- What is a canopy?
- Do I need a canopy over the baby cot?
- How to choose a canopy?
- Fastening canopy on a cot
- Doing a canopy with your own hands
- Picking up
On how the baby sleeps, it depends on his well-being, which means peace in the house. The newborn's sleep is stronger than that of an adult, but the baby needs peace and comfort. A canopy can help to create a favorable environment. Some young parents can not immediately figure out how to fix a canopy on a baby crib. This article is designed to help them.
to the contents ↑What is a canopy?
The word "baldahin" came into Russian from Italian together with the subject itself. However, in Europe a piece of cloth, designed to protect the sleeper from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding world, came from the East. The word "canopy" means "Baghdad".
In those distant times the canvases were hung in the bedrooms of noble nobles. In Asian countries, cloth could be seen above the throne. This was of practical importance - it was necessary to protect the ruler from the hot southern sun. But this fashion was adopted by Europeans, where the drapery over the throne did not so much give a shadow, as it meant the high status of the one who sits under it.
Important! The canopies were sewn from expensive materials - silk, brocade or velvet, decorated with embroidery. The canopy with the coat of arms is almost an obligatory part of the royal or royal bedroom, and precious stones were sewed so many times that it would be enough for a good estate.
Beds with canopies could be seen in the bedrooms of ordinary citizens, but the fabrics were simpler, and the decorations were more modest. This tradition has not completely disappeared and now. Adult beds with canopies can still be found on sale, and a piece of lightweight fabric over the baby's bed is the most common phenomenon that even not very wealthy families can afford. Before you install a canopy on a baby cot, you need to decide whether you need it or not, and choose the right model.
to the table of contents ↑Do you need a canopy over the crib?
This cute little thing is able to please my mother, to provoke tenderness to my grandmother and neighbors, but does she need the baby? Despite the fact that the children's canopy is very similar to the decoration, which has no practical value, some pediatricians still advise using it.
- The application of the canopy prevents insects from entering the crib.
- This simple device reliably protects the baby from dust.
- The fabric gives a shadow, even if the cot is near a brightly lit window.
- Baldahin creates an obstacle to drafts.
Important! It is impossible to reject aesthetic value. A spectacular canopy decorates the room, which means it forms a good taste for your baby, because every subject that is in the child's field of vision has educational significance.
to the contents ↑How to choose a canopy?
Models canopies differ in several parameters:
- fabric;
- the length;
- mounting method.
What is it made of?
On sale you can find models of baby cots, already equipped with canopy. You can only assemble the structure and fix the canopy on the baby cot.
What is the cloak made of? Now a variety of fabrics are used:
- natural silk;
- rayon;
- thin cotton;
- thin flax;
- organza;
- tulle;
- synthetic fabrics.
Natural linen
Natural soft materials are perfect for the baby. They are eco-friendly, do not cause allergies, do not interfere with air penetration, and in addition are beautiful enough.
Important! An excellent option - an organza that not only does not harm health and decorates the room, but also dries quickly after washing, which can not be said about cotton or flax.
Synthetic - not suitable
It's unlikely to choose synthetic materials like capron or even artificial silk. Unfortunately, such models can be found on sale, but most often they are made by inexperienced moms with their own hands.
Such material, of course, protects well from drafts, but only because the air does not penetrate into the crib at all. This lack does not compensate for even such positive qualities as the spectacular appearance and simplicity of washing and drying.
Choose the color
For the production of such items, light fabrics are usually used. Thus it is necessary to consider:
- the sex of the child;
- style of the room;
- its own preferences.
Important! There is a tradition to paint objects for boys in blue, and for girls - in pink. But no one is forced to do so. You can choose neutral tones.
The girl is more suitable:
- cream;
- peach;
- is soft purple.
The canopy for the boy can be:
- beige;
- grayish;
- is light green.
But there are no strict recommendations on this score. As for white, it is suitable for everyone. And there is always the opportunity to choose a fabric with a pattern - a small flower, with images of toys, etc.
Important! In any case, variegated and too dark materials should be avoided. Motley objects excite and distract, and dark colors contribute to the emergence of oppression.
Let's talk about the length of
Manufacturers offer baby canopies of very different sizes. Among them you will find those that cover only the top of the crib and partly the sidewalls, but there are also very long models descending to the floor. They, of course, are beautiful, but are they practical?
The short version is more convenient in all respects:
- you can quickly raise it if you need to approach the child;
- you do not risk hurry into tangles;
- the smaller piece of fabric, the easier it is to wash, and the faster it dries.
