- Why do spots appear on the adhesive?
- Preventing the appearance of glue spots
- Remove fresh glue from the wallpaper
- Remove the dried adhesive
- Special tools
Repair, despite the laboriousness, is not a rare phenomenon in the apartment, because you want to periodically update your home, breathe into it if not a new life,wallpaper. But often the laying of such decorative coating ends with the appearance on the surface of freshly glued walls of ugly spots from diluted glue. And no one is immune from this kind of misstep. Especially such spots are visible on dark monophonic canvases, and they spoil the whole impression, and at the same time the mood of the inhabitants of the apartment. And the question arises how to remove the glue from the wallpaper after gluing. Let's first consider the reason for the appearance of these spots.
to the contents ↑Why do spots appear on the adhesive?
There are several reasons for the appearance of this kind of trouble:
- The wall should be clean, ground and covered with a special antifungal primer. Glue spots may appear if the wall has been improperly prepared for work. Before laying a new decorative coating, you need to clean the wall of all the remnants of old wallpaper. If the wall is of plasterboard, it needs to be puttied. Putty is also necessary if there are calcareous deposits on the wall. Otherwise, they will interact with the glue. This will lead to the formation of yellow spots, which then can not be disposed of.
- You can not glue the canvas on a dry wall.
- Walls from old wallpaper should be thoroughly laundered.
- It is not recommended to apply glue too thick, if you do not remove surplus in time, stains are guaranteed.
- When gluing non-woven coatings, the adhesive is applied only to the wall, this is enough to make the panels adhered well. Excess glue must be cleaned with a damp cloth.
- Sometimes the wallpaper is badly glued and starts to add too much glue. But the reason may be that the glue is incorrectly dissolved. Dilute the glue strictly according to the instructions, do not allow the appearance of lumps.
Preventing the appearance of glue spots
In order not to break your head, how to remove the glue from the wallpaper after gluing, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:
- When applying glue, it is best to use a wide brush made of natural bristles. Then the glue will be distributed evenly and it will not be too much.
- Lubricate the strips of decorative coating with glue abundantly, but not so that after applying the panel to the wall it appears through the seams. And if all the same it happened, clean the surplus with a clean damp cloth.
- After the strips of decorative coating have been laid, the seams should be soaked with a clean rag or sponge, then walk on the wallpaper with a special roller. If after this excess glue comes out, they also need to be wiped with a rag.
- In the room where the wallpaper is glued, there should be no drafts or too low a temperature.
Remove fresh glue from the wallpaper
Very often when gluing heavy wallpaper for which you have to dilute a thicker glue, there are situations where excess glue can not simply be removed with a rag. In this case, you can do the following:
- Take a clean sponge, soak in warm water and squeeze out well.
- Rub the stain in a circular motion, rinsing and squeezing the sponge until you can get rid of the traces of the fixing composition.
Important! Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is resistant to this effect, but paper requires a very careful attitude. Sometimes it makes sense to leave as is, than to wipe the surface with a sponge before holes.
to the contents ↑Remove the dried
adhesive Remove the dried adhesive from the wallpaper is much more difficult. Before this, it is worth analyzing the situation, if the glue is not very noticeable, and the wallpaper has a delicate texture, then it is more reasonable to leave it as it is.
In what situations is it recommended to remove the dried glue?
- If the stains on the dark wallpaper and catch your eye.
- If the tracks are in places where the light is falling and the difference in the shades of the canvas is visible.
- If you have an elite repair and such flaws simply should not be.
If you have heavy, dense wallpaper, then they can be subjected to a wet or dry cleaning procedure.
Wet cleaning
How to remove dried wallpaper glue from the wallpaper? For this you will need a spray gun:
- Evenly spray water from it to problem areas.
- Wait 10-15 minutes
- Gently clean these areas with a soft sponge or cloth.
- If immediately the footprints do not fade, then you can repeat the procedure, provided that the wallpaper can withstand this.
How to remove glue from wallpaper on non-woven basis? Such wallpaper can be cleaned even with a brush. Only first try on an inconspicuous place. Wipe them with a damp sponge using a gentle cleanser. If the wallpaper is not damaged, then you can continue the procedure for removing the stain.
Such different formulations:
- If the glue is based on starch, then you can use vinegar when cleaning. He will react with starch and destroy its structure.
- The PVA glue can be removed with the help of warm water with vinegar or vodka dissolved in it.
If the glue is based on modified starch, then you can do the following:
- Cover the area with the dried glue with a paper towel.
- Top spray gun for cleaning windows or mirrors.
- Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Remove the napkin, and then dab the treated area with a dry paper towel.
- Allow to dry this place by yourself.
Important! Do not dry the wet area with a hairdryer.
Dry cleaning
Here we will need a dishwashing sponge, on the other side of which there is a seal and a brush with a soft pile:
- Densely the side of the sponge wipe the glue. If the sponge does not cope, then a brush will come to the rescue.
- After removing the adhesive, wipe the area thoroughly with a soft cloth.
- If the stain has not completely disappeared after the treatment, and the wallpaper has not been damaged, the procedure can be repeated.
Special tools
Is there any remedy for removing glue from the wallpaper? If you have enough thick wallpaper, then you can try the "Super Moment Antikley" tool. It is suitable for removal of PVA, polyurethane based adhesive, etc.
Important! Before applying it, be sure to test it on a small, barely visible area.
How to use:
- Apply to the problem site and leave for 60 minutes.
- Then wipe it with a dry cloth and rinse the place with soapy water.
Removing traces of glue is not a difficult task, you just have to see beforehand how big the damage is, because sometimes cleaning can lead to disastrous results.