πŸ’‘ How can I use the remains Penoplex for decorating homes

Penoplex - the modern material for insulation, which is much stronger than conventional foam. It has many excellent characteristics, including - excellent insulating properties and durability. Penoplex successfully insulated the house, and after work are always some pruning, which can be the basis for creativity. An example of this - the work of Svetlana, a talented author YouTube-Channel "Hobby Market". Svetlana showed several options for the use of residues Penoplex for decorating.

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  • 1 Magnets on the fridge
  • 2 The original photo frame of Penoplex
  • 3 Welcome, or No unauthorized entry is prohibited
  • 4 Housekeeper, birdhouse from Penoplex
  • 5 The original panel from Penoplex residues

Magnets on the fridge

From small pieces Penoplex you can make nice souvenirs for their friends. Almost every household refrigerator magnets are decorated with different images. Why not make them their own hands and do not use, for example, photographs taken on trips, or family photos? You can, of course, just stick them to the fridge, and can be designed very original.

Penoplex Cut into small squares. It is easily cut with an ordinary kitchen knife. The only disadvantage of the process - specific sound
Penoplex Cut into small squares. It is easily cut with an ordinary kitchen knife. The only disadvantage of the process - specific sound
Prepare the image. Pictures can be printed on a color printer. The edges of the photo tear off his hands, as do for decoupage
Prepare the image. Pictures can be printed on a color printer. The edges of the photo tear off his hands, as do for decoupage
Paper easily and reliably adhered to Penoplex using conventional PVA adhesive. To leave no air bubbles, cover with foil and iron picture plastic scraper
Paper easily and reliably adhered to Penoplex using conventional PVA adhesive. To leave no air bubbles, cover with foil and iron picture plastic scraper
Use a knife to create jagged edges, as if it were stone chips. Point the blade at different angles
Use a knife to create jagged edges, as if it were stone chips. Point the blade at different angles
When pruning is not afraid to grab the edge of the picture. The more complex the resulting shape - the more natural it will look in the end
When pruning is not afraid to grab the edge of the picture. The more complex the resulting shape - the more natural it will look in the end
The edges of the blank cover dark paint: brown, black or gray. Better use of halftones. Causing the paint, grab the edge of the picture
The edges of the blank cover dark paint: brown, black or gray. Better use of halftones. Causing the paint, grab the edge of the picture
Tonirujushchim sharp edges contrasting color (white, light gray, gold) with light strokes and dry brush.
Tonirujushchim sharp edges contrasting color (white, light gray, gold) with light strokes and dry brush.
On the reverse side of the blank pencil tip extrude a small recess
On the reverse side of the blank pencil tip extrude a small recess
Fill the recess purpose adhesive
Fill the recess purpose adhesive
Put into the adhesive magnet. Now your ready to magnets on the fridge.
Put into the adhesive magnet. Now your ready to magnets on the fridge.

These souvenirs from far indistinguishable from real stones, but they are surprisingly light and be sure to stick on the refrigerator door.

The original photo frame of Penoplex

Penoplex of pieces can make the original photo frames that mimic cut tree.

Draw the shape of the patterns on a piece Penoplex and cut it, departing from the markup for a couple of centimeters
Draw the shape of the patterns on a piece Penoplex and cut it, departing from the markup for a couple of centimeters
With a knife, make a rough edge, with longitudinal grooves, as in tree bark
With a knife, make a rough edge, with longitudinal grooves, as in tree bark
To make the cut even more natural, use a sharp needle or a pen. Selling additional groove and make small holes, as if it were the work of bark beetle
To make the cut even more natural, use a sharp needle or a pen. Selling additional groove and make small holes, as if it were the work of bark beetle
Using PVA glue paste the photo on the workpiece, bleed
Using PVA glue paste the photo on the workpiece, bleed
Paint the visible edge of the frame and the edge of the photo brown and highlight a few touches of gold and black
Paint the visible edge of the frame and the edge of the photo brown and highlight a few touches of gold and black
So you can arrange home photo
So you can arrange home photo
Or make a souvenir for friends.
Or make a souvenir for friends

Attach a frame to the wall is very simple: the back of the staple gun, attach a piece of tape. You can tie a small loop of the self-tapping clip or rope threaded through the edge

Welcome, or No unauthorized entry is prohibited

you can hang a pretty label on the door of the house with an inscription or, for example, prepare a funny sign in the window of his shop

