many studio apartment associated with a lack of space, the acute shortage of "air", and hence the scope for design ideas. Today's material chosen online magazine experts, try to dissuade readers in this. You make sure that the design studio can be not only aesthetically appealing, but also functional.

Read article
- 1 Design project studio, or The attractive open plan
- 1.1 Pros and cons of planning studios
- 1.2 How to realize his dream - the intricacies of redevelopment
- 2 Receptions space zoning in the development of interior design studio
- 2.1 Sliding, fixed partitions and screens
- 2.2 Textile
- 2.3 Furniture
- 2.4 Multilevel space - floor and ceiling
- 2.5 wall design
- 2.6 Lighting
- 3 Modern ideas of interior studio 2017-2018 gg.
- 3.1 hallway
- 3.2 living space
- 3.3 Kitchen
- 3.4 Bath and toilet
- 4 Choosing furniture: Photo of interior design small studio apartments
- 4.1 Photo design studio 30 m² in the loft
- 4.2 Photo design studio 35 m² in the high-tech style
- 4.3 Photo design studio 40 m² in the style of fusion
Design project studio, or The attractive open plan
One bedroom apartment in a traditional representation - it is isolated from each other kitchenRoom and bathroom. Studio apartment It looks different - it remains only an isolated bathroom and other rooms are united in one space.

Both types of planning have the right to exist. By acquiring the studio, over time, can make it a traditional odnushku installing landlines plasterboard partitions. If you originally purchased ordinary apartment, then, the dismantling of internal partitions, you can get the classic studio.

Important! If you decide to buy a one-bedroom apartment to make alterations in it, it is necessary to the conclusion of the sale to make sure that the possible dismantling of the walls in the apartment and the acquiree partitions. It is recommended to seek the advice of any design organization, which provides services for the development of redevelopment projects.

When deciding on the redevelopment the usual one-room apartment in the studio, you should take into account its specificity.
Important! The choice of plan depends on the preferences of the owner, their rhythm of life, the number of residents.

Pros and cons of planning studios
The fact that living in an open-plan apartment does not fit all, can not be disputed: all people are different - for temperament, rhythm of life, habits, and if two people live in this apartment, they both should be comfortable. Specificity of the studio is that it is suitable for habitation by one or two people. Appreciate such a plan and a young family with one small child. A larger number of guests in the studio apartment even average area creates an atmosphere of chaos.

Thus, the studio apartment has the following positive features:
- Uniform illumination of the space with natural light is achieved due to the lack of partitions. As a result - compliance insolation premises and optimum microclimate.
- Free planning is flexible - it is mobile and can mutate, adapting to the pace of life and habits of the owner. Change the appearance of the interior is possible by means of a permutation furniture, Functional areas, the use of mobile ways of zoning - the screen, textile, Decorations (live plantsSculpture, floor lamps).
- On the practical side - the dismantling of barriers and walls increases the living space of the apartment.
- United space gives a sense of freedom and lightness, the movement becomes more comfortable between functional areas.
- The open-plan environment can implement many design direction that will look organic and stylish.
- This layout will appeal to creative people, young people, arranging home parties, or young couples, where you can look after the child, not being distracted from cooking.

