- Computer chair cover
- Some tips to help you in the tailoring of the
- case Method 1 - Step-by-step tailoring plan
- Method 2
Did your computer chair wear out and lose its outward appeal? Do not rush to buy a new one! Solve this problem with the help of a cover. It will not be difficult to sew it. In our article, we will describe in detail several ways how to sew a cover for a chair with your own hands. With the help of a cover you will not only hide the disadvantages of the chair, but make the novelty of your interior. Another plus in favor of cases - if you get them stained, you can take off and wash. Also, you can sew several different options, and change them as you want.
to the contents ↑Cover for a computer chair with your own hands
There is no uniform pattern for a cover, as now every manufacturer makes additions and changes to each model. Pattern you will do yourself, based on the configuration of your chair.
Important! If you sew a case for the first time and doubt your abilities. Take the old unnecessary fabric to sew a test case to the computer chair with your own hands, and acquire skills.
Tools and materials
First you need to prepare the fabric and tools you need:
- fabric - choose more tightly so that it does not wear out too quickly, the color and texture are to your taste;
- centimeter and scissors;Pencil, marker, chalk;
- pins, needles, threads;
- zipper, elastic;
- tracing paper, millimeter paper, polyethylene film( not new, but clean);
- sewing machine.
Calculating the flow rate of the fabric
For the correct calculation of the flow rate of the fabric, to sew the cover on the computer chair with your own hands, you need:
- Measure all the parts in turn( width and length), in centimeters.
- Record the readings on the sheet, adding to each indicator 2 cm for allowances.
- Count the sum by width and length separately.
- Based on the width of the fabric, calculate the desired amount, adding another 20 cm to the overlap.
A few tips to help you in the tailoring of the
cover Before you begin to work directly on the instructions, take note of a few practical tips that will facilitate the process and allow you to more accurately make a cover on a computer chair with your own hands.
Tip 1
If you are making your own pattern for the first time, then make sure it is correct. It is necessary:
- To transfer the pattern to the old sheet or duvet cover.
- Cut and sweep.
- The received cover to put on an armchair.
Important! Use the pins to correct your pattern, bringing it to the ideal.
Tip 2
The fabric for the cover must be washed in the recommended mode, dried, ironed, and it will shrink. It will not be necessary in the future to add centimeters.
Tip 3
In order not to get confused in the patterns, it is better to immediately sign the individual parts. For example: "the inside of the back".
Tip 4
The material, which is very strewed, needs to be treated with an overlock or a "zigzag" line.
to the contents ↑Method 1 - Step-by-step tailoring plan
To begin with, we describe a method that even a beginner tailor can handle. You will not spend much time and energy on it. And the result will please not only you, but your household.
Disassemble the chair into its component parts:
- Spin.
- Seat.
- Armrests.
Make a pattern for each part:
- Measure the part and draw on the wrong side of the fabric or on the tracing paper.
Important! Having made a drawing on fossil paper, you will get a more accurate copy of the cover.
- Cut and transfer onto fabric.
Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the threads on the fabric, so that there is no distortion. Do not forget to make allowances for seams.
- Make allowances around the entire circumference of 9 cm.
- Cut out the part from the fabric.
Important! Take into account the corners and rounding of the parts.
Sewing the cover
To cover the computer chair with your own hands perfectly fit on the base of the chair:
- We process the edges of parts with an overlock or zigzag stitch.
- From the wrong side, we bend 1.5 cm inside, pinning with tail pins or threading.
- Straighten with a straight stitch, stepping back from the edge of the fold 3-4 mm. We still need to leave a gap of 2-3 cm, to draw in the gum.
- The required amount of rubber is drawn into each part and fixed joints.
- We put ready covers on each element of the chair.
- Picking up the chair.
Method 2
This method can be handled by a seamstress who has experience not only in tailoring, but also in cutting. We will tell you in detail about the nuances in the cut of a cover that is tight with zippers, which will be a single whole( seat, back, and side parts - all sewn into a single cover).
Important! Your cover will repeat the shape of the chair, and the seams on it will also repeat the seams on the chair. In the side seams, we sew two zippers and one down. With their help you will easily remove the cover.
Make a pattern
In this case, we need an accurate pattern. To make it faster, we need polyethylene, somewhere 1-1.5 m. Then we must:
- take a piece of film and attach it to the detail of the chair, bounded by the seams;
- level the film so that it lies as flat as possible;
- secure with pins near the seams;
- marker to outline the contours at the seams( on the film).
Important! A symmetrical part can immediately check if you have drawn it correctly. Just fold in half - ideally the edges must match. If the differences are small, circle on the middle contour. And if they are very different, it means - the pattern has been re-shot incorrectly, it needs to be remade.
The chair has a rounded shape. Of course, there will be a problem - the film will not fit snugly, respectively - will not lie flat. Therefore:
- It is necessary to straighten it on level ground, fastening with pins.
- Fold the loose part in the folds, fastening with pins, so that the film lies flat.
- Sweet can be stitched with tucks or folds according to your desire.
Important! Save the pattern - you can sew more than one cover for your favorite chair.
Determine the amount of fabric
In order not to buy excess fabric, which can be by no means cheap, and the cover on the computer chair with your own hands turned out beautiful, you must correctly perform all the measurements of the canvas. To do this,%
- Place the patterns on the floor or carpet along the width of the intended fabric.
Important! When unfolding, take into account the direction of the share thread, the allowances for seams, the specularity of some parts.
- Measure the resulting length and add 20 cm to shrink the material.
Important! Buy the material in specialized stores. Be sure to ask at what temperature you can wash this cloth. Do not take flocked fabrics - when they are washed they will snap.
Fabric cutting:
- Place the fabric on a flat surface.
- Place the details of the pattern, pin with pins.
- Make seam allowances of 1.5 cm.
- Circle with a simple pencil.
- Cut out.
Your parts are ready. Proceed to the next stage.
Sleeve cover:
- We sweep the middle part with side elements.
- We try on the decor of the chair, thoroughly examining whether the cover fits tightly on the computer chair. If in any places the fabric will be bristled, then you need to remove the defect with the help of darts.
- Removing our parts make adjustments, symmetrically on both sides, smoothly bend the fabric to the edge.
- Seam the seams with the machine in the following sequence:
- sewing the seam with straight stitch;
- cut off from the allowance for seams 0.5 cm from the edge of one side;
- cut cut off not cut off, detach along seam of sewing, receding 2-3 mm.
Important! On the front side, the postponement will look good when all the lines are symmetrical.
- We assemble the outer elements of the back and sides in the same sequence, only at the seams of the connections of the central part and the sides need to build in the zippers.
Important! Stitch lightning need to retreat from the edge of 3-5 cm, because when you connect the inner and outer sides of the case will be very thick and ugly seam.
- We sweep the inner and outer details of the cover, try on all the elements - they must repeat the contour of the chair.
- We spend 2 times on the same line.
- We spend as much as the side seam.
- We put on the chair and draw a line on the bottom of the fold. We remove, fold in half and cut off the unnecessary part, leaving 1.5 cm for seam allowances.
- We plan a seat fragment and the inside of the backrest.
- Try on the bottom - you need to evenly distribute the folds of the middle of the back, pin with pins, then take off and draw the darts with a pencil.
- We stop darts, we cut them, having deviated from the line of 1 cm, we also make a stitching on the front side.
- Sew the zipper in the lower part.
- We sweep the bottom of the resulting cover, step 1 cm and spend it.
Carrying case is ready, unzip and put on. In a similar way, you can sew a cover to any chair. Thanks to our advice and a step-by-step master class, you can update the interior of the work corner at least every six months.