- Reasons for the appearance of insects
- How to get rid of vermin by vinegar?
- Other means of getting rid of ants
- Preventing the appearance of insects in the house
Ants are often a problem not only for summer residents, but also ordinary urban residents who can easily find these insects living in the apartment as at home. In this article we will discuss how to get rid of ants with the help of vinegar and some other means.
to the contents ↑Reasons for the appearance of insects
If you find that your home was visited by these intrusive guests, first answer the following questions:
- Does it often remain unwashed immediately after eating the dishes?
- Is the trash can open?
- Do you clean every day in your apartment?
- Is food present in unclosed containers?
Answers to these questions should help you understand why insects have appeared. To get rid of them, you need to correct the situation by eliminating the main reason for the spread of pests in your housing.
Important! At a minimum, it will take at least 3-7 days to keep the ideal order and not leave open food - it attracts these insects.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of ants by vinegar?
Vinegar in the fight against ants is perhaps the safest means possible. To get rid of bothersome insects with this tool, you need to do the following:
- Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
- Follow the pests and find out where their tracks lie.
- Spray in large quantities a solution on the path of insects and near their nests, if it is in your apartment.
- Wipe all surfaces with the same solution.
Fighting ants with vinegar is that by spraying solutions on the tracks, you destroy the specific odor that these insects leave on their trails so as not to get lost. As a result, they are lost, and "guests" can no longer find a way to eat. And since they do not like sharp smells, it is most likely not finding food, they will leave the apartment altogether.
Important! Vinegar is also a very good disinfectant, therefore it is recommended to carry out such a wet cleaning once a month. This will prevent the re-emergence of ants.
to the contents ↑Other antidote remedies
In addition to such a remedy as vinegar, many other effective aids will help in the fight against ants. Consider the most popular of them.
Method 1
Based on the same principle as acetic acid. A strong odor drives away the pests, which is a fantasy selection of suitable substances. Suitable for this purpose: skins of citrus, lemon juice, mint, cinnamon, harsh perfume, talc, which is in the baby powder. All this will scare them away and force them not to return.
Method 2
Coffee grounds are a very effective way to get rid of ants forever. These insects are very attracted by the smell of coffee, and this agent is poison to them - by eating it, they die. The advantage is that the hard workers are dragging the thicket into the anthill, feeding it to the uterus, as a result of which it dies. The result is that the infrastructure of the anthill decays and pests disappear from your home.
Method 3
Sufficiently effective method in such a war is soap. The ingredients that are contained in it are harmful to ants. Soap destroys the protective layer of the insect's skeleton and it soon dies of dehydration.
The way of using this product is very simple: pour soap chips on the places of their accumulation or spray a highly concentrated soap solution directly onto pests.
Method 4
Adhesive tape is an excellent mechanical remedy for ants. It's enough just to lure them in order to stick to it. As a bait perfectly serve powdered sugar and other sweet substances. The tape itself is worth changing as needed.
to content ↑Preventing the appearance of insects in the house
To prevent re-emergence of ants at home, prevent their occurrence:
- Keep the house clean.
- Do not leave food on the tables. Take care that nowhere there are no crumbs left.
- Apply barriers to chalking from possible locations. Calcium carbonate repels ants.
Now that you see the "uninvited guests" in your home, you know what to do, and also what to do so that they do not appear in your home more than ever. Live clean and tidy, rejoice in your beautiful interior and enjoy a quiet sleep, without worrying that you might be disturbed by small dirty tricks.