There are nuances that need to be taken into account when choosing a one-bedroom open-plan apartment:
- Combining the kitchen with living space can bring a lot of problems - the smells and noise from household appliances are inevitable. This question is solved by installing sliding glass partitions.
- The kitchen should always be a perfect order, so that it does not attract attention.
- For frequent cooking kitchen in the apartment-studio is not suitable, since no extract can not cope with an abundance of steam, combustion gases and odors to be absorbed in textiles and furniture upholstery.
- Not always two people can coexist in the same space for 24 hours a day - one wants to silence and privacy, the possibility to read a book, and the second you need to see a hockey game, or listen to music at night to work at a computer. There are a variety of design techniques to create a comfortable environment, but absolute isolation will not work to achieve.
- If the area of the room is small, combined living room and bedroom. And if in the usual one-room apartment upon arrival can be in the kitchen, leaving the private space of a sealed the doorThen this will not work here.
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How to realize his dream - the intricacies of redevelopment
Redesign flat It involves the dismantling or installation of new walls and partitions. This process must be agreed upon in accordance with applicable Russian legislation. It can not be guided by purely personal desire to violate the integrity of the existing structures, especially when it comes to high-rise apartment building. Non-approval of the project redevelopment It can be obtained by:
- If the house is of historical value or is dilapidated.
- Are not permitted in the redevelopment of panel houses.
- Failure can be obtained, if such alterations carried out in the downstream flats and limit loads on the design of the house is exhausted.
- Also it is impossible to combine the kitchen with living room, if you have installed on it gas stove.
- It is important to know that bathroom and sink not to be transferred if the premises are below.

Illegal redevelopment threatens negative consequences - from fines and regulations to rebuild the destroyed design to criminal prosecution because of causing significant material damage or threat to life and health others.

Receptions space zoning in the development of interior design studio
When the equipment space studio apartments must correctly arrange the visual boundaries between functional areas. Zoning is carried out in order to create comfortable living conditions and emphasis. In one room should coexist organically - kitchen, dining room, living room, study and bedroomWhen it is necessary to take into account the privacy level of each functional zone. There are some common design techniques used for space zoning.

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Sliding, fixed partitions and screens
This is the most simple and easy way to visually divide the space. When closed, these walls create the illusion of the existence of separate, isolated rooms. If you use partitions made of transparent glass, even in a closed form, they will not affect the transparency and lightness of space. The glass may be transparent, opaque, tinted, patterned or not.

Make a private space, especially if there is a bedroom or bath seat, you can use the textiles.

The advantage of the partitions is that they protect against noise and prevent the penetration of natural light. The exterior of the walls should match the style of the room and its colors. Are deaf and sliding partitions, made in Japanese style.

Folding partitions or screens allow you to quickly isolate the desired part of the premises. For example, to isolate a berth in case the guests arrive.

A stationary baffle may remain after partial dismantling of the wall between the room and the kitchen in one-room apartment or erected plasterboard or wooden slats. The height of such walls can match room height or slightly lower. If the partition is blind, its surface can be used for TV fix, pictures or shelves, Depending on the material and permissible loads. The partition can have both a rigorous geometric and curved intricate shape. It can be through holes and resemble appearance rack - in this case it can be used to store books, CDs or decorative accessories.
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With the curtains you can quickly isolate the part of the premises. Usually this sleeping area. Cloth material, its color and texture should be organically combined with the style of interior, textiles on the windows and furniture upholstery. To create a comfortable environment in the area of sleep is recommended to use direct dense fabric. Do not overload the small room is bright translucent tulle - light and airy, it will not stand out from the accepted colors.
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furnishings play an important role in the formation of the external appearance of the premises and its division into functional zones. Use can be through or deaf rack, closet, Chest of drawers, the bar, Straight or L-shaped sofa.
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Multilevel space - floor and ceiling
one of the functional zones can effectively isolate using the podium structure, and pendant multi-level ceiling. These methods may be used singly or together when the structure arranged one above another.

Low podium between living room and kitchen It can be used to position on it dining group. Hanging lamp over the table will enhance the effect of zoning. podium is often used to sleeping equipment space - this design looks stylish and appropriate in many minimalist directions. The inner space of the podium is used as the storage location pastel linen and things.

If the room is small, then on a platform you can organize and living room, and bed make mobile - retractable design of the podium.

In a small area, but the high room will be an excellent solution loft design a bedroom located upstairs.

Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
"To enhance the effect of possible combinations by using the catwalk and the flooring material remaining space."

