- Why does the skin become flabby?
- Tightening flabby skin at home
- Flabby skin around the eyes, what should I do?
- Skin tightening in cosmetology salons
Over the years, our skin loses its youth and elasticity, the color becomes faded, wrinkles appear in some places. For every girl or woman, the appearance on the face of mimic wrinkles and stretch marks is catastrophic, with their appearance it looks older than their years, fatigue is displayed on the face, which worsens the emotional state. It is for this reason that the woman pays most attention to facial skin care to stop aging, uses various masks, massage and cosmetics. However, using only cosmetic products is not enough. If there are any changes in the human body, in the first place, it is displayed on the skin condition. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the normal skin condition not only from the outside, but also to monitor the health of the entire body. Flabby facial skin - what to do, how to prevent aging and prolong youth and skin elasticity for a few more years? In the article you will find the answers to this question.
to the contents ↑Why does the skin become flabby?
The main reason for the appearance of saggy skin is the loss of hyaluronic acid, which every year the human body produces less and less. As a result, the skin begins to dehydrate, collagen fibers are destroyed, and their recovery takes time.
Important! Skin problems do not necessarily begin at adulthood, this problem can be faced by a 20-year-old girl who does not use makeup at all, or improperly cares for the body, applying hard peels and unsuitable creams.
But do not panic if the facial skin has become flabby. What can I do to get rid of this once and for all? First of all - to improve the nutrition of skin cells, intensively moisturize the skin, promote the activation of metabolic processes.
You can do this in two ways:
- At home, using traditional creams and masks.
- Get help from a cosmetologist.
We tighten flabby skin at home
Wealthy and famous women, noticing that they have a flabby skin under their eyes, what to do with it knowingly know. Without delay, they go to see a plastic surgeon. After the operation, the result is achieved instantly, unlike the use of folk cosmetic products and other methods. But in folk cosmetology there is one huge plus. To achieve the desired result, although it takes some time, the effect of this remains much longer than from the surgical procedure. To pull up the skin at home, several methods will help you. Let's consider each of them in detail.
Exercises for tightening the skin of the face and neck
Uncomplicated lifting exercises will very effectively tighten sagging skin, restore tone in just a month of daily training.
Exercise # 1:
- Press the index, middle and ring fingers on the left and right cheeks.
- Squeeze your lips and try to smile only on the left side of your mouth.
- With mild finger movements, help the muscles move.
- In this position, fix the smile for 2-5 seconds.
- Return to the starting position, repeat the exercise on the right side.
Exercise # 2:
- Pinch your tightly compressed lips with your teeth.
- The mouth corners strain and try to lift up.
- Retain in this position of the muscle for 3 seconds.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise several times.
Exercise # 3:
- Try to strain your chin and cheek muscles.
- Open wide mouth and extend lower jaw forward.
- Maximize the muscles of the neck and jaw.
- Return to the starting position.
- Exercise repeat 5-6 times.
Important! The complex of these exercises repeat throughout the day 5-6 times daily. All exercises are carried out on the previously cleaned skin.
Caring masks
The use of special face masks can rightfully be called the most effective and powerful weapon against sagging skin. These procedures for several applications will tighten sagging skin, relieve dryness and expressive wrinkles, and also give a healthy pleasant color to the face. To achieve maximum effect, you must follow a few simple rules.
Rules for the use of masks at home:
- Masks that are applied to the face, you need to keep no more than 20 minutes.
- Before applying the mask, the face is previously cleaned of make-up, slightly steamed out with warm water.
- Wash off the product only with warm water or a prepared herbal decoction.
- After the treatment, gently pat the skin with a towel, do not rub it to avoid redness.
Recipes for effective masks
You can tighten your skin with simple tools that are almost always found in the kitchen cupboard, namely:
- The pulp of berries and fruits as a mask gives the skin a haze, nourishes the upper layers of the epidermis, acts as a tonic.
- Egg yolk penetrates deeply into the pores, saturates with useful substances.
- Honey is rich in amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Using it as face masks, you will maximally enrich it with the missing minerals.
- Cosmetic clay is an excellent tool for cleaning pores, improves cell regeneration.
- Natural oils of olive, jojoba, apricot, almond moisturize the face, stabilize, saturate the missing vitamins, make the skin more elastic.
- Ground oat flakes restore the skin color, soften the dry and cracked skin, eliminate fine wrinkles.
- Aloe, which before use for several days is kept in a dark package in the refrigerator, serves as a biostimulator of cells.
Important! The course of recovery with masks is carried out throughout the month every day, then reduced to 1-2 times a week. To achieve maximum effect alternate the use of cleansing, nourishing and toning masks.
How to prepare a cleansing mask?
If you do not cleanse your face, then unlikely to help you other measures of those that can be done if the flabby skin.
Lemon mask. Preparation:
- One egg white should be beaten until foam forms.
- Add 6 grams of bran, 5 grams of lemon zest and lemon juice to the container.
- Stir, apply as a mask.
Oatmeal mask. Preparation:
- Preheat 10 ml of milk on a fire.
- Add 10 grams of ground oat flakes, 6 ml of liquid honey.
- Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, apply on face.
Potato mask. How to prepare:
- Small potatoes should be rubbed on the smallest grater.
- Add 5 ml of olive oil to the prepared raw, mix, apply on face.
How to prepare a nourishing mask?
