- How to make a face white?
- Folk remedies that will help make the face skin lighter
- Recipes how to make the face skin white
- Why decide to whiten the face?
- Surgeon or ultrasound services
- Who needs clarification of facial skin?
- Tips and tricks
- Rules for girls who want to always have a light skin
- When the skin can not be clarified?
- Menu for enhancing the effect of
procedures The female half of humanity always strives to look good and attractive. A special role for lovely ladies is attached to the external appearance of the face, its skin and its condition. They look after, watch the skin of the face, trying to make it clean and bright. And, of course, suddenly appeared shortcomings, dark spots or long-bored freckles can sometimes upset and upset anyone. What to do and how to make the skin white? This question often tears the beautiful sex. We will deal with it in this article.
to the contents ↑How to make the face white?
Depending on the reasons for the appearance of pigmentation on the face, it is necessary to search for a suitable method of combating it. Having ascertained the root cause, you will be able to use various means:
- Proven and reliable are popular ways of lightening.
- Also make the skin whiter than any other cosmetic products.
- In other cases, you may need the help of a specialist in this field.
Next we will discuss all these issues in more detail.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies that will help make the face skin lighter
Why do people often resort to folk remedies for skin care? Try to find ways how to make the skin lighter at home? The answer is obvious - it's reliable, safe and useful. So which ingredients can have the desired effect and are available to everyone? We list some of them.
All the famous lemon can not only improve the taste of tea, but also contribute to skin lightening. It can be added to masks, scrubs, and also applied by itself:
- Dampen the cotton swab in lemon juice, gently wipe the skin.
- After 15 minutes rinse your face with water, cover the skin with a moisturizer.
Important! Repeat this procedure once a day no more than three times a week. Be very careful when rubbing the skin around the eyes. Do not let lemon juice enter your eyes.
Another effective tool is a cucumber. In addition to whitening, it also perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face. Like a lemon, a cucumber can be used as a constituent of masks, but quite often it is used in its pure form:
- The classic way is to cut fresh cucumber with mugs, apply to a cleansed face for 30 minutes.
- Another option is to wipe the face with cucumber juice. You can only use fresh squeezed juice!
Important! Cucumber has the ability to remove pigment spots, even lighten the swarthy skin. From dark circles under the eyes you will also benefit from this wonderful vegetable.
Strawberry also does a great job with this task if you need to make the skin white. Are you surprised, because the berry itself is red? It is by no means so simple - it contains natural acids that have a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole.
Cut the berry into halves, wipe the skin with them. Just 5 minutes - during this time strawberry juice will remove dead skin layers and the face will become much whiter. After the procedure, do not forget to rinse your face with water.
Important! Do not forget about individual intolerance, since this berry can trigger allergic rashes, if the body as a whole is prone to such reactions.
It is included in a variety of masks and products. A simple way to use parsley:
- Pour 10 grams of fresh herbs 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour.
- Moisten the cotton pad in the received infusion, wipe the skin of the face.
Important! In addition, that parsley will help make the skin white, it will also saturate it with useful nutrients, vitamins, and as a whole will help to improve the tone.
This unusual remedy is universal, as it is suitable for all skin types. Yeast is always mixed with a component that depends on your skin:
- If the skin is oily, the yeast is added to a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
- For dry skin, use milk.
- For normal skin, just water.
Put the yeast in a suitable liquid at room temperature and mix until the sour cream has a consistency. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the face, as soon as the mask begins to dry, rinse it with water.
You will need this drug in the most ordinary pharmacy. The mask consists of:
- 2 spoons of glycerin;
- 1 spoon of lemon juice;
- 1 teaspoon of apple juice.
All carefully mix, treat the resulting mixture of skin. After 15 minutes, wash with water, apply the usual cream.
Horseradish is suitable for oily or combination skin:
- It is necessary to squeeze juice from fresh, cleaned horseradish, add to it the same amount of water.
- You can clean the face with this remedy 1-2 times a day.
Cabbage white
How to make the skin lighter with cabbage? Very simple! This vegetable is applied in the form of compresses on the face:
- Squeeze out cabbage juice, then rasprait face well.
- This is best done by taking a hot bath.
