- Is a circle necessary?
- Construction materials
- Design features
- Depth of bowl
- How to rationally place a circular washer?
- Compliance of sink with
- style solution How to install a sink? The round washer is universal. It can be organically written in both modern and classic kitchen interior. This is an elaborate design move: thanks to the smooth lines without sharp edges, it can make even the most ordinary kitchen cozy. But this is not all. You will learn about all the design possibilities and practical advantages of round sinks for the kitchen from this article. to the contents ↑
Is a circle necessary?
The hostess spends quite a lot of time in the kitchen. Cooking, cleaning the room, washing dishes - all this takes a long time. Inconvenient washing, therefore, is a real test for the hostess. The round sink is known for its ergonomics.
Shells of round shape are known for a long time. By their popularity, they are not inferior to the "classic of the genre" - rectangular and square products.
Important! With other things being equal, the round washer has more spaciousness. In addition, most of the round sinks have a depth of 20 cm, which makes it extremely practical.
With good capacity, such sinks have compact dimensions. This is a good solution if the kitchen is small. The advantages of this option include external appeal and a large number of design solutions.
So, let's sum up - the main advantages of this option are:
- Large capacity - due to the form.
- Hygienic - due to the absence of corners.
- Compact size, which allows us to use the useful area more rationally.
- Aesthetic classic or non-standard design.
Construction materials
Round kitchen sinks can be made from a wide variety of materials. Consider the most common of them.
Stainless steel
The most affordable, practical and reliable option is stainless steel. Make a shell using welding technology.
Stainless steel products are easy to keep clean.
Important! Especially beautiful such a shell will look in the "high-tech" interior - Hi-tech, Minimalism, where a large number of metal and glass surfaces.
Chrome nickel steel, resistant to corrosion, temperature gradient and external influences, is used for the production of sinks. The advantages of stainless steel are:
- Relatively low price.
- Coating strength, resistance to corrosion and high temperatures.
- Ease of care. Round stainless steel kitchen sinks are easily disinfected, resistant to abrasive agents.
- Easy to recycle metal without damage to the environment.
Other materials:
- The bowl, made of alloy steel, is particularly strong and reliable.
- Recently, a large distribution of washes from an artificial material based on granite chips. It is an extremely beautiful and durable material, resistant to the formation of chips and scratches. Coloring can be any - from natural to brightest shades.
- Well-proven and ceramic products.
- Porcelain sinks are very comfortable, but from accidental falling heavy objects can be seriously damaged.
- Beautifully and gracefully look sinks made of brass, made in golden and bronze shades. Their only drawback is the high cost.
So, stainless steel kitchen sink round is not the only option. More than enough materials.
to Contents ↑Design Features
Round kitchen sinks are presented in several design options: they can be equipped with one or more bowls.
The latter option is much more convenient. With them, you can carry out several different manipulations. For example, install a special insert for drying dishes.
Important! Separate models are equipped with devices for grinding food waste, cutting mobile boards, dishwashers for washing dishes.
The round washer can be fixed in the worktop with integrated mounting or the insertion method. Integrated washers are an integral construction, without a single noticeable seam.
Important! Such round sinks for the kitchen are assembled by specialists.
to content ↑Depth of bowl
In different models the depth of the shell is different. As practice shows, the most convenient depth is from 16 to 20 cm. If the shell is smaller, then:
- in the first place - it will not be very roomy;
- secondly - the water will spray on the working wall, which does not decorate it.
Important! Too deep model is also not a very good option. The bent back is not too convenient, and such a situation does not add to the health.
to the contents ↑How to rationally place a circular washer?
- If in the planning of the kitchen interior the "triangle rule" is observed, then this kitchen is guaranteed to be comfortable and functional. This is due to the fact that the hostess traditionally moves in accordance with a certain algorithm: she takes the food out of the refrigerator;
- sends them to the sink;
- then prepares on the desktop;
- is finally directed to the plate in order to subject the product to heat treatment.
Important! As a result of the correct arrangement of all these items of the interior, the hostess will spend a minimum of effort in moving around the kitchen, and the cooking process will be much faster.
Choosing a model for the shell model:
- For a small kitchen, compact models with the transformer effect are possible. For example, there are special cutting boards for a round bowl that can be placed in a different position.
- You can save space if you mount a tray under the counter for placing fruits and vegetables.
- Even more compact version - corner model, which will make a small room as comfortable as possible.
Matching a sink to the
style solution When choosing a sink, it is necessary that it is not just comfortable, but also conforms to the style in which the room is conditioned. For example, a shiny metal wash with metal is unlikely to look good in an old-style kitchen, but it will look unusually advantageous in an interior of the Hi-tech style.
Important! The metal sink can be matt or glossy:
- The matt surface is scratch resistant, but keeping it clean is not easy.
- The glittering bowl looks great, but scratches on its surface from careless handling, it looks not so beautiful in dried water.
How to mount a sink?
You can start the installation of the bowl after you have planned a cutting site. The procedure is as follows.
- Measure the distance from the edge to the place where the screws will be fastened.
- Fix the dimensions of the circle, use the square to find the center.
- Cut the circle with a jig saw.
- After cutting the surface, do not lower the table top immediately, as it can break and its appearance will be spoiled. Fill the interior with silicone. This will allow the countertop not to soak, but to retain its original appearance.
- After the sealing process is completed, you can cut a round washer for the kitchen.
- Pour the inner surface with the adhesive tape that comes with the kit.
Important! Installation is carried out very quickly, so that the silicone does not get on the countertop. If you notice gaps after installation, adjust the setting of the bowl.
With proper installation, you do not have to worry about the fact that the base of the washbasin will be damaged. Dry and clean place - unattractive for mold and fungus.
Now you have enough knowledge to choose the most suitable sink for the kitchen.