- How can I remove the chewing gum from my hair?
- How to remove the chewing gum from the hair with oil or peanut butter?
- How to remove chewing gum from hair using mayonnaise or Vaseline?
- Removal of chewing gum from hair with strong drinks
- How to remove the cud with soda?
- The method of salted water
- How to remove the cud with ice?
- Toothpaste
- We clean the gum with a spray
- Special hair cosmetics
- What should I do after the procedure?
The chewing gum in the hair is not enough for anyone, no matter what became the reason for its appearance on the hairstyle. If you had to deal with this situation, for sure you are beginning to hurry to find out how to get rid of it, and even grab the scissors. Is it necessary to cut a lock in such a situation?- Not at all. There are several simple ways to remove the chewing gum from your hair, and the necessary substances for this are sure to be found in your home. We will now talk about what these means are and how to use them.
to the contents ↑How can I remove the chewing gum from my hair?
Before running to the hairdresser, check the kitchen cabinets. Surely there is something there that you can remove the chewing gum from your hair. Suitable for you:
- sunflower, olive or linseed oil;
- peanut butter paste;
- baking soda;
- mayonnaise;
- vodka;
- salt.
There must be a toothpaste in the house, ice cubes may be in the refrigerator, and if you rummage on a shelf with different household chemicals, maybe there will be a spray that cleans the glue from different surfaces, or an aerosol to remove rust. In the medicine cabinet can be the most common petroleum jelly. They, too, will perfectly cope with the problem.
In addition to removing the chewing gum from the hair, you need:
- toothbrush;
- comb with small teeth;
- soft shampoo;
- hair care products.
How to remove gum from hair using oil or peanut butter?
This method is especially effective if the cud is stuck relatively recently and has not yet managed to become too hard. The butter can remove chewing gum from both ends and roots.
To do this:
- Apply oil to the damaged area.
- Clean with finger or toothbrush.
- Wait for ten minutes.
- Remove the chewing gum from the hair comb with small denticles.
Important! For 10 minutes the chewing gum will have time to absorb oil, the adhesive properties of it will decrease, and it will be separated from the hair relatively easily.
to the contents ↑How to remove the chewing gum from hair using mayonnaise or Vaseline?
Mayonnaise is a wonderful remedy for getting rid of chewing gum. It is even easier to use than oil. Simply apply the mayonnaise on the strand to which the chewing gum is attached, and on the comb, which you will be combing all this out. The layer should be thick enough.
After such manipulations, the chewing gum, even hardened, is removed quite easily.
Important! The "vaseline" method is no different from "mayonnaise".Do not forget to wash your head with a mild shampoo.
to the contents ↑Removing the chewing gum from the hair with strong drinks
This method is good for short and long hair. For your purpose, the following are suitable:
- medical alcohol;
- vodka;
- cognac;
- tincture of hawthorn or marigold.
How to remove the chewing gum from the hair using any of these tools:
- Wash the cotton swab in an alcohol-containing substance, and start rubbing the damaged strand.
- After a few minutes, the pieces of chewing gum will begin to separate from the total mass, and you will remove it quite quickly.
- However, a pretty nasty smell will remain, but it does not matter - it's not worth it to remove labor, especially since you'll still have to wash your hair.
Important! Wine and liquor will not work, because the wine is too weak, and the liquor - contains too much sugar.
to the contents ↑How to remove the cud with soda?
Soda is uniquely found in every home, and its universal properties allow you to solve all sorts of household problems with the cleaning of different surfaces, fabrics. This miracle remedy is useful in case of a sticky substance in curls, from which you do not know how to get rid of.
So, we act:
- To begin with, prepare the gruel. Pour 2 tablespoons of soda in a saucer.
- Add 2 teaspoons of water and mix.
- Apply the paste to the strand, which must be put in order.
- Wait until the gruel is dried, and comb it together with the chewing gum with a fine comb.
The method of salted water
If you have long enough hair, and the chewing gum sticks almost to the tips, you will benefit greatly from salt water:
- Make a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 glass of water.
- Put the strand in water, wait five minutes.
- Comb the strand.
The chewing gum is like it used to be.
to the contents ↑How to remove the chewing gum with ice?
Chewing gum in the hair can be frozen - when frozen, it will inevitably lose its adhesive properties and quickly crumble. In this case, you should act as follows:
- Take an ice cube.
- Wrap the ice in polyethylene.
- Attach a cube to the chewing gum that has stuck into the hair.
- Wait until it hardens.
- Comb the strand with a frequent comb.
Wait, however, have a long time - 10-15 minutes. And you need to freeze the cud on all sides.
Important! The same method can be used to remove the chewing gum from the carpet, furniture, any clothes. Even easier - if the object is not bulky, such as a T-shirt or pants. Then it is enough to put this thing as it is in the freezer for 30 minutes or an hour and then simply remove the mass that has stagnated from the tissue.
to the table of contents ↑Toothpaste
Ironically, toothpaste can help out in this situation. A little paste rub into the chewing gum - and you immediately make sure that the chewing gum starts to peel off gradually. Rub the paste as necessary until all the chewing gum leaves your hair.
to the table of contents ↑We clean the elastic with
Spray The spray for cleaning the glue surfaces is easy to find in any hardware store - as, indeed, an aerosol for cleaning rust. And if the first substance does not cause any problems - the glue is glue, if it cleans it - it will reduce the adhesive properties of the chewing gum, then the suitability of the anticorrosive preparation may cause confusion. But do not be surprised. It is enough to sprinkle on the cud, and then gently clean it with a comb.
Important! Such substances are not particularly useful for the skin, so it's best to carry out all manipulations in gloves. Upon completion, be sure to wash your head with shampoo.
to the table of contents ↑Special hair cosmetics
Those who carefully follow their hair have already evaluated modern hair cosmetics. For example, silicone drops, which can now be bought at any decent cosmetic store. They are useful in many ways - in order to remove the chewing gum from the hair, also quite suitable.
Apply a few drops on the strand with a rubber band, wait five minutes - the chewing gum will fall off without any difficulty. Of course, after this procedure it does not hurt to wash your hair.
to the contents ↑What to do after the procedure?
Usually, after removing the chewing gum, it is enough to wash your hair. But those who have hair or scalp especially sensitive, may need improved hair care. To you will help:
- balm;
- burdock oil;
- castor oil;
- restoring hair mask.
Means simple and affordable, each of them will return your hair to its former beauty.
We hope that you managed to solve the problem and now, even if this situation repeats more than once, you clearly know what you need to do to remove the cud from your hair, without changing the style of your favorite hairstyle.