- Why do eyelids "get heavy"?
- Active Exercises for the eyes
- Natural masks from the handy tools
- Strengthening of the professional cosmetics
- Good shake of the body will give a striking effect
- Available today for treatment methods
- Additional useful tips for the care of the eyelids
Many already in 25 years begin to wonder how to tighten the skin of the eyelids inhome, because beautiful expressive eyes - this is the dream of any representative of the fair sex. But to the great regret, not everyone has been lucky enough to have such a piercing look from nature. Today, women have learned to deal with defects in appearance with the help of make-up, adjusting the size and beauty of their eyes. But with wrinkles and "heavy" eyelids, you still need to fight extra, because even under the skilful make-up they can look through. Consider what can be done if the flabby skin of the eyelids.
to the contents ↑Why do eyelids "get heavy"?
Decorative cosmetics copes well with the task, however, time goes by, and the effect of it is less. The problem is that the skin on the eyes is too thin, practically does not contain fat, so after 25 years on it you can find small wrinkles. With age, the skin will more and more sag, and mimic wrinkles will become more noticeable.
By the age of forty, almost all women face the problem of sagging eyelids. The muscles that hold them dry up, and the skin gradually begins to hang over the eyes, resulting in ligaments lifting the upper eyelid, slowly atrophy.
The woman's gaze begins to seem tired, gloomy, and sometimes even heavy. No woman in the world is willing to tolerate the loss of her beauty, so she will always look for new ways to tighten the upper eyelids and keep the look as good as possible.
Important! Many women are concerned about the problem of sagging eyelids, but few of them are ready to solve it surgically. Plastic surgery can lift the upper eyelids by cutting through the natural fold line and removing excess skin. This type of operation is called blepharoplasty.
There are a number of cases where after such a plastic surgery a small amount of time sagging eyelids resumes. This is due to the genetic predisposition to early atrophy of facial wrinkles. In such cases, you will either have to lie down under the knife regularly, which is not desirable more than twice, or resort to more natural ways to combat age-related changes.
If you do not rush to use the services of a surgeon, then you should pay attention to the recommendations below. Now we will tell you how to remove excess skin under the eyes at home without significant financial costs and great efforts.
Important! Before starting a procedure such as eyelid lift at home, I would like to mention that the eyes are a very important, supersensitive part of the human body. Any wrong movement can adversely affect the function of your eyes, and along with beauty, you can lose your eyesight too, so all manipulations must be done with extreme caution.
to Contents ↑Active Exercises for the Eye
The first of all possible eyelid suspensions is an exercise to strengthen their muscles. This is understandable, because in the whole body, if any muscle begins to weaken, it means - it is underloaded. In the same way, and for centuries. Try several times a day to conduct such exercises:
- Close your eyes tightly, and then open - alternately close and open the eyes for 2-3 minutes. Do not forget to linger for a few seconds in one position and look at one point. Otherwise - you may feel dizzy.
Important! If you see "flies" before your eyes and you get a feeling of nausea, it means that you did exercise too fast or too long.
- Well affected by the condition of the muscles of the eyelids is frequent blinking. Sitting in front of the mirror, try to blink a couple of minutes, while the mouth should be open. This position of the mouth will stretch all the muscles of the face, and from exercise will be more useful.
- The upper eyelids can be tightened, moving their eyes to the left to the right, holding their eyes for a couple of seconds.
- Exercise "Geisha" will help not only to raise the sagging skin of the eyelid, but also quickly rid of facial wrinkles. For this exercise, you should, with your fingers squeezed the outer corners of the eyes, stretch them to the so-called "Chinese eyes".
- Easily pinch the upper eyelid with your fingers and, overcoming resistance, try to open your eyes as wide as possible.
- Widely open your eyes, with the tips of your index fingers, pull the skin of the temple to your ears. In this position, close and open your eyes for 30 seconds.
Natural masks from the handy tools of
The second item related to the suspending of sagging muscles on the eyelids is regular and regular skin care in the eye area. Too early and inept use of cosmetics aggravates the condition of the skin in the upper eyelid. If you find the first signs of sagging, it is advisable to start using pull-up masks and creams.
It is not necessary to run to a beauty salon - it is possible to carry out a eyelid lift by yourself, by preparing a mask at home.
Recipe 1:
- You need to beat a single egg protein with a mixer until white foam forms.
