- Insecticides for combating stinging insects
- Looking for a nest and applying an aerosol
- Alternative tools and strategies
- Safety precautions
For residents of a modern city, an effective remedy for wasps and hornets is much less common than, for example, an effective drug against cockroaches. Most often, they think about what could be wasted hornets, lovers of the dacha, and especially beekeepers, since only a couple of dozen hornets within an hour or two are able to completely destroy the thousands of bee family.
Means for wasps and hornets can be useful in cases when particularly insolent insects dare to build their nest in the middle of the business premises or in a significant vicinity of this room. Such close proximity to insects can be dangerous for a person.
Important! If we take into account the fact that bites of wasps, even single ones, can sometimes lead to the strongest intoxication of the organism, and sometimes to a lethal outcome, it is necessary to destroy the nests of such insects as quickly as possible. To get rid of wasps in the house it is possible by special insecticides or by a mechanical way.
to content ↑Insecticides for combating stinging insects
Not all insecticides that are sold in the nearest economic or garden stores are capable of killing a wasp. When choosing a drug, it is advisable to focus on innovative compositions against insects, most of which have a very wide spectrum of action.
Among the sets of universal tools, it is necessary to distinguish some that are perfectly usable in practice:
- "Carbofos" is a fairly safe and inexpensive preparation based on the organophosphorus substance of the same name, which is often used in combating cockroaches, bugs and Colorado beetles. Including, effectively this remedy from wasps. Dissolve it in water - it can be sold as a liquid in cans, and in powder in bags.
- Insecticides based on chlorpyrifos, have a contact action. On the basis of such a connection, such tools as Argan, Get, Dursban, Xulat, Dobrokhim Micro, Fosban, Sinuzan, Tsipi Lux and others are produced. All of these listed drugs can also be used as a means against wasps, if you follow the concentration specified in the instruction.
- The Executioner is also an incredibly effective remedy for pests with an incredibly wide spectrum of action. The amount of preparation that will be required to prepare the poison for wasps, in most cases is limited to literally 2-3 bottles.
- "Tetriks" is an effective professional tool for disinsection. The preparation is produced by Dutch factories, but it is also available in wholesale lots also in the CIS countries. This drug is sold mainly only to professional services for the destruction of insects. In a small amount, its acquisition can be very problematic.
- Many shops sell aerosol preparations such as "Raid", "Raptor", "Dichlophos Neo", "Combat", but they must be used directly only on contact with the nest. Get rid of wasps aerosols will not immediately due to the specifics of the technology: first the product is sprayed from the bottle into a plastic bag, then - it is quickly pulled into the nest and tied.
Important! Absolutely any poison to fight wasps should be used incredibly neatly. Do not forget that these flying insects are able to actively defend their nest, attacking all their family.
If you find a nest, destroy it better in the dark, when insects are inactive.
to content ↑We are looking for a nest and we use
aerosol These insects can create their nests in different places, therefore it is necessary to act differently to get rid of wasps.
On the
tree The first variant of the possible location of the socket is a tree.
In this case, proceed as follows:
- In the package, spray or pour the poison.
- Put it on the hornet's nest from the bottom up.
- Quickly tie the neck of the bag in a place where the nest is attached to the branch on which it hangs - this is done so that its inhabitants can not fly apart.
Under the ceiling in the house
The second variant of the possible location of the socket - right on the ceiling of your outbuilding.
In this case, the technology is almost exactly the same, the main difference is only that the package for garbage at the same time do not need to tie, it is glued to the ceiling with adhesive tape.
In the hollow tree or in the hole
In such cases, it is necessary to proceed as follows:
- Insecticides are quickly poured into these holes.
- The entrances in these burrows are immediately closed with a pencil, a sintepon or rags. These funds are also impregnated with a slight poison.
Next - wait until the insects perish.
to content ↑Alternative tools and strategies for
There are many options for destroying nests, but many of them are compatible with an unusually serious risk. Despite this, there are ways that are harmless to humans - the means that our grandparents also enjoyed. You can take it into your arms, perhaps in one of these ways, you will be able to get rid of the wasps.
Some advise a rather inhumane output - boiling water. Pour the nest, getting close to him.
Cold water can also be used. To do this, you need to get close to the hornets lair with a bucket of water and immediately immerse the nest in it. But you can hardly imagine how this can be done if the habitat of winged insects is located either in the corner or under the ceiling. In addition, the desire to get under the roof, the height of which is 4 meters, with a bucket of hot or cold water there is not everyone.
Petrol, kerosene, diesel
Any of these liquids is poured into a conventional garden spray, after which the hornet is abundantly sprayed. Wing insects must necessarily die, and then you can easily clean their nest without problems.
But there is also a minus in this method: the proposed substances( gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel) are highly flammable liquids. And the places in which can fly your nest flying insects - a house or a bath, are made of wood.
Important! There are observations that kerosene no longer acts on an wasps as before. No one knows for certain why this is happening, but there are suggestions, for the reason that the wasps mutated, that is, they adapted to it.
Vacuum cleaner
It is possible to extract the wasps from a shelter using a conventional vacuum cleaner. But again, how to do it quickly, so that most of the insects do not protect their homes and do not bite you - it's hard to imagine.
to the contents ↑Safety precautions
Going to the so-called war with wasps, in no case should one forget about self-defense. The bites of these insects can inflict an unimaginable threat to your health and even life. If you have a predisposition to allergic reactions, but you do not even know before that you have it, then even one or two bites will be enough for: choking, swelling and even for sending the victim to the intensive care unit.
If you are going to destroy the hornet's nest, take care of proper clothing for self-defense:
- clothing made of dense fabric, it is advisable to use clothes with a hood;
- thick forged or rubber gloves;
- device to protect your face - this is either an mosquito net or something else.
If you have wasps living in your dacha, be sure to keep in your medicine chest "Suprastin", "Prednisolone" and "Adrenaline".Even if your family members and you personally do not have allergies to bites, precautions will not be superfluous. In case of a bite, at hand always should be also burn and ice.