Multilevel plasterboard or suspended ceiling It can be used to indicate emphasis and attract the attention of a particular functional area. The ceiling may be of any configuration, but it is important to match the lines adopted in the interior. If the furniture has smooth curves, and the ceiling may be rounded. If the interior is austere, and the ceiling must be geometrically correct, with clear lines. Accent part of the ceiling can be three-dimensional figures, the dome or niche - the main thing to take into account the area and height of the room to visually overwhelm him.
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wall design
With the combination of decorative materials on the walls, you can achieve a stunning visual effect. So, wallpaper stripes can visually increase the height of the room, or expand it. Depending on the size of the picture, the wall seems to be closer to or farther. Using several contrasting colors, or one with a different level of intensity, you can focus on the desired plane.

Very popular MuralWhich is recommended for registration accent wall in the living room or dining area.
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To indicate the accent plane is used every possible decor - composition of mirrors, pictures, pictures, panel, Niches, and three-dimensional moldings panel.
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Accents help carefully selected lighting. Diode tape embedded Spotlights, Floor lamps, chandeliers, wall lamps and spotlights allow you to create an optimal and uniform illumination to identify the visual boundaries. The sofa in the living room you can put a stylish floor lamp, and above the dining table or bar to hang long fixtures. It is important that the room does not remain not illuminated corners.
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Modern ideas of interior studio 2017-2018 gg.
Free or traditional, must be taken into account in the design specifics of each room and functional areas - regardless of the type of planning studio.
The studios are often found layout options when a threshold can immediately get into the living room or the kitchen. hallway in the traditional one-room apartment - a small room with no windows, so that all efforts should be aimed at creating a bright space.

living space
The living space includes several functional areas, from the correct location which depends on the comfort of living in the apartment:
- The space, which is given under the living room is recommended to have close to a window and equipped with furniture. If you plan to use this space to sleep, then it becomes multifunctional sofa convertible. Particular attention is paid to the quality of bed. It is not necessary to clutter the living room area of unnecessary furniture - through rack will allow to arrange all necessary and designate a visual border area, TV, fitted on the wall, it takes up much less space than that It stands on curbstone. Ensure area living source of local lighting - Spot lighting or floor lamp.
- Sleeper, if you can provide a separate area for it, have as far as possible from the kitchen and bathrooms. Be sure to organize immediately things storage area. Isolate area, you can use textile curtains, screens, sliding structures.
- The workplace can be organized depending on the available space - a full writing or computer desk or modular construction.
- The big advantage to have a one-room apartment balconyAfter which the connection, living area increases. An extra area can be equipped with an office, a boudoir, dressing or sleeper.
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By combining the kitchen and living in a small apartment should be preferred embedded furniture light color with a laconic performance deaf facades kitchen units. Open shelves with dishes create an atmosphere of cluttered space. The kitchen should be bright local work light. Additional light is organized over the bar or dining group.
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Bath and toilet
To increase the area of bathroom, It is combined with the toilet. In this case, it manages to make room for washing machine. If desired, the tub can be replaced by a shower. The color scheme is recommended light - so the room will look more spacious.
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Choosing furniture: Photo of interior design small studio apartments
To one-bedroom apartment does not look "hard", it is necessary to abandon the massive pieces of furniture. It is desirable to give preference to mobile, functional model, which will not interfere with the freedom of movement between the functional areas. Particular attention should be paid to the style of the subject of performance - it must conform to the interior, to maintain his vision and color.

Photo design studio 30 m² in the loft
At first sight, loft style simple and unassuming, why it is so popular. Against the background of untreated "a bare" brickwork equally appropriate to look modern, trendy sofa and a couple of chairs with worn upholstery. Here you can find a coffee table of pallets and hastily hammered together wooden stools.

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Photo design studio 35 m² in the high-tech style
This style characterized by a clear zoning, minimum decor accent. The decoration and furniture is dominated by material chrome and glass elements. Sami furnishings have strict clean lines and muted colors of gray or silver tones.

Photo design studio 40 m² in the style of fusion
The interior in the style of fusion is different brightness and colors. It's pretty eclectic, but logical and accurately verified, in contrast to the flamboyant style kitsch. Fusion under the power to create only true professionals, a sensitive tendencies of the current time.

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