- Selecting the color
- Designing tricks
- Selecting the drawing
- Additional parameters
- Correcting the room with the wallpaper
- 10 Design Tips for small rooms
- For lovers of change
Modern trends towards minimalism and open space are difficult to implement in small apartments. But still, taking up the advice of designers, you can try to get closer to the ideal. The main note in the interior is set by the decoration of the walls, and the furniture is additional chords, which is why it is so important to know how to choose wallpaper for a small room.
Important! Many when decorating small rooms follow the rule: you need to choose light colors with a discreet little picture, or better - without it at all. Indeed, such an approach is correct and safe, but at the same time boring - there is no place for a flight of fantasy. In fact, even in a small room can be wallpaper with patterns, and even dark, while they will not "steal" space. Only here when using such solutions you need to know some tricks.
to the contents ↑Choose the color
There are some general guidelines for choosing colors for small rooms:
- Light colors are preferred.
- Brilliant bright colors visually reduce space.
- Purely white walls, too, should not be.
- Also consider the level of lighting in the room. For a small dark room it is better to choose wallpaper in warm colors. If there is enough light, pay attention to the cold colors.
- Contrast in the interior "eats" the area. Try to pick up harmonic in color wallpaper, furniture and other accessories.
- Cold shades "add" spaces, and warm colors - on the contrary, reduce.
For a small dark room it is desirable to choose wallpaper of this color scheme:
- beige;
- cream;
- sand;
- light yellow;
- is soft pink;
- peach;
- light green;
- blue;
- light gray;
- gray-blue.
Important! Under the influence of artificial light, the color of the walls can differ significantly from the actual. Therefore, it is advisable to bring the sample home and buy it in the "native" light before buying.
to the contents ↑Designer tricks of
Modern possibilities open up space for the implementation of interesting ideas with a non-trivial effect. If you have an idea of some of the nuances of decorative decoration, you can choose a boring wallpaper for a small room to make it stylish, modern and cozy.
One wall
What if you are cute, dark or bright colors, but at the same time you want to get a spacious room? In this case, designers use a very simple and effective method: they "hang" with "forbidden" wallpaper only one wall, and all the others - "correct".
Important! Making the emphasis in the interior materials of a different type, think about what exactly you want to emphasize. As a rule, contrast wallpaper:
- pastes the wall behind the head of the bed;
- allocate a work area;
- separate the resting place, for example a chair with a floor lamp and a coffee table.
Therefore, it is so important to plan in advance the arrangement of furniture in the room.
Additional tips:
- Naturally, the "accent" wall should correspond with the color of the other three bright walls and harmoniously fit into the overall interior.
- If you use a saturated wallpaper, think about additional lighting that will help "move apart" the space.
- Do not use contrasting wallpaper to highlight a particular section of the wall. Thus, you divide the room into zones and visually make it even smaller.
Another trick from designers to expand the space is to stick the wallpaper not as usual with vertical stripes, but diagonally. Of course, this method of pasting requires a certain skill - you will have to look for experienced specialists.
Wallpapers companion
A fairly common way that helps to visually expand a room is vertical striping of wallpaper-companions:
- in rooms up to 10 sq. M.m combine two types of coatings;
- with a larger area - you can use three types.
Important! With this reception on the wall, one strip of each wallpaper is alternately glued, or two strips from one roll, and the third from the other.
Wallpaper companions should have a similar color, but can have a different pattern or texture. Quite often monophonic tapestries are supplemented by similar wallpaper with a non-contrast pattern or strip.
Important! That when gluing the wallpaper-companion joints looked neat, you need to buy a decor of the same material, and preferably the same in quality. Many manufacturers offer customers already ready-made combinations of complementary coatings.
to the table of contents ↑Choose the picture
Now on sale just a huge number of wallpapers with a variety of interesting prints. So why should you limit yourself to only one-color variants?
Important! The technique of "one wall with a pattern" can be used not only if you have a concrete roll into the soul of a store from the store, but also quite purposefully - for expansion.
It's enough just to know some rules to choose wallpaper for a small dark room with the "right" picture:
- Materials with low contrast of the picture. Here you should pay attention to the size of the picture itself. The most suitable option for a small room is a small print. The average size is also acceptable, but you need to be more careful. But the large patterns are absolutely not suitable - they can be used only on one accent wall.
- Wallpaper with a contrast pattern - your view even from afar can "catch" for a separate detail of the pattern. Increased contrast of graphics "eats" space. To neutralize this fact can be a rare, by arrangement, figure. Infrequent contrasting small print on a light canvas revitalizes the room, while not reducing the space. But with a larger pattern can "pull" on yourself too much attention, become the dominant in the interior. Therefore, it should be used neatly or only for one wall. Materials with a large pattern are suitable only as an accent.
- The wallpaper with a contrasting and frequent pattern causes a feeling of pent-up, even in a room with a small amount of furniture. Therefore, if you really want to use them in the interior, then glue them only the accent wall. In this case, the "heavy" pattern will become the center of the interior around which "complementary" furniture should be located.
Important! The wall, covered with wallpaper with a gentle non-contrast pattern, visually looks "behind the furniture" and completely free of it. To maintain this effect, try to make it as free as possible from hinged shelves and cabinets.
to content ↑More options for
Now you know how to choose wallpaper for a small room based on the color and pattern. But there are still additional parameters that you should pay attention to if you are faced with the task of visually increasing the room:
- The relief pattern creates a sense of additional meters due to the play of light and shadows. Also, texture wallpaper can hide minor wall irregularities.
