- Basics of anti-corrosion protection for cars
- Types of rust
- How and what can be protected against rust?
- Where to carry out anti-corrosion treatment?
- How to choose an effective remedy against rust on the car?
- How to re-apply anti-corrosion treatment?
- Remover for rust removal from metal of car
- How to neutralize rust?
- Useful advices:
The body of a car is his "face", and over time, under the negative influence of the environment, he, like all the details of the machine, undergoes changes. Accelerate this process can both inadequate care, and ignoring the special means for anti-corrosion treatment. Today we will tell you about what methods of eliminating corrosion should be used, and what means of rust for the car is most effective.
to the contents ↑Basics of anti-corrosion protection for cars
All car owners know that it is rather difficult to deal with rust of metal, and it should be done in a timely manner, not allowing its spread. To prevent corrosion and protect the body of the car, it is necessary to use special means of rust from the very beginning of the operation of the machine. In this case it is necessary to adhere to fairly simple but important rules:
- The surface intended for processing must be prepared.
- Anticorrosion agent must be applied correctly.
- Correctly observe the polymerization regime, that is, the time and temperature conditions for the process of converting the product into a protective film.
If you qualitatively perform anti-corrosion treatment of the car, adhering to the above and below rules, then rust for a long time will not bother your four-wheeled pet.
Rust types
Corrosion as a process is divided into two types:
- Chemical. It occurs as a result of the destruction of the metal under the influence of various oxidants: oxygen compounds or simply oxygen.
- Electrochemical. This process of destruction is caused by an electric current, which is formed due to the interaction of the metal with electrolytes.
Important! Electrolytes and oxidizers are substances that surround us from all sides. These include hydrogen ions, water, oxygen, dissolved in water.
to the contents ↑How and what can be protected from rust?
There are a lot of ways to protect against corrosion. This is electrochemical protection, galvanizing, passivation and other methods. However, for mass production, all of them are unprofitable, so all kinds of varnishes, enamels, primers, which fulfill the function of a metal insulator against aggressive environmental influences, become more popular. The most common assistants in the fight against rust are anticorrosive agents( anticorrosive agents).
All anti-rust vehicles are divided into 2 main groups, depending on the location and location of the treatment:
- For external surfaces. Under the external surfaces are meant those that are directly in contact with sand, stones flying from under the wheels. These include: the bottom, thresholds, wheel arches. For these parts, elastic coatings are used - mastics made on the basis of compounds of polymers, rubber and bituminous resins. Apply them, usually with a sprayer or brush.
- For the hidden surfaces of the car body. The internal surfaces of the body parts are treated with funds on a different basis - wax or oil. These substances in their consistency are more liquid than anti-gravel, capable of filling small cracks, neutralizing the already appeared rust.
Important! Hidden metal areas need not only be treated with anticorrosion, but also periodically remove moisture from their cavities by means of special drainage holes.
to the contents ↑Where to carry out anti-corrosion treatment?
Rust remover for auto is used in several ways:
- In the service workshop. This method will save you time, in addition, specialists will carry out complex processing of the machine. During the conversation with the receiver at the SRT, find out what means are used at the station and in what way they are applied. Also, be sure to find out the composition of the substances and the degree of their adhesion to the metal, as well as the possibility of neutralizing the rust that has already appeared.
- Own. In this case, be careful when choosing the anti-rust agent for the car and the application method. A technical problem can also be the lack of a garage with a pit and the necessary conditions for high-quality processing.
Important! The treatment is carried out in 2 stages:
- Mastic treat the bottom of the car with a brush.
- Process the inner surface.
How to choose an effective remedy against rust on the car?
To date, the choice of modern anti-corrosion agents is very wide. All of them are divided into groups and types, depending on the nature of the surface being treated and the desired result. Consider the most common and popular means.
Shale mastic
This tool is used for machining the outer sides of wheel arches, as well as the bottom. As a result of the treatment, this agent forms a bitumen film, which ensures complete waterproofing of the open sections of the body. Shale mastic is used not only in car service, but also in construction, as well as in everyday life.
Rubber bituminous mastic
This tool also processes the bottom and wheel arches of the car, but in this case, from the inside and outside. Mastic effectively protects against "bombardment" of gravel and stones, and is also resistant to low temperatures. It is able to withstand frost up to -60 C.
Polymer-bituminous layer is quite elastic and practically does not deform, so you can not be afraid of its peeling or cracking. If you actively operate the vehicle in the frost, processing the vehicle with mastic is extremely necessary.
bitumen and caoutchouc mastic This product must protect both external and internal surfaces, including those that are not covered with paint and varnish materials: the bottom, the threshold, the arches, the interior surfaces of the trunk, the hood, the wings and the floor of the car.
Effective tool for controlling rust. In addition to the above parts, the movile also reliably protects the joints and joints of the car body elements.
The product has high penetrating characteristics and, thanks to them, quickly and well spreads, forming a special maskco-like layer. It also displaces moisture from metal surfaces, which causes a rapid destruction of the material.
Important! Movil can be additionally used for processing metal after using other means. There are a lot of varieties of moviwis: silicone, transforming rust and others.
Threshold Auto Preservator
This anti-rust agent for cars is used not only to protect the thresholds, but also for the processing of doors, spars, racks and other parts. Autoconavant effectively protects parts from the corrosive effects of oxidants.
