectly suitable for making cakes. Let's see how this can be done.

Round cake

It is not difficult to make it at all:

  1. Fold the cloth 3-4 times and fold it with a roll.
  2. Fix the edges of the fabric with pins, and tie the tape to the center.
  3. Decorate the top of the "cake" with artificial flowers or berries.

The original gift is quite ready!

Important! Using several towels, you can make a design in several tiers. Even more original, if you place a bottle of champagne or wine on the center.

There is also a more professional version:

  1. For this you have to use workpieces from several cardboard sheets, cut into strips of different widths.
  2. By connecting the edges of the strips with tape, get rings of different diameters.
  3. Now wrap the towel around the bottom ring-tier, fixing the ends with pins.
  4. All subsequent tiers do the same. At the same time, consider that the next tier should be twice as high as the previous one in height.
  5. Insert the second workpiece in the first, etc.
  6. When the multi-stage construction is ready, you can decorate it to your own taste.

Heart-shaped cake

This is an excellent gift for Valentine's Day or for any family holiday. To make such a hand-crafted towel with your own hands, you will need:

  • Towel.
  • Cardboard strip from festive packaging.
  • Ribbon.
  • Decor elements.
  • Pins.

The order of the cake-heart is as follows:

  1. Form a heart from a cardboard strip, seal the joints with adhesive tape.
  2. Fold the towel in a length of 4 layers.
  3. Fold both ends of the workpiece toward the center.
  4. Place the workpiece inside a prepared heart shape.
  5. Decorate the product with ribbon and ornaments.
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Bottle of a towel with your own hands

A wonderful and unusual gift for a man - a bottle of a towel with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Towel 400x700 mm.
  • Label( you can develop it yourself using a graphical editor).
  • Pharmacy Gum.
  • Stationery needle.
  • Pulverizer with water.

The algorithm for making a bottle of a towel with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Fold the towel over the long side so that the edges are 100-150 mm apart. Sprinkle the workpiece with water.
  2. Fold the structure again, leaving the free edge about 50-80 mm.
  3. Fold the panel into a tight tube. Grind the workpiece in the lower part with a needle, and fix the middle with an elastic band. Put on the wrapper.
  4. Likewise, decorate and neck, pulling it together with an elastic band and decorating with a paper cylinder.

This is the master class for making hand-made articles from a towel. As you can see, no special skills are required here. Only desire and very little imagination. Creative successes to you!