Pick a rectangular piece Penoplex and suitable size image or inscription.
Pick a rectangular piece Penoplex and suitable size image or inscription.
Glue the picture to the workpiece and directly on its surface by selling longitudinal strips, as if this board
Glue the picture to the workpiece and directly on its surface by selling longitudinal strips, as if this board
Make jagged edges with a knife, sharp needle traces imitate bark and wood veins
Make jagged edges with a knife, sharp needle traces imitate bark and wood veins
Do not forget in the same style and draw the edge of the workpiece
Do not forget in the same style and draw the edge of the workpiece
Use different shades of paint for tinting, capture an image or edge lettering
Use different shades of paint for tinting, capture an image or edge lettering
Fine brush underline all the bumps and holes that looked like an old board
Fine brush underline all the bumps and holes that looked like an old board
Add to the plate a few decorative details to your taste and thread it through the edge of the cord. The sign is ready. It is light and very pretty, let alone what it says - it is your imagination
Add to the plate a few decorative details to your taste and thread it through the edge of the cord. The sign is ready. It is light and very pretty, let alone what it says - it is your imagination

Housekeeper, birdhouse from Penoplex

Keys are often lost in the bottomless pockets or bags. Not to rush before going to work in their search, use the housekeeper, who can be accommodated in the hall.

For the manufacture of the housekeeper need a rectangular piece Penoplex. Draw on it contours birdhouse, and all that is out of its borders, select the knife about half the thickness of the workpiece
For the manufacture of the housekeeper need a rectangular piece Penoplex. Draw on it contours birdhouse, and all that is out of its borders, select the knife about half the thickness of the workpiece
These selected edges make rough on the already known technique knife and needle to mimic an old tree
These selected edges make rough on the already known technique knife and needle to mimic an old tree
house roof should protrude slightly over the edge of the workpiece, so it will take a couple of Penoplex strips with an edge in the two-three centimeters
house roof should protrude slightly over the edge of the workpiece, so it will take a couple of Penoplex strips with an edge in the two-three centimeters
Glue strips of glue PVA preform
Glue strips of glue PVA preform
Choose the right image with a bird and stick it on a birdhouse. Make a shelf for keys, glue and glue it to further secure the reliability of the back side of a pair of screws
Choose the right image with a bird and stick it on a birdhouse. Make a shelf for keys, glue and glue it to further secure the reliability of the back side of a pair of screws
Selling workpiece surface along with an image to simulate wood
Selling workpiece surface along with an image to simulate wood
Paint the housekeeper, so that all that is beyond the edge of the house was like a bark of a tree, and the house - on the painted boards
Paint the housekeeper, so that all that is beyond the edge of the house was like a bark of a tree, and the house - on the painted boards
On the shelf a wonderful housekeeper, you can put your bundle. If several sets of keys - it is possible to fix a shelf a few metal hooks screw
On the shelf a wonderful housekeeper, you can put your bundle. If several sets of keys - it is possible to fix a shelf a few metal hooks screw

The original panel from Penoplex residues

Another idea is an interesting decor that requires imagination and quite a lot of work - three-dimensional panels.

Pick up a large chunk of Penoplex and appropriate picture. This may be an image of animal proteins, fox or raccoon
Pick up a large chunk of Penoplex and appropriate picture. This may be an image of animal proteins, fox or raccoon
Glue a picture, make a jagged edge, and the surface of the panels Apply for putty, grabbing the edge of the image. Apply a putty uneven thick strokes, create irregularities
Glue a picture, make a jagged edge, and the surface of the panels Apply for putty, grabbing the edge of the image. Apply a putty uneven thick strokes, create irregularities
Brush the surface of the dark paint, including the edge panels
Brush the surface of the dark paint, including the edge panels
Tonirujushchaja all irregularities in different shades of green, brown and yellow, dry brush. Emphasize the relief of light paint protrusions.
Tonirujushchaja all irregularities in different shades of green, brown and yellow, dry brush. Emphasize the relief of light paint protrusions.
Finished work gives a feeling that the little animals look out of the hollow
Finished work gives a feeling that the little animals look out of the hollow
These panels will be a real interior decoration
These panels will be a real interior decoration

How do you like the idea of ​​Svetlana? Write about it in the comments. And in addition to these master classes we offer watch a video on how you can cut out Penoplex volumetric figures for decoration:

Perhaps you yourself have done something out of the remnants Penoplex? It is very interesting. We are waiting for your pictures with a detailed description under the heading "not a woman's business"!