Also effective for temporary protection of the bottom, wheel arches and paint at the joints. The substance can be applied after pre-coating various surfaces with preservative compounds. Threshold compounds are not afraid of moisture and rust appeared - the car preservative successfully fights with them, pleasing the car owner.
The product is available in two colors( black and gray) and protects the body in places that are most susceptible to destructive abrasive attacks, in particular wheel arches, spoilers, thresholds, doors.
Antigrave is a textured coating that is made on a rubber base using resins and bitumen. Such a tool protects the car not only from humidity and rust, but also from the road salt and pebbles emanating from under the wheels.
Important! At the request of the owner of the machine, sulfur and black gravel can be painted on top with colors of various colors.
to the contents ↑How to re-apply anticorrosive treatment?
Carrying out re-treatment with anticorrosion, it is necessary to remember some of the intricacies associated with it. In particular, the treatment with "wax on wax" or "mastic mastic" is useless and meaningless, since if under the first layer of the remedy is a source of corrosion. The second, a new layer of anicor, simply does not get to it, which means that the moisture in the hearth will continue its destructive activity.
Therefore, for recycling, choose oil based products - the composition of the substance will allow the agent to reach the source of the problem, even through a layer of another preparation.
to the table of contents ↑Rust remover with metal
There are many improvised tools with which you can remove rust. But they are suitable only if the stain is not on metal or it has a small diameter. To remove corrosion from metal, special tools must be used to remove rust.
There are two proven ways to get rid of rust.
First of all, determine how deeply the rust penetrated the paintwork:
- If the defect is small, then you can use coarse-grained abrasive paper, gradually reducing its grinding during grinding.
- If the area of damage is significant, then use a special machine or a metal brush.
This method involves the use of special agents that can dissolve rust or turn it into a film. The converter should be applied on top of the damaged areas, and after a time( specified in the instructions) it is easy to wash off with corrosion. After using the substances and getting rid of corrosion, you can start processing the body of the machine.
Important! Most often, special products contain orthophosphoric acid, which can be purchased either in specialized stores, or use it as a rust solvent. Minuses of using such a tool: orthophosphoric acid at the site of rust can trigger chemical processes that will remove not only rust, but also the oxide layer protecting the metal. As an additional chemical, sometimes such materials can be used:
- Lactic acid, which converts rust to salt.
- Zinc chloride - a substance, when mixed with water in an acidic environment, effectively dissolves rust.
- Lemon juice.
- Vinegar.
- Kerosene.
Important! In addition to the above, you can use ready-made solutions purchased in specialized stores. Before using them, first test the tool on an unnecessary part of the body, and only use it in strict accordance with the instructions.
The most common way to get rid of rust is to use a converter. Balloons with such a liquid are a great variety and besides the rust conversion function, the tool performs a protective function.
The converter processes hidden auto zones, in particular door cavities, car thresholds, body elements, racks, joints of welded parts, etc. Chemicals that are based on film-forming substances are very popular. They are called priming converters.
How to choose a converter?
Different in composition converters interact with rust differently and are divided into the following groups:
- Primers-modifiers - are used as a basis for paintwork materials.
- Special stabilizers - for converting unstable iron oxides into more stable compounds.
- Penetration compounds, sealing corrosion products, have excellent penetrating power.
- Converters - convert corrosion into a sparingly soluble salt.
Important! All of the above mentioned agents have different viscosities. Therefore, for them, there are different ways of applying to the surface. Apply them, depending on the composition and viscosity, as follows:
- Grease with a brush.
- Spray.
- Injection is used.
- Dip the item into medium.
How to neutralize rust?
Carry out the procedure for restoring the body from corrosion yourself is quite possible. It is carried out in several stages:
- Clean the surface of the body. This procedure can be performed using sandpaper, special machine or sand. After treatment, it is necessary to obtain a perfectly flat surface without any visible damage.
- Degrease the treated area with a special solution.
- Apply a special rust converter to the damaged area, following the instructions. Depending on the viscosity of the modifier, apply it to the surface with a brush or a thin layer of spray.
Important! All work with chemicals should be carried out with gloves, because the converter is based on acid, which is dangerous for the skin.
- After the corrosion is converted to gray phosphate, rinse off excess funds.
- Dry the treated surface.
- Apply a primer coat.
- Cover the treated surface with paint or varnish.
Important! Painting should be made as quickly as possible so that the treated surface does not interact with air and is not oxidized. Otherwise, it will begin to develop corrosive processes.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices:
- Grind small areas of the body with sandpaper soaked in white spirit.
- In order not to damage the area of paintwork that does not corrode when grinding, pre-coat it with paint tape.
- Use instead of the converter can be a solution made from the following ingredients: 2 liters of water, mix with 15 g of baking soda and add a pinch of citric acid. With this solution, treat the surface, and then rinse the area with plain water.
- Use a dishwashing detergent instead of a factory degreaser.
- If the damaged area is small, then use a special pencil for staining.
- In order to match the paint on the treated area with the auto paint coating, be sure to consult when choosing a product with a specialist.
- Follow the instructions for using the product you have chosen, as some products can only be applied to the dried surface, and others - on the contrary, to the wet one.
The process of eliminating corrosion, although not difficult, but beginners will not always be able to identify all the foci of damage and process them so efficiently and effectively that rust does not appear ever. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to consult specialists of the service station, because sometimes special equipment is needed to handle inaccessible places or serious damages. We hope that the information obtained and the listed rust remedies will relieve you from corrosion problems, and your four-legged friend will serve for many more years.