Convenient garden bench - groomed binding site attribute. It's not just garden furniture: it is a romantic place, where it is nice to dream, watching the stars, or curl up with a favorite book. Garden benches must meet many practical requirements, but most importantly - be reliable and durable. It is designed in such suggested to make in his master class Anastasia Gerasimova from the suburbs, the author of the YouTube-Channel Borsch-TV.
Hello everyone who has looked at this page! My husband and I bought a vacation home, now every day Equips & ennoble your site. So happens that the foreman in our family - me, because I have a carpenter dad and mom - engineer. You understand that by Osinki Apelsinka be born, so that the ballerina with my parents not work. I like to tinker with the tree, like the very different project design and implement these projects a reality. Fortunately, I have a family to have this failsafe journeyman - my beloved husband. In terms of our arrangement area was comfortable garden bench that can be put in the yard to the evening one could sit and enjoy the fruits of their labors. And that's what we've got.
Preparation of materials: no knots and zadorinok
Timber we brought into the house at the beginning of construction. They need to constantly and a lot of work. So to create a bench I do not have to separately buy something. I picked up the board that we used for rough flooring.

At the very beginning of the construction of the house my husband and I agreed that we will not skimp on the instrument. Given that almost everything we're doing with your hands, it is better to buy a good instrument than to spend time agonizing attempts to achieve results without the appropriate tools. And I must say that these costs are fully justified. After all, the tool is distinguished from a professional handyman, well, plus more skills that come with experience.

Backrest and bench frame
When all the parts are prepared, you are ready to assemble. Width my bench - 1.7 m long so that all details are exactly this size.. Seat height Traditional - 50 cm. This is slightly higher than homemade stools, but the bench will stand in the garden on the ground, so it can be a little "drown" in the ground.

Seat and back - everything has to be beautiful
When the frame is ready, it is possible to start filling. Here, all the details must be the same.

The result is such a romantic bench. Imagine: a sunset, crickets and the scent of flowers in the garden. I have it all, and you?
Anastasia - a true master, and we are very grateful to her for a detailed master class! After studying it, not difficult to repeat the garden furniture.
In addition to this material, we offer you another option - making garden benches building pallets - cheaper material, which will cost you only 500-700 rubles.
If you like the work of Anastasia or you have your own experience in the construction of such a furniture - write to us in the comments. Reminder: the heading "not a woman's business" is waiting for his heroines!
PHOTO: Anastasia Gerasimova