How to wash a silicone baking dish?

  • Than wash out the silicone molds?
  • Method 1 - clean for 1 minute
  • Method 2 - clean for 15 minutes
  • Method 3 - thorough cleaning in 30 minutes
  • Method 4 - remove individual spots in 10 minutes
  • Useful tips

Silicone bakeware is very practical and convenient - in themwhen it burns a little, you can pick up even the most unusual form for cupcakes and cookies, light weight and elasticity contribute to the ease of filling, and when getting out of the oven, it is almost impossible to get burned. But even with the most delicate attitude to such kitchen utensils, if it is often used, or vice versa - rarely, and yet forget to clean after use, one day the question arises, how to wash the silicone mold for baking? It is desirable - for 1 minute and without much effort.

These demands seem incredible?- In vain, it is possible. What exactly for this purpose to apply and how to clean a silicone mold for baking even from malicious black carbon, you will learn from this article.

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Than wash the silicone molds?

Cleaning such baking devices will not be very difficult and long if you use one of the formulations based on:

  • soda;
  • of citric acid;
  • vinegar - 6-9%;
  • detergent for dishes.

Depending on the washing technology, the result will also differ. Therefore, for finer plaque, use more gentle formulations to avoid damaging the silicone, and to clean the silicone baking mold, more effective. In any case, each of the above means is safe - both for the material of the baking dish, and for your health.

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Method 1 - clean for 1 minute

The simplest option, which at the same time will allow you to wash the silicone mold for baking in 1 minute. Interested?- Then act this way and evaluate the result:

  1. Pour 1-2 liters of warm water into a deep plate.
  2. Pour in ½ teaspoon of vinegar and follow 1 tbsp.l.soda.
  3. Immediately, while the reaction of soda with vinegar is going on, put contaminated objects in the solution.
  4. Wait for 1 minute.
  5. Remove and rinse with running water with a sponge - the coating must be removed.
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Method 2 - clean for 15 minutes

To clean the silicone baking mold by this method, it is necessary: ​​

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of citric acid into the bottom of a deep dish.
  2. Pour 2-3 liters of hot water.
  3. Slightly stir to allow the powder to dissolve.
  4. Place the objects to be cleaned on the bottom.
  5. Leave it for 15 minutes.
  6. Directly in this solution, a little rubbing the problem areas with a sponge.
  7. Rinse with clean running water and wipe dry.

Important! This option will help to remove contaminants if burnt pastries, left the juice from berries or jam.

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Method 3 - thorough cleaning for 30 minutes

If you have not cleaned it for a long time, it's better not to spend 5, 10, 15 minutes on different methods, and immediately act so as to wash the silicone baking mold:

  1. Takeold, unsuitable for cooking a pan.
  2. Place on the bottom of the mold.
  3. Add from 2 tbsp.l.soda.
  4. Pour in the same 3 tbsp.l.your concentrate for washing dishes.
  5. Fill with water - so that it covers all the objects completely.
  6. Put on fire and cook after boiling for about 5 minutes.
  7. Leave for another 15 minutes to "leave" in the solution. It is desirable to cover the pan with a lid.
  8. Remove and rinse with clean water.
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Method 4 - remove individual spots in 10 minutes

If after the preparation of cupcakes with berries there are only single spots and stains, you can act purposefully at the places of pollution. For this:

  1. 2 tbsp.l.soda pour in a plate of juice from half a lemon.
  2. The resulting foam with the remains of soda powder should be applied directly to the stains.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Slightly rub under clean running water, rinse and dry thoroughly.
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Useful advices

In order not to think about how to clean the silicone baking mold, use the following tips:

  1. Before using for the first time after washing, rub a little vegetable oil into the surface. With the subsequent use of oil is no longer necessary to put inside - it is because of this that the deposit is often formed.
  2. To deposit quickly, immediately after removing the baking, lower the molds into a container with hot water. Leave the minutes for 5-10 - the debris will easily come off without additional cleaning agents.
  3. Before each use of silicone molds, rinse thoroughly with clean water and wipe to dryness. The material itself attracts dust very quickly, so even if stored in a case, it will have a certain amount of coating.
  4. Before you send the sauce, dough or other dish into the oven, wipe the upper contour carefully from the droplets. Then they will not bake on the surface, and you will not break your head over the issue, than to clean the silicone mold for baking from the deposit.
  5. To make the pollution not so noticeable after cooking baking with berries, buy products of a darker shade. Absorbed in silicone berry juice, even if it is not carefully shredded, will not do you harm, and aesthetic and moral pleasure will be guaranteed.

Important! Do not use aggressive household chemicals, complex acids, etc. - for this you can not only damage the silicone itself, but also provoke the poisoning of your body when you eat pastry cooked in molds with the remnants of chemistry absorbed.

We hope you decided to try our tips in practice and you managed to wash the silicone mold for as long as you planned to cope with this task. Do not limit yourself in your culinary fantasies and let you always pleasantly surprise yourself and your loved ones with just amazingly delicious, delicate and lavish pastries, and not stains on the form for its preparation.