- Than to clean a smell of a mold?
- How to remove mold from clothes?
- What else to clean the mold with things?
- Useful advices
Even in the most modern house, equipped in accordance with the latest technological innovations, the humidity level can constantly change. The accumulation of it leads to the reproduction of fungi on clothes and objects, and therefore the question of how to get rid of the smell of mold on clothing, always remains appropriate. To solve this problem it is necessary correctly, using only suitable means, otherwise the effect will be insignificant. How to deal with the smell of mustiness and dampness, our experts will tell.
to the contents ↑How to remove the smell of mold?
Before proceeding with the removal of the fungus, determine the appropriate cleaning agent. It can be, as folk remedies, which are always at hand at any mistress, and special chemistry.
Most commonly used are simple options for removing the unpleasant smell of dampness, rot, fog:
- turpentine;
- vinegar;
- soda;
- salt;
- clay;
- lemon or citric acid powder;
- onion juice;
- liquid ammonia;Yogurt;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- laundry detergent;
- special chemistry to remove various odors.
How to remove mold from clothes?
If the clothing has been wet for a long time or moisture has accumulated in the cabinet, stains from mold of different sizes are formed on it. To remove them, select the appropriate method, given the type of tissue itself.
Silk and wool
To remove mold from items from this material, use one of the following methods:
- Turpentine + clay. If it is available, feel free to use this effective tool. To do this:
- Wet a cotton pad or tampon with a solution.
- Clean the area carefully.
- Sprinkle the stain with a dry clay of any type. Cover
- with white paper or a paper towel.
- Iron out the stain until it disappears completely.
- Wash clothing in soapy water( preferably with household soap).
- Ammonium alcohol. Another quite affordable option, but with it be very careful - you can not use the product in a concentrated form. To clean mold in this way, do the following:
- Dilute alcohol in a 1:16 ratio.
- With the solution obtained, carefully treat the soiled area.
- Rinse things well in soapy warm water.
- Wash normally.
Important! Take into account that silk and wool are delicate fabrics, therefore it is unacceptable to rub them with a rough brush and use aggressive substances in their pure form. This way you can not only reduce the attractiveness of the color of clothes, but also contribute to the destruction of the yarns of the fabric.
Satin, cotton, coarse calico, linen
These natural types of fabrics are strong enough, but with the wrong approach they can quickly change their structure. Therefore, to begin with, try to get rid of stains and the smell of mold by effective folk remedies:
- Salt - it's a great cleaning for different surfaces, including clothes. To use ordinary kitchen salt, do the following:
- Prepare the solution at the rate of 2 tbsp.spoon powder on 1 liter of water.
- Wait until the salt dissolves completely and add 1 teaspoon of ammonia to the liquid.
- Put on the fire and boil for 30 minutes.
- Allow the solution to cool slightly.
- Treat it with a stained area on clothing.
- Do not rinse, but let the substance act - for this leave for 30-60 minutes, sometimes longer.
- Wash normally with detergent or soap.
- When using the machine, set the dual rinse mode.
- Dry clothes outdoors or in a well ventilated balcony.
- Salt + vinegar or lemon. To take advantage of this combination of substances, follow these instructions:
- Take 3-7% table vinegar or 1 lemon juice.
- Soak the cloth in the right place.
- Leave for 5-10 minutes.
- Sprinkle the stain with salt.
- Wash the item well in a warm soapy solution or in a powder machine, but only after the stain has dried.
- Dry in the sun.
- Onion. These remedies are also good for cotton fabrics when molds appear on them. Use it according to the following scheme:
- Squeeze the juice from the bulb.
- Thoroughly rub the fungus-affected area.
- Repeat the procedure several times with a short period of time.
- Wash clothing in not very hot water.
- Dry well. Dried milk or whey. If these products are available, use them to clean the mold plaque in this way:
- Pour the yogurt into the basin. Soak the thing in it for 10-12 hours.
- Wash as usual with powder or soap, then dry clothes in the open air.
White and colored fabrics
The color of clothes will also influence the choice of the product. To properly use the recommendations for removing stains from mold, consider the following tips:
- for white fabrics is ideal for hydrogen peroxide, bleach and bleach;
- for color take ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
How to use:
- Prepare the mixture from the cleaner with water in the correct proportion.
- Treat stains with a sponge.
- Wash with soap or powder.
How else to remove mold from things?
There are many more options that are suitable for permanently getting rid of the unpleasant odor.
Option 1
To restore the attractiveness of a leather bag, do one of the simple procedures:
- drizzle from the inside with dissolved vanilla or lemon juice;
- put inside and do not take out aromatic pouches;
- put inside a special moisture absorbent - they always come complete with leather products or shoes.
Option 2
A special solution of the available ingredients for normal washing is also suitable:
- Fill the wash basin with warm water.
- Dissolve in the liquid vinegar based on 1 liter: 1 tbsp.spoon. Soak in the linen solution for 0.5-3 hours.
- Rinse thoroughly.
- Erase all things already without mold, but in normal mode.
Option 3
Another unusual but very effective way to remove odor and stains from mold and dampness:
- Dissolve ascorbic acid in 50 ml of alcohol or vodka.
- Apply the received liquid gently to the stain.
- Wait until the mixture dries onto the fabric.
- Wash clothing as usual.
Option 4
No less qualitative results will be obtained when using ordinary newsprint. For this:
- Wrap clothes in dry newspapers with the smell of dampness.
- Fill it with paper from the inside.
- Leave in this form for 3-7 days, depending on the sharpness of the odor.
Important! Be careful in choosing a printed publication. If the polygraphy is of poor quality, then the traces of the printing ink may remain on the items.
Variant 5
If you are an adherent of more aggressive means and are set to get the desired result in just a few minutes, apply special chemicals against unpleasant odors. In this case, even sprays such as "Smell No", which allow you to quickly stop the trouble, delivered by pets, will do.
Option 6
The last method is mechanical. It will work if you already have a steam generator. The principle of operation is quite simple - the mold "loves" the coolness in combination with dampness. And this equipment simultaneously warms up the thing and dries, and even easy disinfection of clothes will be performed.
Important! How to use it correctly - see the manufacturer's instructions. But be careful with the type of fabric - for delicate products such an approach is not always rational, since it can do more harm than good.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices
Take a few useful recommendations to help you not only quickly and efficiently cope with the problem of fungi, but also prevent their appearance in the house:
- Periodically spray the cabinets inside one of the above mold removal solutions;
- Often, dry clothes in the open air in the sun, especially for fur coats and other "heavy" and fur articles of the wardrobe;
- When choosing the tools, give preference to one option or sequentially, but do not use different cleaning agents at the same time until the desired result is obtained. Note that, for example, bleach and ammonia in the chemical reaction produce toxic gas. Similar processes may occur when other chemicals are combined;
- Periodically together or instead of a detergent add 1 glass of soda to the washing machine - it will perfectly clean things, disinfect fabrics and even the internal surfaces of the equipment itself.
Please note that mold not only spoils the appearance of things, but also provokes respiratory diseases. Therefore, follow our advice and stay clean in your home to be always happy and healthy!