So the long canopy is appropriate only in case the room is very large. Medium and short models are suitable for all other rooms.
to the table of contents ↑Fixing the canopy on a cot
The canopy covers the top and sides of the crib. He hangs over the bed, but where? On sale you can find models with two types of fasteners:
- Ceiling. Installed permanently. This option is suitable if the crib has a permanent place, for example, in the nursery or next to the parent's couch in the common room. With any rearrangement, you have to remove the canopy and reinforce it again.
- On a tripod. Baldachin on the tripod is mobile, it can be moved around the apartment and even put on the street. This is actual, if you, for example, live all summer in the country, the baby has already grown from a stroller and sleeps in a room, then on a veranda, and even in the garden.
Determine the seat of the
Before fixing the canopy on the cot, you need to determine the place where the bed itself will stand. For ceiling models, this role does not play, since the fastening element is in any case mounted in the ceiling( sometimes - in the wall).Another thing is fixing on a tripod.
The cot can be located anywhere in the room, but there are only two basic layout options. Typically, a child's bed is located near the wall, to which it can adjoin:
- long side;
- with the short side.
In the first case, a tripod with a canopy is placed over one of the rails, in the second - to the back of the headboard.
Important! The second option is better if you want the baby to get as much air as possible. If, on the contrary, there are drafts in the room, a canopy fixed to the edge will give better protection. Both ways are suitable for country life.
What do you need?
Before fixing the canopy to the baby cot, prepare tools and fasteners. You need:
- screwdriver;
- drill;
- drill bit;
- bracket.
The bracket, which is usually included, consists of several parts. You should have:
- 2 tubes( straight and curved);
- 2 staples;
- 2 screws;
- hoop.
If all this is, we proceed to how to properly fasten the canopy to a cot. To begin with, the canopy itself must be washed, dried and patted, even if you bought a new one, not a second-hand. Next:
- Mark the side where the tripod will be mounted on the rim or back.
- Mark the locations for the screws.
- Expand the bracket elements on a flat surface - the parts are fairly large, so you do not need a white sheet.
- Attach the brackets to the straight part of the rod.
- Attach what you got to the marked place.
- Screw in the screws by fixing the structure on the backrest or the rim.
- On the canopy find the kuliska( on the wrong side there is a hole, the same as it is made for underwear in panties).
- Insert the hoop into it.
- Hide the ends of the holder under the cloth.
- Make beautiful builds.
- Connect the hoop with the curved tube.
- Attach the curved tube to the rod.
- Adjust the height.
Doing a canopy with your own hands
If the ceiling and tripod mounts do not suit you, you can make a canopy that will be attached to the wall. For this you need:
- wooden frame;
- screwdriver:
- measuring tape;
- hammer;
- pencil;
- sewing machine;
- sewing accessories.
Materials, of course, must also be prepared in advance. To make and fix the canopy, you will need:
- approximately 6 m of lightweight natural fabric with a width of 140-150 cm;
- satin ribbons or braid;
- 1 m of wooden beams 40 × 50 mm;
- 2 slats 50 cm long, 20x30 mm thick;
- dowels;
- wood screws.
First mark the wall - mark the head of the bed at a height of 1 m, there will be the middle of the bar. Then proceed to fix the canopy on the baby cot:
- Measure to each side of 45 cm and put two more marks.
- Mark the beam - put the point in the middle and at a distance of 5 cm from each edge.
- Drill holes in the wall.
- Use the dowels to secure the bar.
- To the edges of the beam, nail or fix with screws 2 racks, which must be in relation to the wall at a right angle.
- Sew the canopy on four sides or trim the sections with an overlock.
- From the top edge, set aside 60-70 cm, make a marking stitch perpendicular to the edges.
- Cut a few pieces of ribbon or braid length 25-40 cm.
- Sew the ribbon by the middle to the overlapping seam on the underside.
Important! The short part of the canopy pounces on the wooden frame, the long one hangs over the crib, and the tie is needed so that the canopy does not fall. You can make a frill along the perimeter.
to the contents ↑Picking up
An excellent decorative element will be picking up. By the way, it is suitable for the bought in the store canopy. For tightening, a thick wide tape or ribbon fits, but you can also make it from a strip of fabric:
- . Short edges bend to the wrong side for 1 cm.
- Press bends.
- Fold it in half along the length, the front side outward.
- Press the fold.
- Long edges bend to the middle and also iron.
- Stitch the workpiece around the perimeter with an ordinary stitch.
Important! Keep such a pickup can on the button, on the button or on the Velcro.
That's all, not so complicated, so you can easily fix the canopy to your baby's crib for a couple of hours. The main thing is do not rush, do it carefully and reliably.