- What is aphid?
- Prevention rules
- How to get rid of aphids on a lemon?
Lemon is a delicate plant and is therefore very often subjected to invasion by various pests. And as soon as aphids on the lemon occur - how to get rid of it must be solved very urgently. Otherwise, the plant will die quickly enough and you will not be able to admire its beauty and fruits. How to deal with the problem, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑What is aphid?
Aphids are the most common pest. It is a very small insect that has a light green color and a length of about 1-3 mm. Pests of this species grow very quickly in quantity and for a season can give 10-20 generations. Knowing this fact it is easy to understand why it is necessary to get rid of aphids on lemon as quickly as possible.
What harm from aphids?
Small insects suck juice from leaves and young branches, after which the leaf plate can deform, and the ends of branches twist. As a result - the plant looks already a little aesthetic and, losing its vitality, simply dies.
Important! Detecting aphids is very easy, because on the leaf it is very clearly visible. In the apartment, she gets through the open windows, and can still go with any flower arrangement. Thus, it is impossible to completely avoid the misfortune, but to start actions to kill the pest and quickly finish this struggle is a quite feasible task.
to the table of contents ↑Prevention rules
To avoid total loss of lemon, make timely care of the house plant. In this case, even if aphids on lemon appear, it will be much easier to get rid of it.
To prevent the spread of the pest, perform the following:
- Arrange lemon refreshing procedures. Wash his leaves and branches on both sides under a warm shower.
Important! During bathing, the soil should be isolated by covering it with a plastic bag.
- When expanding your flower bed, isolate the lemon until you are sure that the new individual is healthy. On the newly purchased plant there may be pests that very quickly attack citrus trees.
- Arrange a routine inspection of the lemon every day. It takes just a couple of minutes.
How to get rid of aphids on a lemon?
How to get rid of aphids on a lemon, if all the same pests have appeared? This will help the following ways to destroy them.
Laundry soap:
- Take the soap.
- Dilute in water in such a concentration that a sufficiently saturated solution is obtained.
- Wash the leaves and stem of the tree.
- After 4-5 days repeat the procedure.
Important! Usually two times is enough to get rid of aphids on lemon for a long time.
Tincture of herbal preparations:
- Take nettle or wormwood in a dry collection - 2 tablespoons.
- Boil the water.
- Pour the grass.
- Leave the broth for a while so that it is infused.
- Strain.
- Treat lemon, rubbing its parts or spraying it from the spray gun.
Destroying effect on aphids is provided by propolis elixir. To use it, use the following instructions:
- Purchase a pharmacy solution.
- Dilute it with boiled water at a ratio of 5:20.
- Treat lemon.
Important! In the calculation take a tablespoon, this amount is enough to handle a small tree .
Tobacco dust:
- Take tobacco dust - you can even take the ashes from cigarettes.
- Boil the water.
- Fill and let it brew.
- Add the laundry soap to the solution.
Important! Such a composition helps to get rid of pests already existing and prevent the emergence of new .
- Sprinkle the plant.
Important! This procedure is carried out every other day for a week, and after 5-7 days of interruption, it should be repeated again.
Garlic water
Another means to get rid of aphids on lemon is ordinary garlic. Use it this way:
- Take the head of garlic.
- Wipe through a grinder or grater.
- Place the resulting gruel into a glass of hot water.
- Leave in a dark place for 48 hours.
- Process the lemon with the infusion obtained.
- Make sure the positive result is obtained the next day.
Dichlorvos is very effective, but also extremely aggressive. Therefore, use it as a cardinal measure if the previous methods could not cope with a large pest population on your plant. To do this:
- Place the plant in a plastic bag.
- Put a fleece moistened with Dichlorvos into the bag.
- Close tightly - you can seal the place of opening with adhesive tape.
- Leave for 4-5 hours.
- Wash the leaves with water.
- If necessary, the procedure can be repeated in a week.
A lot of pest control products are sold in specialized stores. If you welcome the use of such chemistry - choose the appropriate one after consulting with the seller. Use the above disposal tips, and adhere to the rules of prevention. Then such a problem as a aphid on a lemon you will not have and the lemon will grow large and healthy.