After you have done gymnastics, cleared and leveled the face, it's time to nourish the skin with useful microelements and vitamins.
Carrot mask. Preparation:
- Medium-sized carrots should be boiled, finely grated.
- Add 5 ml of almond oil, one yolk.
- Stir thoroughly until the state of gruel.
Vaseline mask. Preparation:
- In a shallow container mix 10 ml of olive oil and almond oil.
- Prepare a decoction of chamomile, add 10 ml in a container of oil.
- Add 12 mg of Vaseline, 3 ml of liquid honey, half of yolk to the mixture.
- All components are thoroughly mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained.
- Place in the refrigerator until it cools, after which it can be applied to the face with a thin layer.
Pear Mask. Preparation:
- In a shallow container, mix 3 ml of grape seed, 5 g of sour cream, 25 g of starch.
- The resulting mixture is applied evenly, we apply a pear cut into the skin on top of the skin.
Cooking toning facial masks
Bring the skin to a tonus will also not be superfluous. And suitable for this kind of funds.
Cornflower Mask. Preparation:
- Dry cornflower flowers place in a container that can be put on fire.
- Fill the flowers with boiling water approximately 50 ml.
- Place the container on a fire, boil for 3 minutes.
- Cool the cooked broth, add 5 ml of lemon juice.
Mustard mask. Preparation:
- Mix 10 grams of mustard powder with water. Stir thoroughly until the lumps disappear.
- Peach or apricot oil should be added to the product.
Clay mask. Preparation:
- 15 g of white clay must be mixed with 5 ml of lemon juice.
- Add 6 ml of melted or liquid honey to the already prepared formula.
Flabby skin around the eyes, what to do?
In order to restore the elasticity of the skin in the eyelid zone, folk recipes are also used.
Night Mask for the Eyes. Way of preparation:
- Juice of leaves of an aloe mix with a vaseline to a state of gruel.
- Apply the mixture under the eyes at night.
Potato mask
A mask from this vegetable can be made in two ways. Which one to choose for regular use - you can decide by trying both on your skin.
Recipe No.1:
- Medium size potatoes grate on a fine grater.
- Add the finely chopped parsley into it.
- Heat the mixture on fire, wrap it in gauze.
- Apply a compress on the eyelid for a quarter of an hour.
Recipe No.2:
- Crude potatoes grate, wrap in gauze.
- Apply a compress on the eyes, after 45 minutes remove, apply on the field of the century fat cream.
Skin tightening in cosmetology salons
If you do not like to mess with making masks at home, there is another solution to the problem. Go to the beauty parlor, where you will have a great time, and the master specialists, using the latest technology and preparations, will carry out a complex of rejuvenating procedures.
During this procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed from the cosmetic salon, after which the human body starts the process of deep skin renewal.
Important! To achieve the best effect and skin rejuvenation, the procedure should be repeated regularly.
The procedure has several variations:
- Brush peeling. Special rotating brushes remove the top layer of loose epidermis, resulting in the restoration of blood circulation.
- Hardware peelings. The most effective and demanded procedures, however, they are conducted on inpatient treatment. The process is rather painful, it requires anesthesia and a month of rehabilitation.
- Cryo-peeling. The procedure is carried out with the help of liquid nitrogen, after which the body begins the production of collagen fibers.
- ANA-peeling. The process of cleaning the face with fruit and glycolic acids can be considered the most gentle method among all those described above, however, its effectiveness is not inferior to the previous ones.
- The procedure is that with the help of thin needles, special complexes with herbs and vitamins, as well as hyaluronic acid, are introduced into the skin and under it.
- After their introduction, the cells are gradually renewed, the synthesis of elastin and collagen is removed, excess fluid is eliminated from the body, excess fats are destroyed.
The essence of this technique is as follows: plasma is enriched with platelets, and injected under the human skin. The uniqueness of the procedure is that:
- After the introduction into the body, the metabolic process is immediately started.
- Improves the work of fibroblasts, the production of collagen and elastin.
- The epidermis regenerates.
Important! The rejuvenating effect persists for 2-3 years.
Suspension of flabby facial skin is carried out by the action of electromagnetic pulses:
- Due to their effect on the intercellular membranes, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated.
- The procedure is painless, but the effect will last only a few months.
Important! Experts recommend that you repeat lifting to maintain youthful skin regularly.
Painless and effective procedure carried out with the help of a special mesoroner:
- Needles, which are located on the surface of the roller, pierce the epidermis, thus, the cells begin to self-reproduce.
- Thanks to such actions, the production of elastin and collagen is enhanced.
- Special holes rejuvenating serums and mesococtails are added to the skin, which significantly enhances the result of the procedure.
- Skin rejuvenation and tightening is done by injecting under the skin a special gel based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid.
- The gel stimulates the process of rejuvenating the epidermis at the intercellular level.
Fractional photothermolysis
In simple terms, the procedure implies laser rejuvenation: thermal laser rays affect the skin, after which the dead cells die. As a result:
- Young and immature cells - on the contrary, begin active activity.
- Thus, the cell structure is renewed, a layer of healthy and young skin is formed.
Useful recommendations and recipes from the article will help to cope with the problem of sagging facial skin. What to do, how to tighten it, and how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles at home and with the help of salon procedures? Applying tips and recipes for recovery, you will in practice see that youth can be restored to youth and elasticity in many different ways and without the intervention of plastic surgeons.