- What is gusmania?
- Guzmania - the right care at home
- Where to put guzmaniyu?
- Do I need top dressing?
- When and how to replant?
- Reproduction - the basic rules of
- What to do if guzmania does not bloom?
- What causes guzmany?
Guzmania is an amazingly beautiful plant, through which it is easy to design the original corner of the exotic house. Hundreds of modern varieties make it possible to choose the most suitable kind for the interior of the flower, in order to emphasize the special color of the finishes, to give refinement and elegance and at the same time to receive a true aesthetic pleasure on a daily basis. But if you decided unequivocally that you have on your desk or a window sill gusmania will settle, care at home should be appropriate for it. Despite the unusual nature of this plant, it is quite easy to arrange suitable conditions. How to do it, what should be the care for guzmania in the home, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑What is gusmania?
If you do not yet have a very clear idea of exactly how such a flower looks and what to expect from it. Gusmania is an evergreen plant of large size, the basis of which is a bunch of herbaceous leaves. The inflorescence and the flower itself of a red, scarlet, burgundy, brownish or pink hue are vividly distinguished among this green riot of unusual, but very pleasant to look at.
Important! In natural growth conditions, such a plant can reach a height of 75 cm. But at home you can fully expect 40-50 cm, no more, even if maintenance of the is properly adjusted.
In spite of the fact that gusmania is the most exotic thing, it does not differ by its capriciousness and capriciousness. Most of the conditions for its comfortable growth are similar to the more familiar cultures for our region.
Important! For a house, it is best to choose varieties of tongue gusmania or Minor Rondo.
Under suitable conditions, the plant starts to blossom after it has fully grown and regains its shape. This happens in 3-5 years of life, although specially produced new varieties give inflorescence before. The length of flowering is determined by the duration of several months.
Important! In the wild, it is possible to find such a plant in the expanses of South and Central America. There it grows in an unusual way - the root system does not appear on the ground, but in the bark of dying trees. Water for a full life is taken directly from the moist air.
to the table of contents ↑Guzmania - right home care
So, you did not begin to doubt your decision and you already had a charming gusmania. Care for her in this case should look like this.
Temperature mode
The temperature regime for proper maintenance of guzmane is no different from the conditions that are necessary for a comfortable stay in a person's house:
- in the summer - 20-25 C;
- in winter - 17-20 C.
Important! As well as to the person, the temperature below 16 With will be unpleasant for a plant. And if with such a heat regimen the drafts will still be combined, the flower may completely die. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the values in this framework, especially since such maintenance of the will not be very different from your usual way of life.
Features of irrigation
Watering such an exotic culture is necessary in the standard mode according to the following rules:
- moderate watering every day in the summer - it is better to the pallet, and not top to the ground;
- 1-2 times a week in winter, if the air humidity in the room corresponds to the generally accepted norms of 50-60%.
Important! Water for irrigation should be warm, stable for at least 2 days. Ordinary tap water, saturated with chlorine or excess heavy metals, is not good.
Daily spraying or wiping with a damp, clean rag of leaves is also one of the mandatory measures for guzmania care. But here it is important that the external moisturizing is not combined with the direct hit of the sun's best. This can cause burns, and accordingly - additional measures are needed to treat the plant.
Important! Despite the fact that such a flower likes high humidity, up to 85% are comfortable conditions for it, it is also not necessary to over-fill the soil. Otherwise, the roots will begin to decay, and from below, and you will not see it at once and you will be surprised why your island of unusual beauty in the house withers and withers.
to the contents ↑Where to put guzmanyu?
The right choice of location is one of the determining factors to create the right care for guzmania. What conditions must be met here:
- is an ideal place - the penumbra of the western or eastern side in the summer;
- southern side - permissible in winter;
- in no case to install a flower pot directly on the windowsill - the leaves will burn in summer and dry out from the radiators in the winter.
Important! Choosing a room for the purpose, please note that the bedroom, which is already clearly lacking moisture - is not the best option. Do not forget that gusmania, the care of for which you are trying to establish is a plant that takes away moisture not only from the soil, but directly from the air. Therefore, the conditions in such a room will become even more uncomfortable and you will have to forget about good, quality sleep and rest.
The best option is to put guzmany in the kitchen or even in the bathroom. And to beat the interior with such an element of decor will not be difficult.
to the contents ↑Do I need top dressing?
Regarding auxiliary fertilizing with care of guzemnia, the requirements will be as follows:
- during flowering, and also from March to September, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied;
- is the best option - fertilizers used for bromeliad plants;
- regularity of feeding - once in 2 weeks-a month;
- fertilizer is poured directly into the flower socket, the surplus is immediately removed with a damp cloth or sponge.
Important! When applying fertilizers during the care for the maintenance of the , it is advisable to adhere to a certain schedule. Otherwise, supersaturation with useful substances is possible, which as a result will give an absolutely opposite result.
to the contents ↑When and how to replant?
Periodic gusmania transplant is not required. Perform this procedure is necessary only in 2 cases:
- you just bought a flower and it is in the transport pot;
- you are going to propagate guzmanyu.
The transplant process is not difficult, you just need to follow this instruction:
- Prepare a small depth pot - up to 15 cm.
- Fill a drainage stone mixture at the bottom.
- Add peat, sphagnum and coarse sand to the soil.
- Move the flower to a new pot, fill it with prepared soil and slightly compact the soil from above, without exerting considerable effort.
Reproduction - basic rules
Care for guzemania, if its reproduction is planned, does not differ from the usual conditions of cultivation of this exotic culture. The method of reproduction for this plant is one - children. Transplantation of the children is carried out at the moment when the shoot has reached a height of 15 cm.
Important! Guzmania is not a poisonous plant. But still getting her juice on the skin can cause allergies or irritation. Therefore, when transplanting, it is better to use personal protective equipment - gloves and special clothes, to exclude such a result.
to the table of contents ↑What to do if guzmania does not bloom?
Blooming is one of the most important moments when growing such a crop. And every owner of Guzmania is looking forward to this phenomenon. Therefore, it is quite natural that if the plant does not want to give inflorescences, its owner is puzzled: can additional care for guzmania be necessary?
In fact, there are no special conditions for flowering this plant. If the flowers do not appear for a long time, then initially the care was not quite correct after guzmany. In this case, the reasons for the presence of exclusively greenery may be as follows:
- deficiency or excess of sunlight;
- lack of useful substances;
- very dry air indoors.
Important! If, in general, the course is correct for , but you would like to speed up the flowering process, take the following cunning into your arms: place several lobules of apples in the soil next to the stalk and cover the top of the pot with a plastic bag. This simple measure will quickly get the expected result.
to the contents ↑What causes guzmonia?
Of course, like any other plant, guzmania is prone to certain diseases. The following are considered as the most dangerous pests for it:
- scabbard, mealybug, spider mite, which is combated by wiping foliage with soap solution, and in neglected cases - with insecticides;
- stem rot - in this situation it is enough just to correctly adjust the frequency and abundance of watering in the smaller direction;
- gray spotting - is a sign of reproduction of the fungus, the fight against which occurs with the help of a fungicide solution.
Now you have complete information about what is guzmania and what care it should take. We hope you realized that there are no special difficulties in this process and will not deny yourself the pleasure of decorating your house with such an unusual flower.