- Reflective elements make the room more spacious. Depending on your taste, it can be a wallpaper with silkscreen, silvery or golden blotches in the picture.
- Photo Walls will create another world behind the walls of your room. It will be good if it will be a photo with a distant prospect.
Important! When choosing wallpapers with a photoprint, you should pay attention to the quality of the material and the naturalness of the colors of the picture. It is also desirable to have a 3D effect.
to the contents ↑We correct the room with the wallpaper
Unfortunately, the layout of our apartments is sometimes quite far from ideal. In addition, that the room is small, it can still be narrow or have disproportionately high ceilings. These and some other shortcomings can be adjusted if you know how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room in such cases.
Narrow and long room
A small corridor looks even smaller if it is too narrow. Correct such a room can be as follows:
- Stick to longer walls wallpaper with a larger pattern.
- Use the horizontal alternation method. At the same time in the corner of the room there should not be a joint of two strips - one segment should go to two walls.
Thus, the parameters of the room visually "smeared" and the room will not seem so narrow.
Change the height of the ceiling
You can change the height of the ceiling without resorting to cardinal architectural reorganization. A small correction can be made by correctly selecting the wallpaper:
- For a small, low dark room, it's better to choose a wallpaper in a horizontal strip. At the same time, try to avoid a wide ceiling curb - it visually reduces the walls.
- Also suitable for horizontal alternation of wallpaper, when dark colors gently flow into light colors on the ceiling. However, this method requires careful selection of materials and just a workshop of pasting.
Important! To "stretch the walls", when gluing the wallpaper a few centimeters, step on the ceiling.
- Also visually you can raise the ceiling, if you paste it with wallpaper with the image of the sky.
- At the same time, if you have too high ceilings, then the small room in comparison with the walls will seem even smaller. In this case, just a wide curb will help out, and you can also glue the wallpaper, stepping back from the ceiling.
Extend the walls of
Make the wall visually wider can wallpaper with horizontal stripes. But the ceiling may seem lower.
Important! Do not glue wallpaper with horizontal lines on the longer walls. In this case, they will make the surface even bigger in size, and the room will eventually appear narrow.
If in a square room two parallel walls are pasted with lighter wallpaper, then they will visually become longer, and the room will be perceived as rectangular.
to the table of contents ↑10 designer tips for small rooms
Of course, the "right" wallpaper can significantly increase the room. But in order to get a harmonious picture in the interior, one should also listen to other advice of specialists in the organization of space in small rooms:
- When choosing furniture and other items for a small room, observe a balance of sizes and try to avoid big things. For example, a full bed can occupy almost the entire space in a small room and visually make it absolutely tiny. In this case, it is better to buy a small folding sofa or transformer wardrobe-bed.
- Observe the minimalism. The more free space in the room, the more spacious it seems. Do not exert too many small objects on exposed surfaces.
- Floor and ceiling are additional "walls" of the room. To make the room more spacious, you can cover them with light or reflective tiles. Also, the room will look more spacious if the walls, floor and ceiling are in the same light colors.
- If you want to hang a picture on the wall, remember that one relatively large is better than a group of small ones.
- Mirrors greatly increase space. They reflect not only light, but also color. If you paste one wall with a mirror tile, then the room will increase several times.
- Fill the room with light, using the built-in lights and floor lamps. But a large suspended chandelier - on the contrary, will reduce the volume.
- Glass or mirror furniture is great for small rooms. For example, a glass dining table perfectly copes with its basic functions, but it does not clutter up space, allows you to look through it deep into the room.
- Furniture in a small room should be placed in the corners and along the walls.
- Place the item in the furthest corner that will immediately attract attention. It can be a vase, floor lamp or something else. Also, the far wall can become an accent. The view of the incoming will rush through the entire room and there will be a sense of great perspective. And how to draw attention to it and how to choose wallpaper for a small room, you already know.
- Large armchairs, chairs with blind backs "eat" part of the space - the perspective disappears. Therefore, low furniture is more preferable: pouffes, stools, beds without legs, etc.
For lovers of change
If you like to constantly make changes to the interior or doubt that the chosen color scheme will suit you for a long time,immediately get wallpaper for painting. In this case, you will not need to waste time and nerves to remove old wallpapers and paste new ones. All your imaginative fantasies can be realized in a couple of hours.
Important! You can paint the wallpaper only after they have completely dried. Therefore, for the first time the repair can take a little time.
On sale the most common are such tapestries for painting:
- Paper - relatively inexpensive. They are a bit problematic at work, as they are easy to break. In addition, after drying, a partial divergence of the joints is possible.
- Steklooboi - very easy to glue, strong, can be painted by any painting method. They are so well adhered to the surface of the walls that it is very difficult to remove them. Therefore, these wallpapers are suitable for those who like to do repairs very rarely.
- Flizeline wallpaper - well glued and easy to remove. They are strong enough, so they are most often bought for painting.
Now you know how to pick up wallpapers for a small dark room, how to combine them correctly and what else to pay attention to in the interior. We hope that our tips will help you create a comfortable space, even if there is a small area.