- Then add 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of honey( the flour can be replaced with oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder).
- The resulting mixture is applied to the eyelids and lie down for 15 minutes.
- After removing the mask, rinse thoroughly with cool water.
Important! This mask can be done a couple of times a week.
Recipe 2
To support the eyelids, the milk-based mask is great:
- To prepare it, you need a fourth of a glass of milk and 4 tablespoons of soda.
- The mixture is beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained and sent to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Important! Do this mask once a week, and after a month you will notice the first changes for the better.
Recipe 3
It's also good for sagging eyelids from fresh vegetables and fruits, such as banana pulp and peeled potatoes.
to the contents ↑Strengthening of professional cosmetics
If you already have a cream for the braces, you can enhance its effect with essential oils. For these purposes, the following are excellent:
- Sandalwood and fennel;
- Cocoa;
- Roses;
- Mint.
If your lifting cream is too thick in a jar, then olive oil will help to fix the situation - just add a couple drops to the cream, stir thoroughly. In the case of a tube, it will be more difficult to do this procedure.
Important! Essential oils have not only a tonic and tightening effect - some of them will help get rid of facial wrinkles. Essential oils can be added to the cream with the calculation of 5 drops per 15 ml of cream.
to content ↑A good body shake will give a striking effect
To activate all the processes of our body, sometimes a little stress is needed. As for the upper eyelids, the working capacity can be activated by using ice cubes from the infusion of medicinal herbs such as: mint, parsley, chamomile, etc.
Important! Also, cubes can be made from ordinary black tea without sugar.
Rubbing your face with ice cubes, the muscles in your eyes will relax well, and the blood flow in this area will be accelerated. This "shock therapy" can be done a couple of times a week, then your skin will look younger, and the swelling will disappear.
to the table of contents ↑Currently available treatments for
Today, many surgical and non-surgical treatments for saggy, tired and aging skin are available. The choice of the method of rejuvenation will depend on the type of violation with which we are dealing. For example:
- The withering skin of the upper eyelids may need to be lifted due to weakening of the muscles and the formation of excess skin.
- Lower eyelids may require treatment of thinning skin and eliminate swelling, as well as removal of fatty bags.
- Dark circles under the eyes need separate procedures.
Volume and hydration
The most effective, but at the same time, an easy way to make the smooth skin around the eyes - injectable fillers. They give the skin a natural look and help to fight with sunken eyes. Also, fillers can improve the condition of the circles under the eyes, however, they are not able to fight the fat body.
There are several types of specially developed gel based hyaluronic acid( Teoxane Redesnsity II, Anteis Esthetis and Restylane), with which you can reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes.
Laser skin rejuvenation
Laser surgery is a non-invasive method to tighten the skin around the eyes. Rejuvenation of Flaxel or CO2 laser will help to gradually and very gently restore the youthfulness of the skin of the eyelids. It can be used in parallel with surgical techniques or excipients.
Important! At the microscopic level, lasers are able to cause thermal sensations of the skin, to which the skin immediately reacts by healing and dropping of old cells, and new cells appear instead.
Also CO2 laser is able to improve the elasticity of the skin, its structure and reduce fine or deep wrinkles, freckles and acne scars.
Surgical methods
If non-surgical methods can not give the desired result, then blepharoplasty is used( surgery to reduce eyelids).This procedure is the most effective way to achieve a beautiful appearance.
The surgeon makes very small incisions under the eyes and eyelids, removes excess fat and performs skin tightening, and then sutures cuts. Removing fat under the eyes significantly reduces swelling.
Important! Also, surgery allows you to remove sagging eyelids, but it does not fight with overhanging eyebrows or dark circles - these problems should be eliminated separately.
to the contents ↑Additional useful tips for the care of eyelids
If you do not have the opportunity to buy creams and prepare masks, but look great you always want, then you can just correct the facial features and visually enlarge your eyes, giving your eyebrows the right shape.
Cosmetologists advise lifting the upper end of the eyebrows and making a bend more. If you can not do this yourself, then for a small fee you will be helped in any beauty salon or hairdresser.
In conclusion, we add that quality rest and a healthy sleep have always been free ways to tighten the eyelids and remove dark circles. Do not sit at the computer late, do not get carried away reading in the evening, because the eyes, like any organ of our body, require a good rest.