- Dampen a piece of gauze in the juice, put on your face for 10 minutes.
Milk, kefir, yogurt
Dairy products compete well with pigmented spots. You can use milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. Wipe the cleansed face with milk. Of the other dairy products, various whitening masks and mixtures are well produced.
This is by no means all means that can help make the skin lighter and whiter. There are a huge number of recipes, the composition and ingredients of which you can choose at your discretion. And also to choose the most effective way to care for your skin type.
to content ↑Recipes how to make the face skin white
Let us dwell in more detail on recipes and ways how to make the skin white at home:
- Cut the potatoes into two halves and distribute the juices over the face. Repeat several times. Rinse the face after the procedure with water.
- Take one tablespoon of dried milk, lemon juice and almond oil. Stir, apply the product on face and wait 15 minutes. Rinse with plain water.
- And here is a recipe suitable for all skin types. Two tablespoons of oat flour mixed with one tablespoon of milk, add 6 drops of lemon and olive oil.
- Wipe the cucumber on a fine grater, combine the resulting pulp with cottage cheese. This mixture can be used daily. Literally in a few days you will notice a clear lightening of the skin.
- Effective mask of lemon juice and honey. These two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin.
- You can use fresh tomato to lighten the skin. Cut the tomato with a fork and add 5 drops of lemon juice to this pulp.
- Orange peel, mixed with cottage cheese, has an amazing effect.
- Mix until a homogeneous consistency pulp of watermelon and apple. This mask is suitable for oily skin.
- An interesting mask using rye bread and milk. Soak a slice of bread in milk and mix to the state of gruel. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
- Combine a tablespoon of liquid honey and milk. Distribute on face and leave for 20 minutes. In addition to the whitening properties, this mask helps to reduce wrinkles and facelift.
- You will need one teaspoon of cottage cheese, white clay and honey mixed with one yolk. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin and wait 20 minutes.
- You can also prepare a scrub that cleans and brightens your skin. To do this, take two tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, mix them together. Then gently rub the scrub over your face until the sugar dissolves.
- If you have an aloe flower at home, then there's nothing easier and better than wiping your face with its juice. Tear off the leaf from the branch and wipe the juiced face.
- An unusual means for whitening a face can be turmeric. Despite the fact that it has the opposite coloring effect, in fact, this spice perfectly prevents the development of melanin. Namely because of this pigment and darkens your skin. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and two teaspoons of lemon and cucumber juice. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
Important! When choosing any of the recipes, be sure to consider whether you have any allergies to its ingredients. If you have any doubts, be sure to perform a skin sensitivity test.
to the contents ↑Why decide to whiten the face?
Well, of course, to be beautiful and attractive. And the face is a part of the body, which you pay attention to first. Not every girl can have perfect skin from nature, and then it is worth considering how to make the skin of the face white.
The reasons for deciding to whiten the face can be:
- Different spots on the face: pigmented, allergenic or resulting from stress, fatigue.
- Freckles, uneven sunburn, burnt dirt.
- Consequences of unsuccessful cosmetic procedures.
The desire to have a white and even skin color, so that it looks healthy and well-groomed, it is quite natural.
to content ↑Surgeon or ultrasound services
You may have often heard how to make the skin white at home. However, not always known methods help. Or you just decided to trust a specialist cosmetologist.
In beauty salons you will be able to help and solve the problem with the help of ultrasound. In addition to the whitening effect, ultrasound has a favorable effect on the skin and even it. And special cosmetic compounds allow ultrasonic waves to act deeply in the skin.
Important! This cosmetic procedure triggers natural processes to regenerate the skin. The skin of the face remains white and beautiful for a long period. But it should be noted that it may be necessary to perform several ultrasound procedures.
Another specialist who knows how to make the skin of the face lighter, is a plastic surgeon. Perhaps, to some extent you will be frightened by plastic surgery. But do not be afraid, no scalpels and surgeries! And the result is high-quality and fast!
The main types of plastic methods of skin bleaching:
- Microdermabrasion. Clarification is carried out with the help of finely dispersed sand and oxygen.
- Laser grinding. This method is most often used for fading skin - it allows you to remove stains, eliminate deep wrinkles.
