- Types of flies and damage from them
- Methods of destroying flies in popular ways
- How to deal with insects with chemicals?
- Folk Remedies for Flies
- Prevention Measures
Flies appear in your home from the end of April to the end of September. This period they eat, live, carry unsafe for human microbes and multiply. What is the best remedy for flies? The main thing is not to let them appear in your house. Proceeding from this, it will be very effective, in this period of the year, for windows, balconies, windows, to put on special mosquito nets from insects. You can free yourself from accidentally pesting pests in the house using a sticky tape hung to the ceiling in the living room, as well as in the kitchen. But if flies annoy you on the street near a private house or in an apartment, you need to know other methods, how to get rid of flies.
to the contents ↑Species of flies and damage from them
It is rumored that flies can only bite before the beginning of a thunderstorm. But this is a false opinion, flies bite always, but one thing is true - only some blood-sucking species are vexed in this way.
Here are some of them: desert flies or manure.
But this does not mean that certain types of steel are now more pleasant. We all know how much harm this insects carry, except pain during a bite. For example, only the name itself - dung flies already makes us wish to get rid of these uninvited "guests" as quickly as possible.
Flies, including domestic ones, carry vectors of dangerous bacteria and viruses. All this happens because they climb not only on the food that is in your house, but on whatever they can find. Wastebins and places where uncleanliness reigns - this is all and is the habitat of flies.
Important! Proceeding from this, it is not surprising that even on such a small foot can easily accommodate about a million bacteria. Only she alone can bring such diseases to the house: cholera, typhoid fever, salmonellosis and others.
They strive to ruin your food, which you can afterwards inadvertently eat. This is very dangerous, so you need to know how to get rid of flies reliably and quickly.
to content ↑Methods of destroying flies in popular ways
- It is considered effective to use a vacuum cleaner to combat flies. Just collect insects with the device turned on.
- Almost all insects hate the smell of geranium, so just put this flower on the windowsill and live peacefully. Such a remedy for flies will be very pleasant for you and will fill the house with an amazing aroma.
- Get rid of flies in a wooden house will help the decoction, which includes: cloves and alcohol. In a metal cup, pour 5 grams of dry cloves, pour a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, then add 50 grams of any cologne. Wipe the edge of the window and windows with this mixture. Be sure that flies will fly around your house side.
- Ingredients that are toxic to flies: 40 grams of pepper, 40 grams, granulated sugar and 100 grams of milk. To get rid of flies, soak pieces of paper with this mixture, dry them, and then spread them into places where pesky individuals decided to live in your house.
- The strongest poisonous remedy for flies is black ground pepper. You can also add pepper to the sweet water - after a couple of days of insects as it was not.
- Saccharin is disastrous for these insects. The usual newspaper soak with water with previously diluted saccharin and honey, and then dry it. When flies appear in the house, put the bait on the table, drop a little water on the newspaper. The insects who visited the newspaper die in the near future.
- The odor of the flaxen ordinary, which is sold in a regular pharmacy, tansy flowers, castor oil, rosin - effectively repels insects. Also.these funds from flies will be absolutely safe for you.
Important! If a spider is found in the house, do not destroy it, flies will be rare guests where their enemy dwells.
to the contents ↑How to deal with insects with chemicals?
Shops that specialize in the sale of various insect control products can now be found in any city. Choose the one that is convenient for you by location and familiarize yourself with the offered assortment.
Important! Usually their composition is not harmful to humans. But despite this, for security reasons, after processing the room with such a tool, you will go out into the street for an hour or two, then return to the room and ventilate it well.
Choose a product for the purpose of
Chemicals such as "Biofly", "Agita 10" are not recommended for use in living rooms. These funds from flies are used in attics and cellars.
If you need to get rid of flies in an apartment or living rooms of a private house, ask the seller for the appropriate drugs or take the following options.
Those who produce such drugs like no other know how to get rid of these pests for a long time. That's why they offer anti-flies remedies in a different form of release, each of which is designed for specific conditions:
- Aerosol is the most popular remedy. The famous "Dichlorvos" and "Chlorophos" must be sprayed on insects, after which they are more likely to perish from poisonous chemicals.
- Fumigators with fly plates are an innovative tool in the fight against harmful insects. The principle of its operation is that a plate is inserted into a special device, that is, a fumigator. This plate is impregnated with a poison agent called vaportrin. When the fumigator is turned on, it begins to heat the plate, the active substance evaporates and kills the flies.
- Adhesive tape, impregnated with a poison solution - in the people of Velcro, is an excellent trap for flies. The surface of the tape is impregnated with a special substance, the smell of which attracts insects. There is an adhesive tape in the room. Sitting on the tape, insects stick and die.
Quickly getting rid of flies
You can quickly destroy pests with insect sprays. These funds are issued under various brands - "Raid", "Raptor", MOSQUITALL, Off, DETA and are used as follows:
- Carefully close all windows and doors in a room where a large number of flying individuals.
- Wear a respirator or at least a gauze dressing and clothing that completely covers the skin.
- Moving from the window to the exit, spray a suitable aerosol in the room.
- When you reach the door, exit the room, close the door firmly behind you.
- After 5-10 minutes the buzz stops, all insects will die. It remains only to collect and dispose of corpses.
Important! Be sure to ventilate the room and try to immediately in it is not, until the toxic substances from the flies will not evaporate. Usually this process lasts from 30 minutes to a couple of hours.
to content ↑Folk remedies for flies
It is possible to combat flies quite effectively not only with chemical poisons. There are many folk ways that are easy to use and in an apartment, and in a private house, and even on the street.
The easiest and safest way to get rid of flies
Also in the question of how to get rid of flies, a simple method will help:
- . The room where they are to be darkened( curtains) for 15 minutes.
- Open the windows, windows, balcony, doors and quickly open the curtains - they themselves will fly to the light that appears.
Important! You can act in a different way: to arrange a draft - heat-loving insects will leave their room uncomfortable for them.
Destroying flies with adhesive tape
Insects fly into a person's house for food. Therefore, to prevent their appearance, you need to keep the house clean, especially the kitchen.
Important! On the table there should be no crumbs, remnants of food or water, all products need to be folded or in the refrigerator, or covered with special plastic covers.
As already mentioned above, it is very effective to hang a sticky tape, it attracts the smell of insects that sit on its sticky part, stick, and then perish.
Important! Flies are very tenacious and intrusive insects, but they will not appear in the places where they are being destroyed.
Adhesive tape is easy enough to make and yourself. For this:
- In a metal jar put: rosin - 30 g, oil - 20 g.
- Melt the ingredients in a water bath, then add a little jam or honey to attract flies.
- Brush the resulting composition on a thick paper and hang in rooms.
The resulting self-made sticky tape will save you long from unpleasant insects.
to Contents ↑Prevention Measures
Many people extremely underestimate the real danger that comes from insects if they appear in your home. As a rule, flies lay their larvae in the peel of fruits and vegetables. Even if a person washed such a product, this can not solve the problem and if he gets into the body of larvae along with food, he is very much at risk of getting sick.
The best remedy for flies will be preventive measures that combine such actions:
- Immediately throw away the garbage, and store fresh food in the refrigerator.
- Regularly conduct a wet cleaning in the house.
- Mosquito nets on doors and windows will be an excellent barrier to insects.
Now you know about all the ways and means by which you can get rid of flies. Choose the one suitable for you in terms of safety, price, long-term result and ease of use, combine different methods and then annoying insects will not bother you.