- Do I need to clean the floor after removing the deceased?
- When and how do I wash the floors after the deceased?
- Useful advices:
The mystery of death has frightened people since ancient times and, unfortunately, none of us can avoid such a sad event as a funeral. Of course, we all want relatives and close people never to leave us, but this is impossible. With funerals are associated not only sad troubles, but also all sorts of superstitions and omens. It is believed that in order for a deceased person to find peace and be able to calmly leave for another world, relatives and friends who are engaged in funerals must follow the observance of all burial rites. Many people are afraid that the deceased will not return in their tracks, and they often ask how to wash the floors after the deceased - from the threshold or to the threshold. Today we will acquaint you with the basic rites and funeral rules and tell you how to properly wash the floors after the removal of the deceased.
to the contents ↑Do I need to clean the floor after removing the deceased?
Many burials and traditions are associated with the burial of the deceased. Washing the floors after the deceased belongs to a long tradition, when the floor was not washed, but swept up with a broom. The floors at that time were earthy, and our ancestors swept them, starting from the inside of the room and ending with the threshold.
Important! It was believed that this way you can remove all the ills, illnesses and troubles. After the funeral, our ancestors traced the dead man's tracks to the other side, crossing the broomstick with a road through which the deceased could return. It was from this time on that a tradition appeared to wash the floors after the deceased, so that death would not find its way back.
In addition, any deceased person, even the most beloved, carries negative energy after death. All negative energy impregnates things and the situation associated with funerals, in particular, the table and stools, on which the coffin was placed. And if you do not remove negative energy, then people living in the house close people will start to hurt without reason and even die.
So if you are puzzled by whether you need to wash the floors after the deceased, - definitely yes!
Important! As you know, negative energy is washed away by water, and it is better to use holy water for this purpose.
to the contents ↑When and how to wash the floors after the deceased?
As long as the coffin with the body of the deceased is in the house, no cleaning is carried out, otherwise there is a risk that with the garbage one can "wash" or "sweep out" another tenant.
Important! Since relatives and acquaintances come to the house to say goodbye to the deceased, all the carpets must be removed in the room.
When the take-out has already been done, the following house cleaning rules are observed:
- From the room it is necessary to take out all the things related to the funeral: cuts of cloth for the coffin cover, remaining chips, donated to the late flowers, etc.
- Table and stools on which the coffin was placedand the lid, it is necessary to turn the legs upwards and take them out to clear the negative.
- Ritual ritual of washing the floors start from the walls and the threshold and finish cleaning in the place where the coffin stood, so that the departed into the other world forgot the way back.
- After removing the body from the apartment( house), the floors in the room must be thoroughly washed with water. This can only be done by an outsider, for example, a neighbor. This procedure is necessary in order to wash the "dead spirit" from the living quarters.
Important! In no event can the floors be washed for the relatives of the deceased and pregnant women. Relatives and pregnant women like nobody are subject to negativity and danger. In addition, pregnant women can bring disaster on an unborn baby.
- Cleaning is done from the far corners towards the entrance door.
- In the place where the coffin stood, lay an ax so that there are no more deaths.
- The used water can be poured into the toilet, unlike the one washed by the deceased, which is poured away from the yard under any tree.
- A broom and a rag used during cleaning are sure to be taken out of the house and discarded.
- Wash hands with soap and hold over the candle in order to clean them from the negative.
- After cleaning, the person who washed the floors closes the door behind him and leaves.
Important! If you do not have time to wash the floors immediately, then you need to do this during the day before the arrival of all residents from the cemetery. If the floors did not have time to wash after the deceased due to the departure of all to the cemetery, offer one of the women who came to say goodbye, enter the house and repeat the ritual with the broom, crossing the road inside. After the ritual, all relatives and relatives can go to the house.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- Add a little salt to the floor washing water, because salt cleans the energy space from the negative. You can wash the room and two times - one with water and salt, and the second - adding essential oil to the water. After all cleaning, ventilate the room.
- If the floors in the house are covered with carpet and it was not removed, then sweep it from the corners to the threshold, vacuum it.
Remember that signs and rituals developed over many centuries. You can believe in them or not, but to respect the rites of our ancestors still stands, especially the guarding actions during the rest, to live as long as possible, and most importantly - happily.