- Chemical peeling. Skin cleansing occurs in deep layers of the skin.
Important! Having achieved the coveted result, do not forget to continue to carefully look after the skin.
to the contents ↑Who needs clarification of facial skin?
For what reasons do lovely ladies think about how to make the skin white? In addition, at present, swarthy and tanned skin is more popular. Sometimes it's not so much a whim or a desire to look prettier, but rather a forced necessity.
There are several main reasons for resorting to skin lightening:
- Unattractive tan, uneven.
- Scars on the face, arising from injuries or acne.
- A dark complexion of the skin.
- Unpleasant complexion: gray, red or yellow.
- Many freckles, excessive pigmentation
Important! Regardless of the reasons for which you decided to lighten the skin of your face, it is not superfluous to get acquainted with the basic rules and recommendations for the use of whitening products and masks.
Tips and Tricks
How to make the skin lighter without harming it?
Important! The skin of the face is very tender, and in case of a negative reaction, the tracks can not be hidden immediately.
Therefore it is very important to adhere to these simple recommendations:
- A favorable time of the year for performing whitening procedures is summer.
- After a clarifying mask, do not expose to the open sun for several hours.
- To avoid allergic reactions, perform a preliminary test. Anoint the skin inside the elbow fold: if after 15 minutes there was no discomfort, then - the mask can be applied to the skin of the face.
- Pre-prepare: the skin needs to be steamed, and then, using a scrub, cleaned of impurities.
- Monitor the application time of the tool, the maximum time is 30 minutes.
- After the end of the mask, it is recommended to remove the mask with a medicinal daisy stained with boiling water.
- If you are initially prone to allergies, your skin is tender and sensitive, then it is better not to conduct such procedures.
Important! Whitening masks and products are pleasant and painless. Do not forget to fix the result, the procedure must be carried out regularly, with a frequency of 2 times a week.
to the table of contents ↑Rules for girls who want to always have a light skin
To make your skin look beautiful and light always, we advise you to follow a few simple rules:
- Regardless of the season, apply sunscreen.
- Using creams, pay attention to those that are able to block the formation of melanin.
- Regularly perform facial cleansing procedures.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Control your diet - it must be balanced and rich in vitamins.
- Refuse bad habits, especially from smoking, because it is known that nicotine very spoils the complexion.
- Regularly perform procedures for skin lightening.
Adhering to these tips, you will undoubtedly achieve a positive result and a noticeable effect.
to the contents ↑When the skin can not be clarified?
There are times when you used many options to make the skin lighter at home, and even could use the services of a specialist, but did not achieve the desired result.
Unfortunately, there are factors in which bleaching of the skin is ineffective, and sometimes contraindicated. These include:
- Swarthy skin.
- Freckles since birth.
- Diseases or hormonal abnormalities that cause increased pigmentation( pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system).
- Elderly age.
- Lack of vitamins.
Important! To cope with the situation, you need to identify the cause of the appearance of age spots. And only after that try any methods for their elimination.
If on the skin there are only minor flaws and darkening, one of the recommended remedies may be masking cosmetics. It easily corrects complexion, and you will remain satisfied with your appearance.
to content ↑Menu to enhance the effect of
procedures In addition to using various folk or cosmetic products, there is an important aspect of how to make the skin of the face lighter. Unlike external procedures, its action is directed from within and depends on your menu and food.
By using the appropriate products, you can enhance the effect. What foods should be present in your diet?
- Tomatoes, sauerkraut, broccoli, sweet pepper, green peas are suitable for vegetables.
- From fruits, try apples, dates, especially effective will be citrus fruits. Contained in them, vitamin C, helps reduce melanin, which improves the color of your face, and also softens the skin.
- Also useful are berries: strawberries, currants.
Feel free to include these ingredients in your menu - they are not only delicious, but they can help you achieve the desired result!
As you can see, it is possible and necessary to deal with unwanted flaws on the face skin. And sometimes it will not be difficult for you. Follow the basic recommendations and rules. Approach the process of bleaching the skin responsibly, as the key to the success of all procedures in their regularity and correct use. A systematic approach is also important. It is necessary not only to act directly on the skin of the face, but also to eat right, to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.