About Crafts from plastic bottles has already been said a lot. We are talking mainly about the "poltorashka", in which many people buy soft drinks, mineral water and other beverages. And you can make something out of the container from the shampoo or detergent? Typically, these containers are made of solid colored plastic and has an interesting topography. It turns out that they can be put to use, having the desire and imagination. Proof of this - the master class by Svetlana and her son, channel sponsors "Sergeitch Master."
Many people do not buy large volume of Fairy. Such banks are heavy, they are inconvenient to use. So it is desirable to have available the most common small capacity of 450 ml.
Whatever you come up with are doing, you will first need to remove the label. Lesson is not simple, it is necessary to hold a little in warm water the whole bottle, and then scrape off the label with a knife. Try not to leave a clear scratchLine for cutouts can be noted with the help of a tea saucer. Beautiful country - it is part of a successful outcomeEnding on the cut line it is necessary to align and carefully handle fine sandpaper to get a smooth edge without burrs and irregularitiesThe edge of the jar can be issued polubusinkami on the adhesive basis are sold in stores for needlework and even Fiksprays. They just need to be carefully removed from the base and press down to the surfaceFor registration napkin, take a flower and leaves of the tapes. These can make your own or buy in the same stores. Everything can be easily mounted on the hot glueSecond half of the bottle with the neck Apply for almost as much to get the kit. That's only in this version, I decided to glue the flowers on the neckIt was very elegant, stem with flowers has become resistant due glued flat lidThat's such a sweet couple turned. Napkin-beauty will look great on the table, even on a holiday
Jar for cream or toothpaste
Bank of Fairy might come in handy in the bathroom. From it you can make a stand for the toothpaste and brushes.
Bottle should be cut in half and the lower part of the cut areaEdge follow semicircles treat sandpaper and in the middle make a thin soldering iron neat holes. Excess plastic after hot working strip the nazhdachkoyTo move away from the traditional white color of a workpiece with paint cans in yellow. By the way, normally painted plastic, without smudges and cracksWhen the jar is dry, thread through holes contrasting ribbon and tie her bowDue to the cut-out area, clearly shows that the costs for the pasta in the pot. And the bank itself is very stable, it, it is easy to wash, if necessary,
Vase Bathroom
Included with the base for the paste can be made for the bathroom small bowl, into which you can put a bunch of dead wood or artificial flowers. Just remain top of the bottle of the detergent.
The upper part of the bottle turned his short and unstable. So do it for a stable stand of the CD-ROMNeck stick to the stand hot glue on it and do the same decor as in a jar for pasta. Follow the semicircular cutouts with holes for the laces and color in yellow with the standHere is a small but pretty vase stands now in the bathroom next to toothbrushes. Trifle, but nice
If you want to see more ideas from craft such bottles, we offer to see this little 'video, which has quite original proposal:
Do you like the idea of ββSvetlana? Maybe you are doing something out of bottles? Share your experiences in the comments! We remind you that the heading "not a woman's business" is waiting for her characters and interesting workshops. The best materials, we will publish!