How to clean leather shoes at home?

  • What should I avoid while wearing leather shoes?
  • How to take care of shoes from the skin?
  • Shoe cleaning
  • Caring for smooth skin
  • Care of nubuck and suede products

Shoes are one of the most your elements of our everyday style. For her, as for clothes, you need proper care. If you take care of shoes, shoes or sandals, then they will serve you very long and will please your eyes every day. Especially this rule applies to shoes made of natural material. How to clean leather shoes at home, what is needed for this - we will find out today.

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What should I avoid while wearing leather shoes?

Every person tries to purchase high-quality models from natural materials. Despite the overestimated cost, in comparison with the lower-quality products, leather goods have a number of advantages and show only their dignity during socks.

However, before you buy these products, you need to know what to avoid when leaving:

  • If your shoes are soaked, then it is strictly forbidden to dry it with a variety of heating elements. Do not use electric dryers or put products on a hot battery. It is best to leave these wardrobe items at room temperature for self-drying. You can put paper inside.
  • Do not place shoes in a damp room and do not wear wet steam. Leather items of the wardrobe are afraid of high humidity. With such careless use, they will stretch, become deformed, then dry out or be covered with mold and lose their appearance.
  • Substances such as acetone, gasoline and chlorine should not be used with regular care for shoes, shoes or sandals. They are detrimental to the material.

Important! When solving the problem of how to properly clean shoes from the skin, it is worth considering the fact that if you buy boots for the rainy season, then in order for them to dry naturally, you need about 24 hours. Therefore, it is worth thinking about buying two pairs of similar wardrobe items.

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How to take care of shoes from the skin?

The rules of cleaning shoes from the skin and care for it remain unchanged from time immemorial. That such products have served you as long as possible, they need daily care, cleaning and storage. If you follow these three principles, these products will last you a very long time.

Rules for the care of footwear from leather:

  • Cleaning of leather shoes should not be postponed. If you were on the street and dirty your shoes, then when you come home, you should immediately clear it of dirt.
  • Means intended for cleaning of footwear from a skin, it is necessary to rub 3-4 hours prior to an exit on street. You can do this procedure at night. This is due to the fact that they must be absorbed into the material.
  • After using leather shoes, it must be properly packaged and folded until the next season. For this, the products are put in a dry cardboard box. Before that, all the leather surfaces are covered with a special tool, and a lot of paper is put inside the boot - it's best for this purpose to fit old and unnecessary newspapers.

Important! Leather footwear is hypoallergenic, does not rub, does not cause inconvenience to wear, and the legs in shoes, even on high heels, do not get tired. Skin products are suitable not only for healthy people, but also for patients with orthopedic problems.

Daily steps in the care of products made of natural material:

  • cleaning;
  • drying;
  • surface coating with special tools;
  • if necessary - a small repair.
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Shoe cleaning

Shoe leather cleaning takes much less trouble than similar products from nubuck or suede:

  1. The first step is to clean all the dust and dirt from the material, and only then proceed to the next steps. Here you can wash the material with soapy water.
  2. The next step is rubbing all surfaces. If you do not have special tools, then you can simply use the skin of the banana. The white part is worth rubbing all the leather surfaces. After that, the remnants of sweet fruit are removed with a tissue from any material.

Depending on the color of the skin, a tool for rubbing surfaces is selected:

  • If you have white boots, then it is worth mixing copper sulfate and refined gasoline in equal proportions. In this case, the fuel-lubricant does not harm, but goes to the benefit of shoes.
  • Products from soft leather of any shade can be rubbed with Vaseline.
  • You can use ordinary cow milk to care for light brown and beige hues.

Important! All spots of incomprehensible origin and formed on shoes, can be eliminated with the help of ordinary juice of onion and lemon, mixed in equal proportions.

One of the most important nuances for wearing shoes from natural materials is proper storage between the seasons. If you incorrectly pack your wardrobe items then the outer surface of the shoe can become moldy. However, you can get rid of it:

  1. To begin to mix in equal proportions kerosene, water and vinegar and rub them surfaces.
  2. After that, the entire surface should be greased with Vaseline or castor oil.

There will be no trace of mold!

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Caring for smooth skin

When solving a problem, rather than washing leather shoes, it is worth paying attention to its outer surface. If the surface of your shoes or boots is smooth, then it is not afraid of short-term exposure to moisture. That is why you can wash with a soapy solution of a product made of natural material.

To clean the dirt, it is recommended to wipe the products with a cloth soaked in soap and water, then wipe with a damp cloth and wipe dry. In conclusion, you can apply a greasy skin cream or glycerin.

Important! If you have chosen your shoes from natural leather and it has a smooth surface, then it is recommended to apply a water repellent to it once every 5-6 days.

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Care of nubuck and suede products

Care of nubuck and suede products is slightly different from cleaning of leather shoes:

  • Cleaning of surfaces from dust and dirt from this material is carried out after complete drying.
  • Drying should also occur naturally - inside the boot it is recommended to insert paper.
  • Specialty brushes and nozzles for the care and cleaning of shoes made from suede or nubuck are sold in household chemical shops. They clean the nap and lift it up, smoothing it in the same direction.
  • When choosing a water repellent, you should purchase the substance in the form of a spray and apply it after each shoe cleaning, a couple of hours before going out.

Important! If you need to remove stains from the pile material, you can use refined gasoline, milk, peroxide, bread crumb, coffee grounds, ammonia - it all depends on what color your pair is.

As you can see, any person can cope with the problem of how to clean leather shoes at home.